A walk in the woods


疯狂英语·新读写 2021年2期

云南 张亚辉



1. physiological /ˌfɪziə΄lɒdʒɪkl/ adj. 生理 学的;生理的

2. innately/ɪ΄neɪtlɪ/adv.内在地;固有地

3. canopy /΄kænəpi/ n. 顶篷;(尤指森林里)天篷似的树荫

4. excursion /ɪk΄skзːʃn/ n. 远足;短途旅行

Whether you call it a fitness trend or a mindfulness practice,what exactly is forest bathing? It came from an eastern country in Asia in the 1980s as aphysiologicaland psychological exercise.The purpose was to inspire residents to reconnect with and protect the country's forests.

In the 1990s, researchers began studying the physiological benefits of forest bathing, providing the science to support what weinnatelyknow: time spent immersed in nature is good for us. Forest bathing is not just for the wildernesslover; the practice can be as simple as walking in any natural environment and consciously connecting with what's around you. Here are some places to try forest bathing.

Costa Rica

With more than 50 percent of the country covered by forest,Costa Rica is a forest bathing paradise. Nearly six percent of the world's biodiversity is found here, so whether you wander through a misty cloud forest in Monteverde, hike across hanging bridges hung amidst thecanopynear Arenal Volcano, stroll along a lowland rainforest trail along the Sarapiqui River, or explore a protected forest reserve just outside San Jose city center, you'll have countless opportunities to observe wildlife and activate your senses.

New Zealand

Stand in the presence of living legends in the North Island's Waipoua Forest, where the oldest and largest kauri trees in the world live.Sacred to Māori people, kauri trees are considered “protectors of the forest”. The transition from daylight to night is accompanied by Māori songs and storytelling. Footprints Waipoua organizes walks among the kauri trees including the Twilight Encounter, led by Māori guides.


You may not immediately associate this East African nation with forest bathing. But in the Matthews Range, in the Laikipia district of the Rift Valley, ancient forests are home to many plants, cedars, wild orchids, more than 350 bird species, elephants, and one of the only populations of De Brazza's monkeys in the country—all ingredients for a sensory immersionexcursion.


Forests here are traditionally regarded as life-giving for the natural materials they provide and the spiritual needs they satisfy. It's easy to see how the abundance of fragrant flowers,medicinal plants such as māmaki, and 175 types of native trees—the majority of which are found only in this remote island chain—inspire travelers and locals to stop and smell the tuberoses.



1. What can we know about forest bathing?

A. It originated in eastern Europe.

B. It requires complex practice steps.

C. It is mainly set for the wilderness-lover.

D. It aimed to inspire residents to protect forests.

2. In which place are kauri trees seen as “protectors of the forest”?

A. Costa Rica.

B. New Zealand.

C. Kenya.

D. Hawaii.

3. What can you enjoy in the Matthews Range?

A. Various bird species.

B. Medicinal plants.

C. Māori songs.

D. Fragrant tuberoses.



Sentence for writing

The purpose was to inspire residents to reconnect with and protect the country's forests. 其目的是激励居民重新走近和保护国家的森林。

【信息提取】the purpose is/was to...意为“目的是……”。




森 林 浴

“森林浴”追求“原汁原味、返璞归真”的生态休闲理念,以森林、清泉、山石、溪涧、瀑布为基点,以高含量的对人体健康极为有益的森林空气中的负氧离子为特色, 辅以各类简约、朴素且与环境格调相一致的游憩设施,将运动健身、休闲旅游与自然山水巧妙融合,强调人与自然的和谐。

