Common Dishes


疯狂英语·初中版 2021年5期


Activity 1. Look at the pizza menu. Do you think this restaurant is cheap or expensive?

Activity 2. Write the words in the correct place on the menu.

1. Size    2. loppings    3. Drinks    4. Crust    5. Side dishes

Activity 3. Three people are waiting for pizzas. Choose the right pizza for each person.

Activity 4. Order a pizza. Choose a-f.

a) Medium size, please.

b) Yes. A green salad, please.

c) A small bottle, please.

d) Thin crust, please.

e) Cola, please.

f) I want mushrooms, please.

Hello. Can I order a pizza, please?

Yes, sir. Do you want thin crust or thick crust?

1. __________________________________________________________________

What size?

2. __________________________________________________________________

Yes, sir. What topping would you like?

3. __________________________________________________________________

Sure. Do you want any side dishes?

4. __________________________________________________________________

OK. Do you want a drink?

5. __________________________________________________________________

Large or small?

6. __________________________________________________________________

Thank you, sir. Your meal will be ready in 30 minutes.

Thank you,goodbye.

Activity 5. Do you like pizza? Would you like to order from this restaurant? What would you order? Practise the telephone conversation with a friend.


Activity 2    1. E; 2. B; 3, C; 4, A; 5. D    Activity 3    1. Peter; 2. Tim; 3. Clair    Activity 4    1. d; 2. a; 3. f; 4. b; 5. e; 6. c


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