趣味英语听力 Environmental Protection


疯狂英语·初中版 2021年6期


As we all know, environmental protection is a 1________. Understand the importance of environmental protection and how to protect the environment is 1)conducive to better environmental protection.

“The earth is our home. To protect the earth is to 2________ ourselves.” However, at present, our earth has been 2)mercilessly damaged. The most significant problem is 3________. A large number of harmful gases are directly discharged into the atmosphere without treatment, which makes it an 3)extravagant hope to breathe a fresh, clean and healthy air. Secondly, the destruction of forest vegetation. 4________ pursue economic development, a large number of forests are replaced by high-rise buildings, resulting in frequent natural disasters such as sandstorm, soil erosion, land desertification, etc. Then there is the waste of water resources. Every minute in the world, people die 5________ water. What human beings can really use is a part of rivers, lakes and groundwater, accounting for only 0.325% of the total water volume of the earth, and the distribution is uneven. If we 6________ water resources, the third world war will break out because of water resources.

In the face of such a severe situation, each of us should 7________ the team of environmental protection, starting from every little thing in life. First of all, we can save water and electricity. There are seven billion people in the world. If every one saves one kilowatt hour of electricity, it will save seven billion kilowatt hours of electricity, which will save a lot of raw materials for 4)thermal power generation. Secondly, we can 8________ the use of disposable chopsticks and plastic bags, which will greatly reduce waste pollution. Finally, we can join some environmental organizations and call for more people to join in the action of protecting the earth.

Environmental protection is an 5)unshirkable responsibility and obligation of everyone on the earth. Everyone loves “earth mother” more, and our earth will be more beautiful.

1) conducive [k?n?dju?s?v] adj.使容易(或有可能)发生的

2) mercilessly[?m??rs?l?sli] adv.无情地;残忍地

3) extravagant [?k?str?v?ɡ?nt] adj.奢侈的;挥霍的;铺张浪费的

4) thermal[?θ??ml] adj.热的;热量的

5) unshirkable [?n'???k?bl] adj.无法逃避;无法逃避的


a large number of属于“名词+介詞”形式的短语结构,意思是“大量,许多”,只可以修饰可数名词复数形式。

例如:I have a number of letters to write today.



1. hot topic    2. protect    3. air pollution    4. In order to

5. because of    6. waste    7. join in    8. reduce

