Saluting to Heroes: Carry Your bream with Me 致敬英雄:携梦同行


疯狂英语·初中版 2021年6期




Without heroes in the war, all of us can't live in a peaceful life. It is the contributions made by them, the frontier guards, that our country can stand tall and the mountains and rivers remain safe and sound.

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, our school carried out a campaign to mourn the martyrs. My classmates and I saluted the of guarding the border. After reaching the destination, the atmosphere there in front of the monument was a deep touch of sadness. Seriously, we sang the national anthem at first. After that, we mourned those brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives to serve the country and its people. For three minutes, no one made a single sound. We could feel the heartbeat of the earth and even could hear the voice of the sunshine falling onto the ground. A strong sense of responsibility came flooding into my mind. I felt like going back to their old times as if they were speaking to me heart to heart. The dream of the sacrificial warriors is our dream. We should shoulder this particular responsibility even if such spirit is not often found in daily life. But every time I feel the touch, it does move us forward.

While mourning the warriors, suddenly, I was reminded of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for protecting our country at the Calevan Valley. The battalion commander, Chen Hongjun, and the soldier, Chen Xiangrong, did their best to counterattack. Xiao Siyuan who is both a sincere friend and an honest soldier, broke through the enemy's encirclement and returned back to help others out. The most sincere help in that battle was from Wang Zhuoran. He tried to protect others from the enemies, but lost his own life. There is no denying that they, the frontier guards, are the real heroes.

From time to time, I keep asking myself what the meaning of life is? I've failed many times to get it right until I read the shocking news of these frontier guard heroes. They gave me a completely powerful answer. The meaning of life does not lie in the moments you breathe, but the influence you made on others.

“Please never be worried about what is ahead, for we are ready to carry your dream with us. May you peace and love.” I said quietly, standing in front of the monument.


第八批在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回国 各界群众夹道迎烈士归来
An Interesting Lesson:潘奕函
My Favourite Book:周鑫玚
My Dream