Pub Quizzes


疯狂英语·初中版 2021年10期


Activity 1

Before you read, decide which word(s) (1–3) go(es) with which meaning (a-c)

a. one part of a quiz that has many parts

b. be the one who has to make sure that everything happens in the right way

c. a number that shows who is winning in a competition

Activity 2

Write a word or words from Activity 1 in each space. You may need tochange the word or words.

1. The quizmaster_______ of the pub quiz.

2. The team with the most ______ wins.

3. There are different ______, each about a different subject.

What language do they speak in Brazi!?

How hot is the sun?

If you can answer these questions, maybe you'llenjoy a pub quiz.

Pub quizzes have been popular since the 1970s.The person who is in charge of the quiz is called thequizmaster. The quizmaster makes the questions andreads them. The people who answer the questionsmake the quiz teams. They also have to choose aname for their team, and they must write the name oftheir team on the same piece of paper as their answers.

There can be several rounds in a quiz. Each round can be about similar things,or there can be lots of different kinds of questions in a round.

Examples include questions about history, geography, science, sport, TV andfilms, and music.

What can you win? If you have to pay to be in the quiz, usually there is a moneyprize. In other quizzes you can get free drinks if you win.

Some people try to win by using their mobile phones to look for answers, and thatis a problem. You can lose all your points if the quizmaster finds out that you are usinga phone or the Internet!

Activity 3

Read each sentence and decide if it is True(T) or False(F).

1. A pub quiz is played by teams that answer a quizmaster's questions.

2. You don't need to write down your answers in a pub quiz.

3. Most pub quizzes are about sport.

4. The prize is usually a holiday.

5. People mustn't use their mobile phones to look for answers.

Activity 4

Look at these sentences:

...they must write the name of their team...

...there can be several rounds..

Can and must are called modal verbs in English. Their form never changes,so you never add –s or –ed or –ing.

We use "must" when we need to do something and "mustn't" when it'simportant not to do something.

We use "can" when something is possible or we are able to do it, or "can't"when it's not possible or we are not able to do it.

Choose the best word for each space.

1. You _______ touch the ball with your hand in basketball, but not infootball.

a. can

b. can't

2. You ________ study if you want to pass the test.

a. mustn't

b. must

3. If you play, you _________ win many different prizes.

a. can .

b. must .

4. I _________ swim, I never learned.

a. can

b. can't


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