Review on 1921–A Gift for ourDearest CPC 《1921》影评——献给亲爱的共产党的礼物


疯狂英语·初中版 2021年10期


Our Communist Party of China has turned 100 years old! What could be a bettergift than a film dedicated to record its glory. The movie “1921” was released for sucha purpose. Every detail about it was extremely successful. Watching it, I sank intodeep thoughts.

The year 1921 was a glorious year, as the CPC was officially established. Yetit was also a year of chaos and indignity when China was broken up brutally bythe invaders. This film shows 13 determined youth from all over China joined inShanghai in the year 1921.They chased the firm goal of saving our country and ourcompatriots. Under the leadership of Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, the first NationalCongress of the CPC was successfully held in Shanghai on July 23rd,marking theofficial establishment of this advancing party. Then in the movie, monochrome clipsof exploding bombs trembling the earth; heartwarming videos of soldiers supportingthe wounded to hold up our flag; proud scenes of younger generations visitingmemorial sites flashed by. This showed the beginning of a new era for China.

Darkness" was the word for the period of time before the birth of the CPC. Itwas a time when our people standing on our own land, could only be allowed to pressthemselves at the gates of a chateau, staring wide and hungrily yet helplessly whilethe invaders celebrated, partied and feasted (scene in the movie). "Hope" was theword for the birth of the CPC. The hope Mao Zedong painted by dashing through thestreets of Shanghai, risang his head to look forward; the hope Li Dazhao displayedby climbing onto the roof to hug the rising sun, crying out to wake the entire city; thehope every single one of the young faces showed as they saw faith slowly turninginto reality, smiling to all of China (all are scenes in the movie). It was more thanhope the CPC had brought, it was guidance, it was love.

Yet as the film clearly shows, the creation of the CPC was not an easy process.I will never forget the worry I felt, when I saw the first members of the CPC underendless chase from their suppressors and holding each meeting under alert andtension, for any moment they might be shot down to their deaths. I will never forgetthe pain I felt, when I saw hero after hero sacrificing, each only with the worryfor China in their eyes, yet their sprays of blood and thuds of their bodies alreadypiercing my heart. I closed my eyes to commemorate them; I closed my eyes tothank them. To thank them for still standing tall and unwaveringly despite of therisk of losing their lives; to thank them for their devotion, their selflessness andtheir bravery; to thank them for guiding our country to be peaceful, lovable andprosperous.In glory of the CPC,we no longerhave to live in fear. We can live, speak andact with the assurance that we are protectedand that we are loved.

There is one last scene in the film whichI must share with you. At the end of the film,there was a little girl with the cutest eyes and the cutest smile gazing up at our flag.She held the same faith in her eyes like our revolutionary leaders did. This filmhasn't ended and our generation is the sequel. “1921” isn't only our history, but italso lays a path for our future. Watch “1921" to enjoy it's amazing plot and dive intohistory, but also watch it to let it become your star shining and guiding you into agreater tomorrow.

Let “1921” become a motto.

