Spain is trialling a four-day working week todetermine if it could help companies and workersbecome more productive. The owners of LaFrancachela restaurant decided to adopt a 32-hourweekly shift after the first COVID-19 lockdown, asthey had to work while looking after their children.They commented it had made them realize theimportance of having a work-life balance. "Private lifeand family life are also parts of the economy. They alsoneed to be taken care of, and we need to put them first."said Maria Alvarez, a co-owner of La Francachela.By reorganizing schedules and introducing simpletechnology improvements, like taking orders viaWhatsApp, Alba now does her work for fewer hourswithout a salary decrease.
Being kicked out of a reality TV show might not besomething worthy of celebration, but for one Russianman it was a dream come true - and the latest twistin his unlikely journey to becoming an icon of Chineseslackers. Vladislav Ivanov - better known by his stagename Lelush - is one of the hottest stars on the Chineseinternet nowadays. Hashtags and memes featuring hissulky, bored face dominate social media, as thousandsof youths have embraced the 27-year-old model asthe new symbol of "sang wenhua", a youth sub-culturecentered on pessimism and apathy.
A study of 2,000 UK professionals finds 79%will tuck into their food as they work, so they can usetheir "lunch break" to do other things.Just one in fiveworkers use their lunch break to actually eat every day- with most using the time to catch up on personalerrands and browse social media instead.WatchingYouTube videos, walking the dog and playing withapps on their phones are also among some of the wayspeople spend their lunch break.According to the study,approximately 40% of respondents would like moretime to pursue hobbies and interests during their lunchbreak, as they feel work has completely taken over. But67% will frequently skip their midday meal altogether,with the average person only managing to take a properbreak from their work three days a week.
This replacement of humans with machines maypick up more speed in coming months as companiesmove from survival mode to figuring out how tooperate while the pandemic drags on. Robots couldhave replaced more than 2 million workers inmanufacturing alone by 2025, according to a recentpaper by economists at MIT and Boston University."This pandemic has created a very strong incentiveto automate the work of human beings," says DanielSusskind, a fellow in economics at Balliol College,University of Oxford, and the author of A WorldWithout Work: Technology, Automation and How WeShould Respond. "Machines don't fall ill, they don'tneed to be isolated to protect peers, they don't need totake time off work."
Harassment in the workplace is widespread inSouth Korea as about 70% of employees are reportedlyaffected. South Korea has introduced tough new antibullyinglaws for workplace with penalties that includejail for employers in some cases.Workers will be ableto report behaviors such as gossiping or being forcedto attend company functions.Victims will also be able toapply for compensation if they develop health problemsdue to the harassment at work.