

世界建筑导报 2021年2期

福斯特建筑事务所是一家致力于可持续发展的全球性设计工作室,从事建筑、工程、城市和工业设计,由诺曼·福斯特于1967 年创立。从那时起,福斯特及其团队便以享誉全球的周到和开创性设计开展了国际业务。事务所的办公室遍布全球,都作为独立的工作室在开展工作,关注种族和文化上的多元化。工作室将建筑技能与工程、结构和环境、城市主义、室内和工业设计、模型和电影制作、航空学等融合在一起——他们的工作环境类似一所紧凑的大学。这些不同的技能使他们有能力处理各种各样的项目,特别是那些相当复杂和规模宏大的项目。设计是他们做事的核心。他们设计建筑、空间和城市;他们倾听,他们质疑,他们创新。

工作室通过下列建筑项目建立了国际声誉:如纽约圣玛丽斧街30 号的赫斯特总部 ,俗称小黄瓜的伦敦金融城,法国的高架桥,德国柏林的国会大厦,大英博物馆的大法院,汇丰银行香港和伦敦总部, 伦敦的ME 酒店, 法兰克福的德国商业银行总部,西班牙毕尔巴鄂地铁,加里艺术中心(尼姆),阿布扎比酋长国的马斯达尔环保城,以及加州斯坦福大学的研究中心。最近的作品包括西棕榈滩的诺顿艺术博物馆、凯斯西储大学的萨姆森展馆和俄亥俄州的克利夫兰诊所、悉尼的杜奥中央公园、加州的苹果总部、伦敦彭博社的新欧洲总部和费城的康卡斯特技术中心。目前,涉及到的项目包括瑞典的新斯鲁森总体规划、科威特国际机场以及纽约公园大道425 号。


Foster + Partners is a global studio for architecture, urbanism and design, rooted in sustainability,which was founded over fifty years ago in 1967 by Norman Foster. Since then, he and the team around him have established an international practice with a worldwide reputation for thoughtful and pioneering design, working as a single studio that is both ethnically and culturally diverse. The studio integrates the skills of architecture with engineering, both structural and environmental, urbanism,interior and industrial design, model and film making, aeronautics and many more — our collegiate working environment is similar to a compact university. These diverse skills make us capable of tackling a wide range of projects, particularly those of considerable complexity and scale. Design is at the core of everything that we do. We design buildings, spaces and cities; we listen, we question, and we innovate.

The studio has established an international reputation with buildings such as the Hearst Headquarters in New York, 30 St Mary Axe, popularly known as The Gherkin, in London, Millau Viaduct in France,the German Parliament in the Reichstag, Berlin, The Great Court for the British Museum, Headquarters for HSBC in Hong Kong and London, the ME Hotel in London, Commerzbank Headquarters in Frankfurt, the Metro Bilbao, the Carréd' Art Nîmes, the sustainable Masdar development in Abu Dhabi, and research centres for Stanford University, California. Recent work includes the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, Samson Pavilion for CWRU and Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, Duo Central Park in Sydney, Apple's headquarters in California, Bloomberg's new European headquarters in London and the Comcast Technology Center in Philadelphia. Currently, the practice is involved in projects such as the New Slussen Masterplan in Sweden, Kuwait International Airport, and 425 Park Avenue in New York.

Today, the global challenges of population explosion, inequality, rapid urbanisation and environmental degradation present us with a unique and complex set of problems. As a multi skilled studio, driven by sustainability and led by architects, we can make an important contribution to the resolution of these conflicts.

