

科教导刊 2021年30期







Teachers Should Improve their Inquiry and Practice Ability

YU Bojun


YU Bojun

Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Teaching and Research Office

Primary School Science Teacher

Core Member of Science Curriculum Standard Revision Group of Ministry of Education

In the implementation of science curriculum, cul? tivating students’ inquiry and practice ability is not only an important goal, but also one of the important characteristics of science curriculum. To cultivate stu? dents’ inquiry and practical ability, we need to give students sufficient time and space to carry out inqui? ry and practical activities in person, which has be? come the direction of science course and has been well implemented in many areas in practical teaching.

In practice, we find that teachers’ own inquiry practice ability will affect students’ learning interest and ability level. An excellent science teacher should not only have extensive scientific knowledge and pro? found understanding of science, but also have strong exploration and practice ability, so as to better carry out science teaching and encourage and guide stu? dents to learn science well. The inquiry practice abili? ty of science teachers mainly includes scientific inqui? ryability,hands-onproductionability,information technology application ability and so on.

Scientific inquiry ability stems from human curi? osity and thirst for knowledge of natural phenomena. Science teachers should have curiosity and thirst for knowledge, maintain the desire to explore the sur? rounding world, and consciously carry out exploration activities. If you find an insect, you want to know its name, living habits and its relationship with human beings; When you see a wild flower, you will ob? servethesurroundingenvironment andexplorethe survival of plants; When you see a certain phenome? non, you will not draw a conclusion casually, but ex? plore the reasons through observation and experiment. Teachers’inquirybehaviorwillimperceptiblyaffect students’ daily learning and reflect the power of ex? ample in their imperceptible behavior. In teaching, science teachers should put down their posture, ob? serve and experiment with students, and carry out in? quiry activities together. We have always advocated that science teachers should "do the observation and experiment activities on the teaching materials first" whenpreparinglessons,imitatestudents’cognition and practical level, and carry out inquiry experience.This is equivalent to Chinese teachers writing water compositions, mathematics teachers solving mathemati? cal problems, music teachers practicing music, and physical education teachers training skills. We should grasp the characteristics of different disciplines in les? son preparation. Only in this way can teachers better understandthestudents’learningsituation,master the key points of learning, grasp the difficulties of teaching, aim at the target and improve the efficien? cy of classroom teaching.

Hands on production ability means that science teachers should not only be able to use all the equip? ment in the instrument room, but also make some simple teaching equipment by themselves. The produc? tion of teaching aids can better reflect teachers’ prac? ticalability,problem-solvingabilityandinnovative spirit. At the same time, it can also reflect teachers’ understandingandgraspofteachingmaterials,the useofpracticalproblem-solvingstrategiesand means, and reflect teachers’ scientific literacy. Mak? ingteachingaidsbyhandcannotonlyexercise teachers’ practical ability, but also an important way to cultivate practical innovation. The innovation abili? ty of primary school students is most easily cultivat? ed in hands-on practice. When making a work, stu? dents should solve some specific difficulties. This pro? cess is not only the process of cultivating students’ interest, perseverance and sense of achievement, but also the process of forming innovative consciousness and cultivating innovative ability.

The application ability of information technology means that science teachers should have the ability to select and use to get the support of extensive edu? cational resources. The application of information tech? nology in teaching can further stimulate students’ in? terest in learning, provide students with more and higher quality scientific information, adjust teaching progressaccordingtothedifferencesofstudents’ learning ability, improve learning efficiency, cultivate students’ ability of active learning and lay the founda? tion for lifelong education. The application of informa? tion technology in classroom teaching is one of the characteristics of the development of today’s era. In allplaceswithconditions,informationtechnology should be used as much as possible, such as various audio-visualresources,computersoftware,network and so on. Science teachers should strive to learn in? formation technology and apply it to teaching prac? tice, such as PPT production, animation production, micro class andshort video production, whiteboard use, AI technology use, etc., which is also the perfor? manceofscienceteacherskeepingpacewiththe times. Excellent science teachers will continue to ex? plore, organically apply the latest information technolo? gy to their teaching practice, deeply integrate informa? tiontechnologyandscienceteaching,andimprove teaching quality.

