由于作者的疏忽和编辑把关不严,杨井志成, 罗菊花, 陆莉蓉等发表在《湖泊科学》2021年第2期507-517页的论文“东太湖围网拆除前后水生植被群落遥感监测及变化”(DOI: 10.18307/2021.0228)中的前言部分述及的浮游藻类指数(floating algae index,FAI)和后文提出的藻类指数(FAI)使用了同一个缩略语FAI表述,容易造成读者误解.由于FAI在相关文献中已经广泛使用,本文提出的藻类指数应该改为AI(algae index,AI), 对应的1.4节所有段落、表2、图2部分的FAI均应该是AI.
Corrigendum to “Changes in aquatic vegetation communities based on satellite images before and after pen aquaculture removal in East Lake Taihu”(DOI:10.18307/2021.0228)
The corrigendum is for the following paper published by Yang Jingzhichengetal“Changes in aquatic vegetation communities based on satellite images before and after pen aquaculture removal in East Lake Taihu”(J.Lake Sci., 2021, 33(2): 507-517.DOI:10.18307/2021.0228).Due to the carelessness of the authors and the editor, theFAIfor algae index in Chpt.1.4, Fig.2 and Tab.2 is misused, which should be presented as algae index(AI).TheFAIwas a common abbreviation for floating algae index as indicated in Preface and references, such a misuse could lead a misunderstanding for the readers.
In addition, the legends on the upper two figures in Fig.3 are redundant, which is a casual mistake during proof-reading and should be deleted.
We regret for the inconvenience to the readers.