

疯狂英语·爱英语 2021年12期



Imagine a world where every car or plane, every patient, every building, or even entire cities have their own virtual, realtime computerized replica (复制品)—a digital double.

That concept is known as the digital twin. It is a virtual representation that serves as the realtime digital counterpart of a physical object or process. Basically, we have a physical element thats connected to the Digital Model (Twin), which enables realtime monitoring, analysis of data, issues prediction and more. New applications are discovered every day.

“If in doubt, clone it.” could be the mantra(口头禅) of the next generation of engineers, construction managers or doctors. More than just simulation, digital twins take information from Internetconnected objects using sensors, software, and control systems—Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They measure data like temperature, position, air quality or speed to adapt and improve design or function.

For realworld entities(实体) like bridges, buildings and other large construction projects, this is hardly new. Engineers have used sensors and other devices to gather this information for decades. But the falling cost of IoT devices connected to the Net allows digital twins to use data almost instantaneously to see the effects of changing conditions, and then make adjustments rapidly.

In construction, that means buildings become safer and cheaper to build because digital twins have access to real weather, structural and stresspoint data. Bridges like the Queensferry Crossing in Scotland, for example, use waterlevel and wind speed threshold measurements to improve safety and manage traffic flow.

In health care, the digital twin concept means creating computer models of disease or even a virtual human body. Personalized medicines or treatments could then be developed using a medical twin of each patient.

Filling in the blanks for individual organs using body datalinked digital models like Philips virtual heart or the Blue Brain Project is just the start. The idea of a medical twin that takes wholeperson data from health trackers—including heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and other vital signs, and then advises on ways to improve our lifestyle which could cut out health problems before they begin.

1. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Digital twins effects.

B. The types of digital twins.

C. New applications benefits.

D. The definition of the digital twin.

2. What does the underlined sentence“If in doubt, clone it.” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Using the method of cloning is alternative.

B. The digital twin is the solution to problems.

C. The next generation of engineers are good at cloning.

D. Internet of Things devices function well if cloned.

3. What do we know from the fourth paragraph?

A. Entities hardly use digital twins.

B. Engineers need decades to gather information.

C. Sensors will be used to get information.

D. Lower Nets price makes the digital twin work better.

4. Whats the advantage of using the digital twin in health care?

A. It can prevent you from falling ill.

B. It can solve health problems in advance.

C. It can help patients get special medicines or treatments.

D. It can provide patients with developed health care.

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

Basically, we have a physical element thats connected to the Digital Model (Twin), which enables realtime monitoring, analysis of data, issues prediction and more. 從根本上说,我们有一个连接到数字模型(孪生)的实体元素,它可以实现实时监控、数据分析、问题预测等。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,句中that引导定语从句;which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the Digital Model (Twin)。

Ⅱ. Textcentered chunks

be known as 以……知名;被认为是

serve as 充当

be connected to 与……连接

for decades 几十年来

cut out 停止;裁剪;消除


新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2
经销高仿复制品 本小利大