

科教导刊 2021年15期








Cultivating the Ability of Target Orientation

LI Deqiang

LI Deqiang

Deputy Editor in Chief of Science Textbook of People’s Education Hubei Education Press

Vice Chairman of Primary School Science Teaching Steering Committee of Hubei Provincial Department of Education

Excellent Expert in Yichang City, Hubei Province

In classroom teaching, it is the fundamental re? quirement to carry out teaching activities around the teaching objectives. What kind of teaching objectives should be matched with the teaching process. But in fact, the phenomenon of "two skins" between teach? ing objectives and teaching process is very common. The reason is that the goal cannot enter the mind and heart is the key. Further questioning is to weak? en the process characteristics of goal setting, and the lack of teachers’ goal positioning ability is the main problem.

Target positioning is the same as using satellite system to find the location of an observation point on earth. The "position" of a course also needs to be set out from many different dimensions or direc? tions such as students, courses, textbooks, discipline associations, and finally converge on a certain point, which is the core of the goal. It seems that everyone knows this truth, but it is not easy to do it and do well, because the goal orientation is an analysis, re? fining and expression process, and it is a manifesta? tion of ability. This ability is formed by accumulation andtemperinginthelong-termteachingpractice, which is quite different from the common copying or simply overlapping in teaching practice. Because of itspracticalandcomprehensivecharacteristics,sci? ence curriculum needs more efforts of science teach? ers in the training of target orientation ability.

First, we should wake up the consciousness of target orientation. Teachers are setting teaching goals almost every day. Why should we wake up? We did a survey of the goal shaping process a few years ago, but unfortunately, the results of the interview have not changed much compared with the previous ones. Many teachers are still used to drawing gourds asusual. Althoughtheyhaveteachinggoals, they lack the process of positioning goals. Some teachers will have a macro to micro theory, but once they reach the specific teaching objectives, they will be far from each other. The background of these situa? tions is complex, but it is very realistic to meet the ready-madegoalsavailable,stopat"trees"rather than open or not open up "forest". It is not too much to say that their goal orientation consciousness is sleeping. The important way to change this dilem? ma is to implant the concept of "positioning" in the deep of teachers’ thinking and sublimate the practi? cal significance of "positioning".

Secondly, we should understand and enrich our own knowledge structure“The relevant theory of "sub? ject teaching knowledge" tells us that practical knowl? edge is the main knowledge base of teachers’ profes? sional development and plays an irreplaceable role in Teachers’ work. The process of target orientation is the embodiment of practical knowledge. In the forma? tion of science teachers’ goal orientation ability, we need to constantly seek dialogue with theory in prac? tice, and create our own subject teaching new knowl? edge, rather than simply force theory into practice. This means that science teachers should take such a road of development: in the specific goal setting activ? ities, starting from the four dimensions of scientific knowledge, scientific inquiry, scientific attitude, sci? ence and technology, society and environment, they should look down on the foundation, look up on the direction, and connect with each other, and then test thescientificityandrationalityof thegoal inthe teaching implementation after the initial formation of the goal, From the theoretical point of view to find the basis for the explanation, and then make further adjustments to the goal. So repeatedly, long-term ac? cumulation, will have a wealth of practical knowledge of target positioning, ability will also be improved. In this process, there are two biggest problems for Sci? ence Teachers: one is autonomous reading. In many people’sminds,scienceteachersshouldexercise more hands-on ability, and reading is not important or even ignored, which is a great misunderstanding. In the process of target orientation, reading is always accompanied. Before seeking a dialogue with the theo? ry, teachers should know where the theory is; In the dialogue, we should clarify which theories are avail? able; After the dialogue, understand what the theory gives me. And it’s all about reading. The second is toimproveincomparison.Manyscienceteachers have been at the same level for many years. Why? One of the important reasons is the lack of goal anal? ysis. After class, the goal will be "lying" in the text? book, and will be used next year, which undoubtedly makes teachers lose the opportunity to achieve the development of goal positioning ability. Therefore, the early goal after the dialogue with the theory, should produce the follow-up improvement goal. This pro? cess of comparison and improvement is an important step to promote the formation of science teachers’ goal orientation ability.

Third, we should temper in dynamic adjustment. Thegenerativecharacteristicsofstudents’activities determine that the orientation of goals has a dynamic stage. An important criterion to judge the ability of target positioning is whether the target can be correct? ed in time according to the learning situation when facing the students’ activities. It is worth noting that most science teachers only pay attention to the stu? dents’ cognitive level and experience, but lack the re? al-time observation and judgment of students’ class? room activities, which is the key to dynamically ad? justthegoalandaccuratelyposition.Insistingon playing the guiding role of goals in judgment and ad? justment will not only bring about the high consisten? cy between teaching goals and teaching process, but also the continuous improvement of teachers’ goal po? sitioning ability.

In a word, the ability of target orientation is the key ability in the implementation of teaching, which should be developed consciously and actively, which may become an important entry point to realize the turning point of teachers’ teaching level.


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