妙用五招 文采飞扬


教学考试(高考英语) 2020年3期





如2016年10月浙江省高考英语读后续写,所给原文讲述的是女主人公Jane与丈夫Tom在野营过程中发生争吵赌气独自走开,随后迷路的故事。续写部分第一段所给的句子是“But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again...”。分析原文语境和本段开头句可知,本段续写内容可以预设为女主人公Jane天黑陷入困境之后的内心活动。如果考生采用“Jane was alone in the dark wilderness,feeling very frightened.”之类的概括性语言,记叙就会显得呆板空洞,缺乏语言魅力。考生可以抓住关键字眼“it was getting dark again”,并结合原文语境,以五种感觉为抓手,对当时的自然环境细节进行渲染,以烘托女主人公Jane的内心状态:

But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky,weakly shining in the moon-eclipsed darkness.(视觉)The shrubs were standing in the distance like human figures,appearing to be ready to attack anybody in sight.(视觉)The leaves were rustling as if some monsters were advancing towards them.(听觉)At that very moment,the atmosphere seemed to be permeated with blood-sucking beasts.(嗅觉)She scratched her head,only to find it was bleeding.(触觉)She slapped herself on the face,regretting that she had lost her mind over trivial details.




如2020年1月浙江省高考英语读后续写,所给原文讲述了小主人公深情地告别父母和宠物狗Poppy去上大学,之后Poppy因为思念小主人公而茶饭不思,小主人公父母买来了另外一条宠物狗,希望可以安抚Poppy的故事。续写部分第一段的开头语为“Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.”。分析原文语境和本段开头句可知,本段续写内容可以预设为“两条狗之间的互动情况”和“父母与两条狗之间的互动情况”。如果考生采用“Poppy was very happy to see a new friend after some hesitation and they soon became close friends.In the end,the boy’s parents felt relieved.”之类的概括性的语言,描写就变成了流水账,毫无画面感,也无法引起读者的共鸣。此时,考生可以聚焦两条狗互动的镜头,以及两条狗和小孩父母的互动镜头,然后创意拼接,烘托出一条新的小狗到来之后家庭氛围的巨大变化——告别了“The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there.”死气沉沉的氛围,迎来了家庭生机:

Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.Feeling greatly astonished,Poppy leapt backwards,with her back arched and tail wagging intensely.The next minute,she barked with great excitement,fixing her eyes on the adorable little companion.Noticing Poppy’s curiosity and hospitality,the little dog jumped forward,stretched out her two fluffy legs,and hugged Poppy.Instantly,the two dogs were playing a game of chase in the courtyard,with excited barks lingering around.Such a scene warmed the hearts of the boy’s parents,who had never expected that the two dogs could break the ice so soon.A relieved smile flashed across Dad’s face while Mom turned back and wiped off her happy tears which welled up unconsciously.

上文聚焦两条狗互动的画面和父母欣慰感动的画面,再进行两个画面的创意拼接,使得整个场面描写极具画面感,两条狗互动的形象跃然纸上,父母的感动欣慰也让人感觉身临其境。运用“镜头特写,画面拼接”时,要注意条理,按照时间或空间顺序,排好画面顺序。最后拼接时,要不留痕迹。如本片段中“Such a scene warmed the hearts of the boy’s parents”,看似是对上文的总结,其实更是对下文的总起。



如2017年11月浙江省高考英语读后续写,所给原文讲述了健忘的妈妈带着丈夫和两个孩子跨州出游的故事。所给文本第一段交代了妈妈的人物典型特征——absent-minded and forgetful。续写第一段开头句为“The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.”。依据续文和原文的人物个性应保持协同的原则可知,本段可以预设为“健忘的妈妈带领全家帐篷野营过程中的趣事”。考生应抓住妈妈健忘的这一典型特征,并以此语境展开画面,如:

Having decided on our camping site,we pulled over beside a lake,where we found a lot of travelers busy putting up their tents.The sunset cast a ray of orange light over Mom’s face and sparkled her otherwise tired face,kindling her interest in taking selfies.Unconsciously,half an hour had passed before she noticed that we were asking her where she packed away the tent.Abruptly,the enchanted smile on her face took a French leave.“Oh,Gosh,I forgot to pack it up,”Mom screamed.When we finally borrowed one from other campers,Mom was heard screaming again.“Oh,I left the pillows behind!”What a misconception! Despite the ache of my neck,we had some great nights.



在叙事抒情时,可以借助一些修辞手法来达到理想的表达效果。英语中的修辞手法繁多,笔者在此仅列举适用于故事续写的其中几种。例如:比喻(simile or metaphor)能生动形象、简洁凝练地描写事物,化抽象为具体;拟人(personification)可以赋予事物以人的思想、感情、个性和动作,使物人格化,从而达到描写生动形象之效果;夸张(hyperbole)能凸显人或物的特征,从而给读者强烈而鲜明的印象;拟声法(onomatopoeia)的运用能形象生动地再现人物心情、事物特征、动作行为状态,使读者产生联想。押韵(rhyme)则能赋予读者诗歌般的美感与享受。

如2017年6月浙江省高考英语读后续写,原文讲述了Mac因为脱离同伴独自骑行,路遇野狼袭击的故事。续文第一段的开头语为“The car abruptly stopped in front of him.”。分析原文可知,续写第一段续写内容可以设定为“司机搭救,奋勇逃生”的惊险画面。为了使画面更具冲击力,可以尝试使用多种修辞,如:

The car abruptly stopped in front of him.A man screeched(拟声)the car to a sudden stop,and stretched out his hand,bellowing,“Get in!” Mac clutched at the last straw(比喻)without delay of even one second,flung his bicycle behind,flew into(夸张)the car and banged the door closed behind him.The blood in his body was boiling(夸张)and his hair was standing up,making him gasp.Sitting still in shock,he was trembling all over,fearing as if the fiery eyes of the bloodthirsty wolf would penetrate the steel window of the car(夸张).A chill crept down his spine(拟人),spawning goose bumps.However,the car whizzed away(拟声),leaving the wolf far behind,which made him sigh(拟声)with relief.Mac thanked Paul and Becky and afterwards they pulled over by the road to wait for Mac’s friends.





(1) It was a rainy day.(用be动词表达)

(2) The rain fell pitter patter on the window made of canvas.(用“实义动词fall +拟声pitter patter”替换be动词)

(3) Raindrops also dripped down from the eaves as if they would never want to have a rest.(用“实义动词drip +拟人”替换be动词)

(4) The rain wove a thick silk cascade,blurring my sight.(用“实义动词weave +比喻”替换be)

(5) The rain drummed on the window,putting on an orchestra together with the twitter of the birds and chirp of the insects.(用“实义动词drum +比喻”替换be动词)



(1) “I have something to tell you,” the boss said.(用实义动词say来表达“说”,听者不明其意)

(2) “I have something to tell you,” the boss boasted.(用实义动词boast来表达“说”,听者知道老板要炫耀一番)

(3) “I have something to tell you,” the boss whined.(用实义动词whine来表达“说”,听者知道老板要哭诉一番)

(4) “I have something to tell you,” the boss announced.(用实义动词announced来表达“说”,听者知道老板要宣布事项)

(5) “I have something to tell you,” the boss whispered.(用实义动词whisper来表达“说”,听者知道老板有秘密要分享)




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