《核农学报》2020 年总目次
赵明辉 白雅梅 吕文河(1~9)1
蒋琴杰 王艺光 房伟民 王海滨 宋爱萍 陈发棣(10~16)1
冯文奇 孙福艾 丁磊 郭 新 李晚忱 付凤玲 于好强(17~25)1
倪钟涛 李财运 胡旭雅 李 阳 曾 皓 舒李露 王正加(26~35)1
项 超 沈升法 季志仙 李 兵 吴列洪(36~44)1
赵 娜 缪亚梅 薛 冬 葛 红 陈满峰 顾春燕 汪凯华 王学军(45~54)1
吴洋洋 徐婷婷 迟天华 马 杰 管志勇 房伟民 陈发棣 张 飞(55~61)1
冯雅岚 熊 瑛 张 均 原佳乐 蔡艾杉 马 超(62~70)1
孙钟毓 龚 莺 赵 琳 石 江 毛碧增(70~77)1
鲍大鹏 万佳宁 卢绪志 余养朝 张光忠 茅文俊 王 莹 周陈力(225~230)2
尚珂含 杨舒婷 卞诗村 刘梦婷 安亚虹 王广龙 熊爱生(231~239)2
赵丽丽 王小利 陈 超 董 瑞(240~246)2
方智振 姜翠翠 周丹蓉 潘少霖 叶新福(247~255)2
刘 宇 闫彩霞 李春娟 徐洪明 孔 青 孙全喜 王 娟 单世华(256~264)2
杨双娟 王志勇 赵艳艳 魏小春 原玉香 张晓伟(265~272)2
杨晓梦 杜 娟 李 霞 普晓英 曾亚文 杨加珍 Muhammad Kazim Ali 杨 涛(273~280)2
陈灿灿 李 杰 付 琳 孙晓燕 王高富 周 鹏 马友记 任航行(281~287)2
胡 瑶 张跃龙 李宏告 雷星宇 张 勇 李丽辉(453~459)3
孙全喜 徐洪明 李春娟 闫彩霞 赵小波 王 娟 苑翠玲 单世华(460~467)3
程 宁 冀美玲 张泽杰 李 玲 高东升(468~476)3
多小穗小麦10-A EMS突变株系的农艺性状评价
熊 君 杨 珂 易晓余 许 珂 匡成浩 张志鹏 陈国跃 李 伟(477~486)3
杨婉莹 孙莎莎 巩 彪 李晓彤 刘 越 史庆华(487~496)3
仇汉林 屈东海 陈东红 朱玉球 斯金平(497~505)3
孔周雁 张羽帆 凌 婷 曹嘉懿 徐继林(506~514)3
周新桥 陈达刚 郭 洁 刘传光 陈友订(515~520)3
齐文全 江振威 王亚琴 杨 彪 刘 斌 何燕红 高红胜(681~690)4
朱宗文 田守波 杨学东 张 辉 张永平(691~697)4
赵晋锋 杜艳伟 王高鸿 李颜方 赵根有 余爱丽(698~704)4
季 航 周明兵 蒋政勤 郑 浩 徐芷馨(705~713)4
王 龑 王 琦 刘 阳(714~720)4
焦 蓉 何鹏飞 王 戈 吴毅歆 王军伟 唐 萍 杨焕文 何月秋(721~728)4
王金荣 许冰霞 尹美强 温银元(729~734)4
褚宁宁 陈雨豪 陈娟娟 马 斌 陈海敏 骆其君(735~744)4
梁 敏 许 兴 丁向真 李志英 郑 蕊 杨淑娟 毛桂莲(745~751)4
苑翠玲 闫彩霞 赵小波 王 娟 李春娟 孙全喜 单世华(752~758)4
郝曜山 王晓清 张欢欢 王亦学 孙 毅 段永红 杜建中 周福平(905~912)5
王林叶 吉冰璇 曾彦达 张启军 张美萍 吕川根(913~920)5
李慧峰 董庆龙 赵 强 冉 昆(921~931)5
徐晶晶 苑 平 柏浩东 廖海民 李祖任(932~938)5
师 聪 颜小梅 韦朝领(939~947)5
田爱梅 于 晖(948~953)5
谭兆岩 康 泽 黄浩南 陈华保 龚国淑 雍太文 杨文钰 常小丽(954~962)5
徐丽华 丁浩淼 金旭东 黄冠杰 夏彭奎 汪财生 王忠华(963~972)5
李春楠 傅巧娟 沈国正 赵福康 张晓莹 阮若昕(973~981)5
李晨阳 孔祥强 董合忠(982~993)5
代明笠 邱先进 陈 凯 黄来健 卢宗强 闻乃强 邢丹英 徐建龙(1129~1137)6
李路路 侯士辉 张合红 孙宗涛 檀根甲 陈剑平(1138~1143)6
包 颖 李泽卿 魏琳燕 陈 超(1144~1151)6
马 超 宋 鹏 尚申申 杨夏夏 杨金华 韩群威 李记民 冯雅岚(1152~1162)6
许端祥 赵瑞丽 陈中钐 杜文丽 徐同伟 高 山(1163~1177)6
张思宇 祁小旭 张玲玲 刘红梅 杨殿林 王 慧(1178~1186)6
岳金荣 丛玉婷 邢震宇 高相楠 王明芳 柴晓杰(1187~1195)6
王玉霞 孟利强 李 晶 姜 威 刘宇帅 曹旭 张淑梅(1196~1204)6
贾兰兰 王依依 华跃进 徐 虹(1205~1212)6
许 燕 谢永平 郑楚群 陈育华 陈肇聪 李 辉(1369~1377)7
林静霞 朱俊兆 虞 洁 陈星月 李浩然 郑文娟 朱世华 丁沃娜(1378~1386)7
吴 楠 张宁波 郑巧玲 陈卫平 徐伟荣(1387~1396)7
刘 佳 田 云 邓家林(1397~1408)7
宋 健 曹晓宁 王海岗 陈 凌 王君杰 乔治军 刘思辰(1409~1420)7
潘 霞 徐永健 宁 燕 沈锡权(1421~1431)7
章 丽 龚一富 朱帅旗 刘 浩 李申睿 谢志浩 王何瑜(1432~1439)7
宋靓苑 林恬逸 许静雯 柴明良(1440~1446)7
郭成瑾 沈瑞清 张丽荣 王喜刚 张树武 徐秉良(1447~1455)7
李月月 张志伟 周化斌 杨海龙(1456~1463)7
叶 盈 刘志高 梁立军 季梦成(1621~1630)8
罗 茜 周雨馨 马 瑞 蒋韫博 张改生 刘明宇 牛 娜 宋瑜龙(1631~1644)8
张鸿燕 方 荣 陈学军 周坤华 袁欣捷 雷 刚 黄月琴(1645~1654)8
陈雪燕 刘艳艳 谭晴晴 任金瑞 姜欣欣 姜秀梅 刘中华 张全芳(1655~1665)8
李媛媛 刘 晔 柳丽娜 赵 爽 陈素梅 房伟民 陈发棣 管志勇(1666~1673)8
王飞兵 李 威 张 扬 党长喜 叶玉秀 张 凡 陈新红 周 青(1674~1680)8
温 波 王亚兰 何丽丽 张 峰 Yaowapa Boon-Ek 柳士勇(1681~1689)8
郝志云 王继卿 胡 江 刘 秀 李少斌 罗玉柱(1690~1697)8
佘新松 邵建扬 孙春巧 方茹月 储雅琪 江治萍 代雨婷 柏晓辉(1698~1704)8
郑小恽 龚一富 李申睿 方清姝 王何瑜 唐道军(1705~1712)8
李雅华 张启航 王 姣 安 东 刘 新(1873~1880)9
岳宁波 李云洲 王 勇 高 彬 吴 浪 须 文 闫见敏 秦 蕾(1881~1888)9
乔永刚 陈 亮 王勇飞 崔芬芬 曹亚萍 贺嘉欣 贾孟君 宋 芸(1889~1897)9
林榕燕 吴建设 林 兵 叶秀仙 钟淮钦 黄敏玲(1898~1905)9
王钧涛 陈木溪 李立斌 伍健缤 雷建军 陈国菊 曹必好 陈长明(1906~1920)9
曹应江 游书梅 蒋开锋 张 涛 杨 莉 杨乾华 秦 俭 郑家奎(1921~1932)9
陈美晴 陈 俊 蒋君梅 王营锴 屈志广 方远鹏 任明见 谢 鑫(1933~1942)9
高彦萍 吕和平 张 武 王国祥 吴雁斌 梁宏杰(1943~1950)9
廖杨文科 崔荣荣 魏子涵 陈 颖(1951~1965)9
李英迪 吴祖芳 翁佩芳(1966~1974)9
史明伟 潘 鸿 颜佳宁 金奇江 王彦杰 徐迎春(2125~2132)10
宫文萍 张 伟 李豪圣 李光蓉 张玉梅 杨足君 刘 成 刘建军(2133~2142)10
于瑞宁 马 琦 孙 炜 奥 妮 张 飞 陈发棣 房伟民(2143~2151)10
赵晋锋 杜艳伟 余爱丽(2152~2160)10
谭延肖 郑现和 石 莹 赵文超 马锋旺 刘长海(2161~2167)10
蒋君梅 陈美晴 宁 娜 方远鹏 郭继元 罗丽婷 任明见 谢 鑫(2168~2177)10
孙 叶 刘 红 李风童 刘春贵 周春华 包建忠 陈秀兰 赵国琦(2178~2189)10
汪 艺 冯俊丽 戴志远 田小兰(2190~2198)10
朱婷婷 陈景丹 方筱琴 刘 璐 秦 娟 陈 伟 杨震峰 施丽愉(2199~2208)10
丁长春 王元忠 黄衡宇 周 蓉(2209~2218)10
徐琴琴 陈卫良 毛碧增(2219~2225)10
陈 俊 方远鹏 蒋君梅 杨再福 任明见 李向阳 蒋选利 谢 鑫(2377~2385)11
宋 炜 李兴华 王江浩 张动敏 张全国 王立伟 魏剑锋 李荣改(2386~2396)11
谢向誉 尚小红 严华兵 曹 升 王 颖 肖 亮 陆柳英 曾文丹(2397~2406)11
王曼曼 屈淑平 黄河勋 薛舒丹 吴廷全 李俊星 戴祖云 钟玉娟(2407~2415)11
孙建磊 董玉梅 王崇启 肖守华 高 超 焦自高(2416~2424)11
石 浩 王仁才 王芳芳 王 琰 卜范文 周 倩(2425~2434)11
程丽丽 潘 樱 林 艳 林仕雄 童再康 张俊红(2435~2443)11
于叶霞 林虎绒 王元忠 黄衡宇 李 鹂(2444~2451)11
周 琳 杨柳燕 蔡友铭 张 雪 张永春(2452~2459)11
李文杰 宫 惠 李美阳(2460~2469)11
袁凤杰 竹龙鸣 郁晓敏 傅旭军 杨清华 金杭霞 吕晓男(2629~2637)12
时丕彪 洪立洲 王 军 费月跃 王伟义 吕远大 顾闽峰(2638~2646)12
韩妙华 滕瑞敏 李 辉 刘 昊 林士佳 庄 静(2647~2657)12
袁欣捷 方 荣 周坤华 雷 刚 黄月琴 陈学军(2658~2672)12
白明兴 陈奋奇 陆晏天 丁永福 姬祥卓 彭云玲(2673~2680)12
石 娟 李勇勇 周丽萍 李超群 王 晴 唐道军 娄永江(2681~2691)12
练冬梅 赖正锋 姚运法 林碧珍 洪建基(2692~2700)12
张 琛 陈思博 吴晨源 张步遥 张 瑛 滕 斌 胡本进(2701~2707)12
郝宇娉 陆 琳 杨志红(2708~2724)12
邵圣枝 聂 晶 刘 志 张永志 王 钫 Karyne M. Rogers 袁玉伟(78~84)1
许婷婷 张婷婷 姚文思 朱慧文 金 鹏 郑永华(85~93)1
李 娟 韩 东 米 思 李 侠 张春晖(94~103)1
肖 岚 唐英明 张 浩 陈援援 肖 宇(104~112)1
王海星 张燕平 李诗言 陈 康 饶 伟 沈 清(113~119)1
王新坤 刘 超 杨清梅 郭 溆 王月明 邓 鹏 孙金月(120~130)1
张洪超 薛张芝 徐晓蓉 丁 源 李和生 金 洋 王鸿飞 许 凤(131~138)1
殷朝敏 范秀芝 刘纯友 陈浙娅 马 昆 史德芳 程 薇 高 虹(139~146)1
陶淑华 陈 丽 蒋镇烨 宋倩倩 宋亦超 姜天甲 郑小林(288~297)2
夏 硕 郑丽君 申光辉 黎杉珊 罗擎英 吴贺君 李美良 张志清(298~306)2
唐宏刚 郭诗纯 杨慧娟 肖朝耿 卢文静 谌 迪 陈黎洪(307~314)2
何宇超 程琪琪 吴 莉 张莉莉 范成凯 应南娇 汪 婷 杨 勇(315~321)2
杨 开 周 城 杨振寰 虞 岚 孙培龙(322~328)2
李建武 文国宏 李高峰 王一航 贾小霞 张 荣 马 胜(329~338)2
苏文华 汤海青 欧昌荣 高亚文 张梦思 李亚敏 昝春兰(339~347)2
喻柯柯 刘合生 张 境 杨文康 曹少谦 陈秋平 戚向阳(348~355)2
殷 勇 王光辉(356~362)2
刘 昊 顾丰颖 刘子毅 王博伦 张 帆 杨婷婷 王 锋(363~369)2
徐燕红 宋倩倩 胡 斌 李生娥 郑小林 姜天甲(521~531)3
李升升 孙 璐(532~538)3
陈胜军 于 娇 胡 晓 杨贤庆 李来好 戚 勃(539~546)3
陈再德 骆其君 见 凯(547~555)3
杨梦恬 沈舒民 沈圣泉 孔祥礼(556~563)3
许 娜 陈 玲 马玉涵 刘 超 董荣荣 姜 浩(564~572)3
夏 魏 刘 志 邵圣枝 聂 晶 李祖光 袁玉伟 Karyne M. Rogers(573~581)3
于慧春 付晓雅 殷 勇 刘云宏 白喜婷(582~591)3
赵水榕 张 怡 李浩楠 朱迎春 李玉昕 闫玉雯(759~769)4
李丝丝 曹少谦 孟 珂 马丹妮 刘 亮 戚向阳(770~778)4
刘 妍 陈小娥 方旭波 李 萍 竹 琳 郭 健 袁高峰 员立萍(779~787)4
罗 钦 李冬梅 黄敏敏 饶秋华 刘 洋 翁伯琦 潘 葳 罗土炎(788~795)4
高 琦 刘梓蘅 耿 艺 金小乂 吴嘉乐 卢雅婷 张 倩 薛友林(796~804)4
刘 琦 祝 霞 赵丹丹 王璐璐 韩舜愈 杨学山(805~815)4
辛松林 陈援援 邱秀艳 周慧超 吴玉姣(816~823)4
王虎虎 邵良婷 秦 岳 李继昊 徐幸莲 周光宏(824~830)4
肖 岚 李 诚 杜 昕 刘妍佳(831~838)4
周婷婷 曹少谦 张 境 叶文倩 戚向阳(994~1001)5
李 萍 陈小娥 方旭波 刘 妍 竹 琳 余 辉 郭 健 员立萍(1002~1011)5
吕鸣春 李高尚 陈燕婷 宣仕芬 徐大伦 杨文鸽(1012~1019)5
张淑文 梁森苗 郑锡良 朱婷婷 任海英 戚行江(1020~1027)5
陈小丰 任 慧 许 凤 王 靖 孙 朦 王鸿飞(1028~1037)5
苗永美 简 兴 汪 雁 徐荣华 钱立生 于庆才(1038~1046)5
卢梦楠 李兰芳 景玉蕾 宋 伟 李彩燕 钱国英(1047~1053)5
汤海青 顾晓俊 陈祖满 范梦漩(1054~1060)5
程春梅 郭衍银(1213~1220)6
王 丹 张 静 贾晓曼 翟 浩(1221~1229)6
黄 硕 毕艳红 朱 春 王朝宇 张晓辉 赵希荣 韦洁玲(1230~1236)6
宋恭帅 张蒙娜 俞喜娜 王 杰 王宏海 薛 静 沈 清(1237~1247)6
杨育才 王桂瑛 谷大海 徐志强 范江平 普岳红 廖国周 葛长荣(1248~1256)6
王欣宇 钱佳敏 张进杰 杨文鸽 楼乔明 徐大伦(1257~1265)6
赵登奇 孙亚天 黄建颖 宋亦超(1266~1271)6
罗春萍 冯 娟 项 缨 谢庭辉(1272~1280)6
郭东权 王 娴 许 勃 崔 龙 陈海军 尚丙兰 陈云堂 范家霖(1464~1469)7
方筱琴 徐利伟 朱婷婷 柴吉钏 余 凡 施丽愉 陈 伟 杨震峰(1470~1479)7
刘沁源 吴祖芳 翁佩芳(1480~1490)7
谌 迪 肖朝耿 盛玲冬 卢文静 唐宏刚 吴卫成 葛 啸(1491~1496)7
蒋立文 谢艳华 李 跑 陈力力 周红丽 陈 怡(1497~1506)7
张晨曦 Yawa Minnie Elodie Folly 赵月菊 刘 阳(1507~1517)7
吴媛媛 吴伟杰 郜海燕 孙 健 刘瑞玲 陈杭君 韩延超(1518~1524)7
徐 霞 吴笑天 徐嘉钰 胡之恒 巫丽君 丁玉庭 周绪霞(1525~1533)7
徐远芳 李文革 邓钢桥 陈石新 张祺玲 周毅吉 张 勇 彭 玲(1713~1721)8
金 俊 郑方媛 周秀雯 潘家荣(1722~1728)8
孙 强 张 鑫 高贵田(1729~1736)8
罗 洁 王鸿飞 许 凤 王 靖 池宗豫 谢柯沁 吴承豪 邵兴锋(1737~1745)8
赖姝毓 王鼎南 宋 健 张宜明 庞林江 柴婷婷(1746~1753)8
延 莎 王斐然 赵柳微 吴黎明(1754~1762)8
龚芳芳 王 晔 陈淑敏 张玉琦 刘英丹 孟天宇 娄永江 李勇勇(1763~1769)8
董 烨 张益奇 姚洪正 何光喜 戴志远(1770~1775)8
陈 瑞 杨志伟 朱凤妹 齐鹏宇 李 响 李 军 张进杰(1776~1784)8
武小芬 陈 亮 齐 慧 张 勇 周毅吉 邓 明 王克勤(1975~1982)9
包小平 贺媛媛 孙倩倩 魏益民 郭波莉(1983~1989)9
赵慧竹 林俊杰 李卓恒 陈兴朋 李承恒 杨文鸽 黄 涛 张秋婷(1990~1995)9
赵震震 马丹妮 蔡金秀 曹少谦 张 镜 戚向阳(1996~2002)9
孙志栋 焦 云 李共国 史婷婷(2003~2010)9
方士元 梅 俊 谢 晶 励建荣(2011~2020)9
丁慧璞 欧阳伟虹 黄玉婷 张 捷 王志江 刘利萍(2021~2031)9
常 瑞 罗先锟 何 江 梁美莲 朱秋劲(2032~2044)9
徐 迪 马 康 单吉浩 李建勋(2045~2050)9
卢俊宇 朱 芮 吴贺君 雷晏琳 肖 迪 焦 春 魏雪颖 刘登鸿(2226~2234)10
田 震 肖亚冬 徐亚元 李大婧 刘 阚 胡 奇 郁志芳 刘春泉(2235~2243)10
王平贵 张 浩 周林卉 徐华蕾 李 焱 陈 宏 刘晶营 魏玉西(2244~2253)10
杜 琪 赵新华 耿雷跃 邹 拓 左永梅 李欣明 张 薇 于海秋(2254~2260)10
姚月华 王亚琴 贾 鑫 唐 宁 程永强(2261~2270)10
杨学山 刘 琦 段卫朋 宋茹茹 韩舜愈 祝 霞(2271~2279)10
张夏秋 刘丽娅 王丽丽 佟立涛 周闲容 周素梅(2280~2289)10
陈 曦 黄道梅 孟繁博 郑秀艳 李国林(2290~2298)10
刘 雪 曾祥媛 张 园 罗 蓉 高若曦 赵武奇(2470~2476)11
胡骁飞 李燕虹 邢云瑞 胡思宇 孙亚宁 邢广旭 邓瑞广 张改平(2477~2483)11
李 晓 王文亮 王月明 崔文甲 刘丽娜 徐志祥(2484~2491)11
高晓莉 王丽丽 刘丽娅 佟立涛 周闲容 周素梅(2492~2498)11
陈伊凡 唐宏刚 李欢欢 张 晋 朱冬荣 姚云昕 陈黎洪(2499~2506)11
汪开拓 蒋永波 王富敏 张帮奎 马 莉 顾 欣(2507~2518)11
楼乔明 李 哲 刘连亮 张进杰 杨文鸽 薛长湖(2519~2525)11
王圣仪 温昊松 王 飞 杨志伟 齐鹏宇 张进杰 张 昂(2526~2532)11
郭志龙 陈 任 马 茜 孙 放 张 虹 张自萍(2533~2540)11
张祺玲 彭 玲 陈雪梅 徐远芳 周毅吉 冯彦勇 李文革(2541~2550)11
张伟清 林 媚 王天玉 平新亮 冯先桔 王燕斌 姚周麟 徐程楠(2725~2733)12
李 晓 王 颖 刘洪军 曹利民 李红艳 唐欢欢(2734~2741)12
李佩艳 尹 飞 党东阳 甘瑞卿 李鑫玲 梁 华(2742~2748)12
张 棣 殷 勇 于慧春 袁云霞 李 欣(2749~2755)12
俞 超 胡攀婧 蔡旭正 沈 磊 周晓玲 王荣兵 汪财生(2756~2761)12
陈传君 金 鹭 林 华 胡 滨 韩国全 陈世界 张 婧 安 微(2762~2768)12
张玉梅 董 铭 邓绍林 韩敏义 徐幸莲 周光宏(2769~2779)12
薛 静 崔益玮 沈 清 郑振霄 戴志远(2780~2792)12
蒋 鹏 徐富贤 熊 洪 张 林 朱永川 郭晓艺 陈 琳 明 静(147~156)1
蒋明金 王海月 何 艳 王春雨 李 娜 杨志远 孙永健 马 均(157~168)1
王 勇 鲜靖苹 王海龙 全永彪 刘 璐 马晖玲(169~176)1
王 涛 雷锦桂 黄语燕 陈永快 廖水兰 吴宝意(177~185)1
龙聪颖 邓辉茗 苏明洁 廖源林 蔡仕珍(186~194)1
阮亚男 韩 阳 邢晓琳 崔智昕 孟 靖(195~202)1
刘志高 邵伟丽 申亚梅 季梦成 叶 盈(203~213)1
田立文 祁永春 戴 路 崔建平 郭仁松 徐海江 林 涛 张 娜(214~223)1
戴良香 张智猛 张冠初 张 杨 慈敦伟 秦斐斐 丁 红(370~375)2
伍思平 眭 锋 肖小军 张 俊 吴自明 曾勇军 黄 山(376~382)2
王文霞 易艳红 周燕芝 谭雪明 曾勇军 石庆华 潘晓华 曾研华(383~391)2
段青青 丁 明 黄丹枫 贺洪军(392~400)2
张武君 刘保财 赵云青 黄颖桢 陈菁瑛(401~408)2
许美玲 郭凤霞 陈 垣 武 睿(409~417)2
贺 俐 罗 辉 贺晓鹏 边建民 朱昌兰 傅军如 吴 杨 贺浩华(418~424)2
杨发文 黄衡亮 宋福如 肖 平 乜雪雷 王章伟 熊双莲 涂书新(425~432)2
王科积 韩 熙 张锡洲 余海英(433~441)2
陈 健 刘木华 袁海超 黄双根 赵进辉 徐 宁 王 婷 胡 围(442~451)2
李 丽 陈国鹏 蒲 甜 马艳玮 罗万宇 任永福 杨文钰 王小春(592~600)3
顾 鑫 余凯翔 胡宏华 陈子元 叶庆富 王 伟(601~609)3
李军辉 王 凯 杨珍平 高志强(610~620)3
杜 君 杨占平 魏义长 杨竹青 雷宏军 张运红 和爱玲(621~628)3
张 晶 党建友 裴雪霞 张定一 王姣爱 程麦凤(629~634)3
杜小平 刘广平 蒲 鹏 吕金印 李文娟 许雪莹(635~641)3
冯 波 曹 芳 李升东 刘爱峰 程敦公 张立顺(642~649)3
刘聪聪 兰超杰 李 欢 黄家权 李长江(650~660)3
孙协平 周广文 罗友进 韩国强 张玲玲(661~668)3
邹凯茜 杨 衍 田丽波 商 桑 曾丽萍 郭雪松 刘子记 朱国鹏(669~679)3
郑孟静 张丽华 董志强 申海平 姚海坡 张丽荣 贾秀领(839~848)4
韦 业 王 渌 朱 红 孟诗原 张志浩 王 倩 王华田 刘秀梅(849~859)4
牛 远 李玲芬 杨修艳 汤宇峰 王飞兵 陈新红(860~869)4
孙希武 彭福田 肖元松 张亚飞 郜怀峰 王国栋 贺 月(870~877)4
陈 伟 王 婷(878~886)4
李 强 张芸萍 解 燕 易 克 刘加红 程昌新 王津军 张一扬(887~895)4
肖诗琦 陈晓明 戚 鑫 田 甲 董发勤 黄 森 勾家磊(896~903)4
童文彬 郭 彬 林义成 刘 琛 宋建忠(1061~1069)5
臧 明 雷宏军 刘 鑫 潘红卫 徐建新(1070~1078)5
钟雪梅 吴远帆 彭建伟 卢文璐 宋思明 唐启源 湛冬至 周 旋(1079~1087)5
徐富贤 蒋 鹏 周兴兵 刘 茂 张 林 熊 洪 朱永川 郭晓艺(1088~1096)5
王晓敏 唐启源 郑华斌 莫文伟 杨剑波(1097~1105)5
靳亚忠 陈业雯 龙闪闪 李康乐 马晓伟 何淑平 齐红岩(1106~1112)5
王 丰 王馨悦 朱强龙 杨有新 王 强 吴才君(1113~1118)5
弭宝彬 刘碧琼 周火强 戴雄泽 汪端华 刘 峰 武芳芳(1119~1127)5
马瑞琦 陶志强 王德梅 王艳杰 杨玉双 徐哲莉 赵广才 常旭虹(1281~1293)6
张伟莉 张丽光 杨慧杰 王吉祥 郭平毅 原向阳(1294~1301)6
张喜军 魏廷邦 樊志龙 柴 强(1302~1310)6
詹 瑾 种培芳 谢惠敏 贾向阳 沈永涛(1311~1319)6
易家宁 王康才 张琪绮 董雨青 毛晓敏 邓艳婷(1320~1326)6
沙俊涛 陈青青 缪雨静 屈仁军 唐晓清 房婉萍(1327~1336)6
武圣江 莫静静 娄元菲 涂永高 赵会纳 詹 军 韦克苏 赵德刚(1337~1349)6
韩 宇 朱振宇 沈敏熙 程雨薇 尹永祺 方维明(1350~1358)6
黄 洁 白志刚 钟 楚 金千瑜 朱练峰 曹小闯 朱春权 张均华(1359~1367)6
郭晓红 姜红芳 王鹤璎 兰宇辰 徐令旗 唐 睿 孙光旭 吕艳东(1534~1542)7
王海莲 王润丰 刘 宾 张华文(1543~1550)7
许耀照 孙万仓 方 彦 孙柏林(1551~1560)7
闫道良 袁虎威 史骥清 滕士元 郑炳松(1561~1567)7
邓小华 向清慧 刘勇军 田 峰 彭德元 王振华 彭曙光 张龙辉(1568~1577)7
任海英 郑锡良 张淑文 梁森苗 戚行江(1578~1587)7
智燕彩 赖 欣 谭炳昌 王先芳 王知文 李 洁 张贵龙(1588~1597)7
冷春晖 张 露 易 敏 孙世武 蒋祥英 赖 猛(1598~1605)7
李雅馨 张天宝 杜慧玲 车晴晴(1606~1612)7
王 娜 李 萍 宗毓铮 张东升 郝兴宇(1613~1619)7
余慧敏 郭 熙(1785~1795)8
郭晓红 姜红芳 兰宇辰 王鹤璎 胡 月 徐令旗 刘付佳 吕艳东(1796~1804)8
张莀茜 杭雅文 李福建 朱新开 李春燕 丁锦峰 朱 敏 郭文善(1805~1813)8
段青青 张自坤 常培培 张禄祺 王静静 贺洪军(1814~1825)8
房彦飞 徐文修 符小文 张永杰 杜孝敬 张 娜 安崇霄(1826~1833)8
郭 瑞 黄晓高 温明星 陈 琛 柳聚阁 单延博 曲朝喜 李东升(1834~1839)8
肖丹丹 李 军 邓先亮 卫平洋 唐 健 韦还和 陈英龙 戴其根(1840~1847)8
沈升法 项 超 吴列洪 李 兵(1848~1854)8
李 霞 马晓东 程运河 翟飞飞 刘俊祥 孙振元 韩 蕾(1855~1961)8
李红宇 李 逸 司 洋 杜春颖 周雪松 刘梦红 宁洪钰 叶飘飘(1862~1871)8
朱从桦 李旭毅 陈惠哲 武 辉 欧阳裕元 余俊奇 黄豹明 罗 粞(2051~2058)9
窦允清 王振华 侯裕生 张继峯 李文昊(2059~2070)9
林宝刚 任 韵 柳 寒 何伟民 张冬青 吴德志 余华胜 华水金(2071~2079)9
李小波 索海翠 赖玉嫦 罗焕明 邓勇兵 安 康 李成晨 刘晓津(2080~2087)9
李 飞 郭利双 李彩红 郭莉莉 刘冰蕾 张志刚 梅正鼎(2088~2094)9
屈 成 刘 芬 陈光辉 王 悦(2095~2102)9
吴志伟 朱 芩 杨 萍(2103~2111)9
陈丽华 杨喜盟 贾 昊 宋丽华(2112~2123)9
张海燕 董顺旭 解备涛 汪宝卿 张立明 段文学(2299~2306)10
程亚东 白羽祥 史普酉 杨成翠 贾 孟 杨焕文 王 戈 陈 峰(2307~2315)10
符杨磊 魏志园 王 宇 刘潇阳 王冰冰 乔亚科 李桂兰 张 锴(2316~2325)10
李剑威 晏舒蕾 黄元城 夏晓雪 储凌峰 李财运 王正加(2326~2334)10
郭 锋 吴伟锋 冯 瑜 许剑敏 马祥爱(2335~2342)10
勉有明 李 荣 侯贤清 李培富 王西娜(2343~2351)10
卢曾奎 李 青 金美林 费晓娟 魏彩虹(2352~2359)10
谭婷婷 范元芳 李盛蓝 王仲林 杨 峰 杨文钰(2360~2367)10
周小华 周泽仪 李昆志(2368~2375)10
李鑫鑫 刘洪光 林 恩(2551~2560)11
李燕燕 刘亮英 吴春生 丘满园 刘苑秋(2561~2568)11
郭松 曾祥忠 陈 琨 卢庭启 上官宇先 周子军 涂仕华 秦鱼生(2569~2577)11
张邦喜 罗文海 杨仁德 柳玲玲 魏全全 李国学(2578~2586)11
梁志雄 彭智平 涂玉婷 吴雪娜 杨林香 林志军 黄继川(2587~2594)11
张 桥 向开宏 孙永健 武云霞 郭长春 唐 源 刘彦艳 马 均(2595~2606)11
张 彬 李 萌 蒋茂双 王俊杰 侯思宇 韩渊怀 李红英(2607~2613)11
刘 帅 崔爱花 李永旗 李直兴 谢业涛 余进祥 李亚兵(2614~2622)11
侯文焕 赵艳红 廖小芳 唐兴富 李初英(2623~2627)11
许纪元 闵 炬 施卫明(2793~2799)12
王 健 韩金玲 杨 敏 姚丹丹 周印富 王文颇 吴振兴 杨 晴(2800~2812)12
林宝刚 怀 燕 李志平 柳 寒 任 韵 张冬青 余华胜 华水金(2813~2822)12
陈惠哲 向 镜 王岳钧 徐一成 陈叶平 张玉屏 张义凯 朱德峰(2823~2830)12
赵美纯 李 鑫 王 月 赵汉丞 赵冬雪 王盼盼 孙广玉(2831~2838)12
罗 玲 钟 奇 刘 伟 潘宏兵(2839~2849)12
邢 晋 张思平 赵新华 魏 然 闫贞贞 张立祯(2850~2857)12
刘浩然 汪俏梅(2858~2864)12
刘 思 徐国前 张军翔(2865~2871)12
InvitroEvaluation of Salt Tolerance of Diploid Potato (Solanumphureja×S.stenotomum)
ZHAO Mninghui, BAI Yamei, et al.(1~9)1
Selection of Edible Leaf-use Chrysanthemum
JIANG Qinjie, WANG Yiguang, et al.(10~16)1
Cloning and Function Analysis ofZmBES1/BZR1-7 Gene in Maize
FENG Wenqi, SUN Fu′ai, et al.(17~25)1
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofCiSULTR2.1 Gene in Pecan [Caryaillinoinensis(Wangenh.) K. Koch]
NI Zhongtao, LI Caiyun, et al.(26~35)1
Pedigree and Quality Traits of Zheshu Sweetpotato Varieties for Table Use and Food Processing Use
XIANG Chao, SHEN Shengfa, et al.(36~44)1
Genetic Analysis of Main Traits of Cross Combinations After 6×6 Diallel Crossing in Faba Bean
ZHAO Na, MIAO Yamei, et al.(45~54)1
Growth Dynamics and Genetic Analysis of Stem-related Traits in Cut Chrysanthemum
WU Yangyang, XU Tingting, et al.(55~61)1
Role of Alternative Splicing in Plant Development and Abiotic Stress Responses
FENG Yalan, XIONG Ying, et al.(62~70)1
Advances in Researches on Molecular Biology of SPVD
SUN Zhongyu, GONG Ying, et al.(71~77)1
Establishment of Uracil Auxotrophic Dikaryotic Strains ofFlammulinavelutipesby Crossbreeding
BAO Dapeng, WAN Jianing, et al.(225~230)2
Cloning of an Aquaporin GeneAgPIP2;1 From Celery and Its Response to Abiotic Stresses
SHANG Kehan, YANG Shuting, et al.(231~239)2
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Nitrate Transporter GeneNRT1.1 inFestucaarundinacea
ZHAO Lili, WANG Xiaoli, et al.(240~246)2
Identification and Analysis of Aux/IAA Family Genes of Sanyueli (PrunussalicinaLindl.) and the Red-fleshed Mutant
FANG Zhizhen, JIANG Cuicui, et al.(247~255)2
Screening and Application of InDel Markers in Cultivated Peanut(ArachishypogaeaL.)
LIU Yu, YAN Caixia, et al.(256~264)2
Development of KASP Marker for Bolting Related GeneBrFLC1 in Chinese Cabbage(BrassicarapaL. ssp.pekinensis)
YANG Shuangjuan, WANG Zhiyong, et al.(265~272)2
Genetic Variation of Total Anthocyanin Content in Barley Grains and Its Correlation With Grain Color
YANG Xiaomeng, DU Juan, et al.(273~280)2
Expression Characteristics of miR-29a in Different Tissues of Youzhou Dark Goats and Its Dynamic Expression in B16 Cells
CHEN Cancan, LI Jie, et al.(281~287)2
Effect of60Co-γ Irradiation on Physiological Properties ofHeucheramicrantha
HU Yao, ZHANG Yuelong, et al.(453~459)3
Isolation and Functional Analysis of Seed Specific Promoter AHSSP1 From Peanut (ArachishypogaeaL.)
SUN Quanxi, Xu Hongming, et al.(460~467)3
Cloning, Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis ofMPK3 in Peach
CHENG Ning, JI Meiling, et al.(468~476)3
Evaluation of Agronomic Traits of Wheat Multi-spikelet Germplasm 10-A Induced by EMS
XIONG Jun, YANG Ke, et al.(477~486)3
Effects of OverexpressingSlSAMS1 on Tomato Tolerance to Cadmium Toxicity and Antioxidant System
YANG Wanying, SUN Shasha, et al.(487~496)3
Identification of PRC2 Subunits ofDendrobiumcatenatumand Their Responses to Stresses
QIU Hanlin, QU Donghai, et al.(497~505)3
Analysis of Bacterial Community Diversity in Tertiary Culture ofIsochrysisgalbana
KONG Zhouyan, ZHANG Yufan, et al.(506~514)3
Research Progress and Prospects on High Resistant Starch in Rice
ZHOU Xinqiao, CHEN Dagang, et al.(515~520)3
Radiation Effects of60Co-γ Ray Irradiation on the Cutting Seedlings of Nine Garden Rose
QI Wenquan, JIANG Zhenwei, et al.(681~690)4
Effects of Electron Beam on Seed Germination and Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Tomato Seedling
ZHU Zongwen, TIAN Shoubo, et al.(691~697)4
Response to Abiotic Stresses ofSiCIPKGene (Seita.5G145900) in Foxtail Millet
ZHAO Jinfeng, DU Yanwei, et al.(698~704)4
Identification and Transcription-pattern Analysis ofPHRE8 Moso Bamboo LTR Retrotransposon
JI Hang, ZHOU Mingbing, et al.(705~714)4
Transcription Factor Fgap1 RegulatesTriGene Expression and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Biosynthesis inFusariumgraminearum
WANG Yan, WANG Qi, et al.(714~720)4
Colonization and Control Effect on Tobacco Powdery Mildew of Endophyte YN201728
JIAO Rong, HE Pengfei, et al.(721~728)4
Isolation of High-quality Total RNA From Foxtail Millet Seeds
WANG Jinrong, XU Bingxia, et al.(729~734)4
Peptide Profiling ofSpirulinaplatensisBased on nanoUPLC-MS/MS
CHU Ningning, CHEN Yuhao, et al.(735~744)4
Effects of Salt Stress on Na+Uptake and Expression of Na+/H+Transporter and H+-ATPase Genes inLyciumbarbarumL.
LIANG Min, XU Xing, et al.(745~751)4
Progressof Studies on Peanut Mutants
YUAN Cuiling, YAN Caixia, et al.(752~758)4
Obtaining of Glyphosate-tolerant Sorghum ViaAgrobacteriumTumefaciens-mediated Transformation With Mature Sorghum Embryos
HAO Yaoshan, WANG Xiaoqing, et al.(905~912)5
Effect of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Photooxidation Rice 812HS
WANG Linye, JI Bingxuan, et al.(913~920)5
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fourteen AP2/ERF Transcription Factors in Apple
LI Huifeng, DONG Qinglong, et al.(921~931)5
Cloning Analysis of Light-harvesting ProteinCcLhca-Z6 Gene inConyzacanadensisand Its Response to Caprylic Acid Stress
XU Jingjing, YUAN Ping, et al.(932~938)5
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofCsSNATGene in Tea Plant(Camelliasinensis)
SHI Cong, YAN Xiaomei, et al.(939~947)5
Cloning,Subcelluar Localization and Expression Analysis ofBaCSLDFromBrassicaalboglabra
TIAN Aimei, YU Hui(948~953)5
Development of 8% Uniconzole·Propiconazole·Abamectin Suspension Seed Coating Agent and Its Control Effect AgainstFusariumRoot Rot of Soybean
TAN Zhaoyan, KANG Ze, et al.(954~962)5
Mechanism and Apoptosis Effect of Fucoxanthin in Human Erythroleukemia Leukemia Cells
XU Lihua, DING Haomiao, et al.(963~972)5
Applications of Flow Cytometry in Orchidaceae
LI Chunnan, FU Qiaojuan, et al.(973~981)5
Nitrate Uptake, Transport and Signaling Regulation Pathways
LI Chenyang, KONG Xiangqiang, et al.(982~993)5
Analysis of Pyramiding Effect of Sink-source Related Genes on Grain Yield in Rice
DAI Mingli, QIU Xianjin, et al.(1129~1137)6
Screening of Rice Varieties and Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Disease Resistance
LI Lulu, HOU Shihui, et al.(1138~1143)6
Cloning and Expression Analysis of the MYB Transcription FactorRcWER-likeinRosachinensis
BAO Ying, LI Zeqing, et al.(1144~1151)6
Whole Genome Identification and Analysis ofGRFsGene Family inBrachypodiumdistachyon
MA Chao, SONG Peng, et al.(1152~1162)6
Transcriptome Sequencing and Analysis of Functional Genes inYoung Leaves of Bottle Gourd
XU Duanxiang, ZHAO Ruili, et al.(1163~1177)6
Epigenetic Variation Characteristics of Invasive PlantFlaveriabidentisUnder Heavy Metal Cadmium Stress
ZHANG Siyu, QI Xiaoxu, et al.(1178~1186)6
Detection Proteins Interaction withDunaliellasalinaMAPK by Co-immunoprecipitation and Mass Spectrometry
YUE Jinrong, CONG Yuting, et al.(1187~1195)6
Transcription Profile Analysis ofBacillusmethylotrophicusWM7 Respond to Low Temperature
WANG Yuxia, MENG Liqiang, et al.(1195~1204)6
Research Progress onFunctional Regulation of Flap Endonuclease 1 by Programmed Post-Translational Modification
JIA Lanlan, WANG Yiyi, et al.(1205~1212)6
EMS Mutagenesis of Zhenzhuhong 1 to Create Elite Peanut Germplasms
XU Yan, XIE Yongping, et al.(1369~1377)7
Phenotypic Analysis and Gene Cloning of a Short Root Mutantksr8 in Rice (OryzasativaL. )
LIN Jingxia, ZHU Junzhao, et al.(1378~1386)7
Prokaryotic Expression and Polyclonal Antibody Preparation of Calcineurin B-like Proteins (CBLs) Interacting Protein Kinases Protein Kinase VaCIPK18 FromVitisamurensis
WU Nan, ZHANG Ningbo, et al.(1387~1396)7
Differential Gene Expression Analysis ofPrunustrilobaLindl. Under Alkaline Stress
LIU Jia, TIAN Yun, et al.(1397~1408)7
Genome Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of the SBP Gene Family in Foxtail Millet
SONG Jian, CAO Xiaoning, et al.(1409~1420)7
Effects of Temperature Stress on Genes′Transcription and Expression in JuvenileHippocampuskudaBleeker
PAN Xia, XU Yongjian, et al.(1421~1431)7
Effects of Acetosalicylic Acid on Fucoxanthin Content inPhaeodactylumtricornutumand Its′ Molecular Mechanism
ZHANG Li, GONG Yifu, et al.(1432~1439)7
Effects of Epibrassinolide on Callus Growth and Regeneration ofZoysiamatrella(L. ) Merr. Under Salt Stress
SONG Liangyuan, LIN Tianyi, et al.(1440~1446)7
Effects of Biological Control Against Potato Black Scurf (Rhizoctoniasolani) and Rhizosphere Soil Micr-ecosystem ofTrichodermaharzianumApplied Together With Straw
GUO Chengjin, SHEN Ruiqing, et al.(1447~1455)7
Identification of the Pathogenic Fungi During the Cultivation ofGanodermalucidumand Inhibition Effect of Allyl Isothiocyanate on the Pathogenic Fungi
LIYueyue, ZHANG Zhiwei, et al.(1456~1463)7
Effects of137Cs-γ Rays Irradiation on Germination and Seedling Growth ofClematischinensis
YE Ying, LIU Zhigao, et al.(1621~1630)8
Effects of Alloplasmic Cytoplasms on Main Agronomic Traits, Pollen Grains Nuclear Division and Anther Tapetum Degradation of Male Sterile Lines in Wheat (TriticumaestivumL.)
LUO Qian, ZHOU Yuxin, et al.(1631~1644)8
Identification of Phenotypic Traits andVerticilliumwiltResistance of Eggplant Germplasms
ZHANG Hongyan, FANG Rong, et al.(1645~1654)8
Application of DNA Barcoding and Multiple Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative PCR for AuthenticatingDendrobiumofficinale
CHEN Xueyan, LIU Yanyan, et al.(1655~1665)8
Study on Identification Techniques of Resistance toFusariumoxysporumat Seedling Stage of Chrysanthemum for Tea
LI Yuanyuan, LIU Ye, et al.(1666~1673)8
Study of Overexpression ofStSnRK1 Gene Increases Salt Tolerance in Tobacco
WANG Feibing, LI Wei, et al.(1674~1680)8
Identification of Peach Pectate lyase Coding GenePpPL1 and Its Expression During Fruit Ripening and Softening
WEN Bo, WANG Yalan, et al.(1681~1689)8
Gene Cloning, Nucleotide Variation and Tissue Expression Analysis ofGlyCAM-1 in Sheep (Ovisaries)
HAO Zhiyun, WANG Jiqing, et al.(1690~1697)8
Molecular Identification and Enzymology Analysis of a High Temperature Resistant Protease-ProducingBacilluscereusStrain
SHE Xinsong, SHAO Jianyang, et al.(1698~1704)8
Effects of the Photosynthesis Inhibitor DCMU on Fucoxanthin Content, Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics and Key Genes ofPhaeodactylumtricornutum
ZHENG Xiaoyun, GONG Yifu, et al.(1705~1712)8
Screening of IAA-Producing Strains by UV and DES Mutagenesis and Optimization of Culture Conditions
LI Yahua, ZHANG Qihang, et al.(1873~1880)9
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Mutagenesis ofSlMAPK6 in Tomato Affect Plant Morphology
YUE Ningbo, LI Yunzhou, et al.(1881~1888)9
Screening and Analysis of Dof Gene Family in Medicinal PlantLonicerajaponicaThunb.
QIAO Yonggang, CHEN Liang, et al.(1889~1897)9
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase Gene FromCymbidiumHybrid
LIN Rongyan, WU Jianshe, et al.(1898~1905)9
Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis ofAPXGene Families inBrassicaPlants
WANG Juntao, CHEN Muxi, et al.(1906~1920)9
QTL Mapping of General Combining Ability for Yield-Associated Traits in Rice
CAO Yingjiang, YOU Shumei, et al.(1921~1932)9
Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Disease-Resistant GeneSbSGT1 in Sorghum
CHEN Meiqing, CHEN Jun, et al.(1933~1942)9
Establishment of the Detection Method forPotatoLeafrollVirusby RT-LAMP
GAO Yanping, LYU Heping, et al.(1943~1950)9
Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Mechanisms of Physiological Metabolism in the Adaption of Salt-Insensitive Nanlin 895 Poplar to Salt Stress
LIAO Yangwenke, CUI Rongrong, et al.(1951~1965)9
Proteomic AnalysisofIssatchenkioorientalisUnder Acetic Acid Stress
LI Yingdi, WU Zufang, et al.(1966~1974)9
Biological Effect of60Co-γ Ray on Water Lily Tubers
SHI Mingwei, PAN Hong, et al.(2125~2132)10
Identification and Evaluation of Wheat-AegilopscomosaChromosome Lines that 2M Involved
GONG Wenping, ZHANG Wei, et al.(2133~2142)10
Heterosis and Mixed Inheritance Analysis of Branching Traits in Standard Cut-Chrysanthemum
YU Ruining, MA Qi, et al.(2143~2151)10
Study on the Abiotic Stress Response Characteristics ofMDHGene in Foxtail Millet (Setariaitalica)
ZHAO Jinfeng, DU Yanwei, et al.(2152~2160)10
Response ofMpCYS4 Gene toDiplocarponmaliInfection and Pathogen Resistance Assay in Transgenic Apple Plants
TAN Yanxiao, ZHENG Xianhe, et al.(2161~2167)10
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofSbJAZ1 inSorghum
JIANG Junmei, CHEN Meiqing, et al.(2168~2177)10
Preliminary Study on the Coloring Mechanism of Red Flowers in a Hybrid BetweenCymbidiumgoeringiiandCymbidiumhybridum
SUN Ye, LIU Hong, et al.(2178~2189)10
Rapid Identification of Three Cod Species by Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
WANG Yi, FENG Junli, et al.(2190~2198)10
Effects of Low Temperature Storage on the Expression of Genes Involved in Maturation and Softening of Kiwifruit Fruits
ZHU Tingting, CHEN Jingdan, et al.(2199~2208)10
Study of Regeneration and Efficient Induction of Buds inNeofinetiafalcata
DING Changchun, WANG Yuanzhong, et al.(2209~2218)10
Research Progress in Phytotoxin Produced byRhizoctoniasolani
XU Qinqin, CHEN Weiliang, et al.(2219~2225)10
Identification ofKNOXGene Family and Expression Analysis ofSbKNOX22 in Sorghum
CHEN Jun, FANG Yuanpeng, et al.(2377~2385)11
Identification of Corn Leaf Aphid (RhopalosiphummaidisFitch) Resistance Germplasms and Mapping of Resistance Loci in Maize
SONG Wei, LI Xinghua, et al.(2386~2396)11
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Edible Cassava Landraces in Guangxi
XIE Xiangyu, SHAGN Xiaohong, et al.(2397~2406)11
Marker Encryption and Candidate Gene Prediction of Sugar Content-Related QTL in Pumpkin
WANG Manman, QU Shuping, et al.(2407~2415)11
Genome-Wide Identification of the VQ Family Genes and Response of the VQ to Powdery Mildew Infection in Melon
SUN Jianlei, DONG Yumei, et al.(2416~2424)11
Isolation, Identification and Growth Characteristics of Main Pathogens of Kiwifruit Soft Rot
SHI Hao, WANG Rencai, et al.(2425~2434)11
Effect of Low Nitrogen Stress on the Growth, Physiological, and Biochemical Characteristics of DifferentBetulaluminiferaGenotypes
CHENG Lili, PAN Ying, et al.(2435~2443)11
Establishment of a High-Efficient Regeneration System forSwertiadavidiiFranch.
YU Yexia, LIN Hurong, et al.(2444~2451)11
Diversity Analysis of Microorganism in Rhizosphere Soil and Bulbs of Chongming Saffron (CrocussativusL.)
ZHOU Lin, YANG Liuyan, et al.(2452~2459)11
Suspension Culture of Adventitious Root and Determination of Active Ingredients ofValerianaofficinalis
LI Wenjie, GONG Hui, et al.(2460~2469)11
Anti-Oxidation Anlysis on Soybean Seeds in Low Phyticacid Mutants
YUAN Fengjie, ZHU Longming, et al.(2629~2637)12
Cloning andExpression Analysis of A Na+/H+Antiporter GeneCmaSOS1 inCucurbitamaxima
SHI Pibiao, HONG Lizhou, et al.(2638~2646)12
Cloning of CsDREB-A2 Transcription Factor Gene and It′s Response to Abiotic Stress inCamelliasinensis
HAN Miaohua, TENG Ruimin, et al.(2647~2657)12
AssociationAnalysis of Important Agronomic Traits in Pepper (CapsicumannuumL.) and Mining of Elite Alleles
YUAN Xinjie, FANG Rong,et al.(2658~2672)12
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Major Plant Architecture Traits and Yield in Maize
BAI Mingxing, CHEN Fenqi, et al.(2673~2680)12
Effect of Freezing Methods on Muscular Differential Protein ofSolenoceramelanthoBased on the Analysis of Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics
SHI Juan, LI Yongyong, et al.(2681~2691)12
Transcriptome Analysis of Okra Resistance forMeloidogyneincognita
LIAN Dongmei, LAI Zhengfeng, et al.(2692~2700)12
Screening ofBeauveriabassianaStrains With High Virulence Against Armyworm and Activities of Protective Enzymes in the Larvae Infected by Fungi
ZHANG Chen, CHEN Sibo, et al.(2701~2707)12
Progress on Transgenic Plants Vaccines
HAO Yuping, LU Lin, et al.(2708~2724)12
Effects of Tea Processing and Sample Preparation on the Determination of Stable Isotope Ratio and Its Fractionation
SHAO Shengzhi, NIE Jing, et al.(78~84)1
Effect of Heat Treatment on Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism and Membrane Lipid Constituents of Cucumber Fruit Under Low Temperature Stress
XU Tingting, ZHANG Tingting, et al.(85~93)1
Profile Analysis of the Volatile Flavor Compounds From Beijing Area of Marinated Beef
LI Juan, HAN Dong , et al.(94~103)1
Effect of Cooking Method on the Flavor Quality of Anyue Jar Meat
XIAO Lan, TANG Yingming, et al.(104~112)1
Development of Intelligent Monopolar Electrode Mass Spectrometry Based Method for Lipidomics Study of Tuna Viscera
WANG Haixing, ZHANG Yanping, et al.(113~119)1
Antioxidant Capacity of Highland Barley in Shigatse
WANG Xinkun, LIU Chao, et al.(120~130)1
Effect of Hydroxyl Radical Oxidation on Myobrillar Protein Intermolecular Force and Structural ofSepiaesculenta
ZHANG Hongchao, XUE Zhangzhi, et al.(131~138)1
Optimization of the Fermentation Medium for Lovastatin Production inPleurotusostreatus
YIN Chaomin, FAN Xiuzhi, et al.(139~146)1
Effects of Lower Temperature on Flavor Components and Fatty Acid Pathway in Harvested Kiwifruit(Actinidiadeliciosa.cv. Bruno)
TAO Shuhua, CHEN Li, et al.(288~297)2
Effect of High Temperature Sterilization on the Quality Changes of Pre-soaking Soybean Gulten During Shelf Life
XIA Shuo, ZHENG Lijun, et al.(298~306)2
Effect of Stabiliser on the Textural Property of Egg Curd Prepared From Liquid Egg White
TANG Honggang, GUO Shichun, et al.(307~314)2
Study on the Extraction of Carotenoid FromDeinococcusradioduransUsing High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field
HE Yuchao, CHENG Qiqi, et al.(315~321)2
Casein Treatment for the Removal of Sulfites From Shrimp
YANG Kai, ZHOU Cheng, et al.(322~328)2
Evaluation of Starch Yield and Nutrition Quality Traits in Longshu Series Potato VarietiesWith High Starch Content
LI Jianwu, WEN Guohong, et al.(329~338)2
Discrimination Freshness ofPseudosciaenacroceaWith Different Storage Time Using by Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy
SU Wenhua, TANG Haiqing, et al.(339~347)2
Protective Effects of Mogroside Extract on the Glucolipotoxicity of INS-1 Pancreatic Islet β Cells
YU Keke, LIU Hesheng, et al.(348~355)2
Hyperspectral Characteristic Wavelength Selection Method for Moldy Maize Based on Continuous Projection Algorithm Fusion Information Entropy
YIN Yong, WANG Guanghui(356~362)2
Effect of Thermal and Non-thermal Effects Under Microwave Treatment on Starch Properties
LIU Hao, GU Fengying, et al.(363~369)2
Harvest MaturityAffects Quality and Storability ofActinidiaerianthacv. White Fruit
XU Yanhong, SONG Qianqian, et al.(521~531)3
Effects of Different Cooking Methods on Edible Quality and Microstructure of Yak Rumen Smooth Muscle
LI Shengsheng, SUN Lu(532~538)3
Nutritional Analysis and Evaluation ofPorphyrahaitanensisin Shantou Area at Different Harvesting Stages
CHEN Shengjun, YU Jiao, et al.(539~546)3
Study oninvitroSimulated Digestion of BakedPyropiahaitanensisat Different Temperature
CHEN Zaide, LUO Qijun, et al.(547~555)3
Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Granular Structure and Digestibility of Waxy and Non-waxy Rice Starches
YANG Mengtian, SHEN Shumin, et al.(556~563)3
The Analysis of Mid-infrared Spectrum Chang After Brewing of Different Teas
XU Na, CHEN Lin, et al.(564~572)3
Feature of Stable Isotope and Mineral Element Composition Form Tea and Its Environment With Correlation Analysis
XIA Wei, LIU Zhi, et al.(573~581)3
Raman Spectroscopy Combined with UVE-SVR Algorithm to Predict the Content of Trans Fatty Acid in Edible Oil
YU Huichun, FU Xiaoya, et al.(582~591)3
Effects of Thawing Methods on Quality of Prepared Pork Patties
ZHAO Shuirong, ZHANG Yi, et al.(759~769)4
Flavor Change of Pressed Liquor in the Processing of Fish Meal After Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Fermentation
LI Sisi, CAO Shaoqian, et al.(770~778)4
Effect of High-Pressure Microfluidization Homogenization on the Cooking and Texture Characteristics of Cuttlefish Noodles
LIU Yan, CHEN Xiao'e, et al.(779~787)4
Fatty Acid Compositions and Principal Component Analysis in Muscle of Murray Cod at Different Growth Stages
LUO Qin, LI Dongmei, et al.(788~795)4
Optimization of the Extraction Process of Soluble Protein From Peanut Leaf by Response Surface Methodology and Its Antioxidant Activity
GAO Qi, LIU Ziheng, et al.(796~804)4
Optimization of Ultrasonic-assisted Liquid-liquid Extraction Combined With GC for the Detection of Monoterpene Compounds
LIU Qi, ZHU Xia, et al.(805~815)4
Effect of Okra Micropowder on Intestinal Environment in Mice
XIN Songlin, CHEN Yuanyuan, et al.(816~823)4
The Comparing of the Flavor Precursors in Fresh Hot and Chilled Carcasses Yellow-Feather Broiler
WANG Huhu, SHAO Liangting, et al.(824~830)4
Effects of Yak Blood Oligopeptides on Anti-fatigue Ability of Mice and Hypoxia H9c2 cells
XIAO Lan, LI Cheng, et al.(831~838)4
Effects of Intense Pulsed Light Treatment on Storage Quality ofAgaricusbisporus
ZHOU Tingting, CAO Shaoqian, et al.(994~1001)5
Effect of Dynamic High Pressure Microfluidization on Physical Properties and Microstructure ofSepiaMelanin
LI Ping, CHEN Xiao′e, et al.(1002~1011)5
The Effect of High Pressure Assisted Shucking on the Quality ofTegillarcagranosaMeat
LYU Mingchun, LI Gaoshang, et al.(1012~1019)5
Mathematical Model and Correlation Analysis of Chinese Bayberry Fruit Growth Indexes
ZHANG Shuwen, LIANG Senmiao, et al.(1020~1027)5
Prevention Effects of Flavonoids From Leaves ofMoringaoleiferaLam. on Kumquats Postharvest Blue Mold and Its Possible Mechanism
CHEN Xiaofeng, REN Hui, et al.(1028~1037)5
Antioxidant Activities and Their Relationship With Contents of Total Flavonoids and Total Phenols of Various Solvent Extracts FromBublophyllumkwangtungense
MIAO Yongmei, JIAN Xing, et al.(1038~1046)5
Isolation, Purification and Antloxidant of Collagen Enzymatic Hydrolysate From the Carapace of Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle (Pelodiscussinensis)
LU Mengnan, LI Lanfang,et al.(1047~1053)5
Taste Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Cooking Wines Based on Electronic Tongue
TANG Haiqing, GU Xiaojun, et al.(1054~1060)5
Effects of Preharvest Application of Oxalic Acid on Storage Quality of Broccoli
CHENG Chunmei, GUO Yanyin(1213~1220)6
Antifungal Activity and Possible Mechanism of Clove Essential Oil on Dominant Pathogens of Postharvest Sweet Cherries
WANG Dan, ZHANG Jing, et al.(1221~1229)6
Preparation and Stability of Cross-linked Black Plum Seed β-glucosidase Aggregates
HUANG Shuo, BI Yanhong, et al.(1230~1236)6
Rapid Detection the Lipidomics Profile of White Shrimp (Penaeusvannamei) During Air Frying Processing
SONG Gongshuai, ZHANG Mengna, et al.(1237~1247)6
Effect of Salt on the Volatile Flavor Compounds of Chicken Soup
YANG Yucai, WANG Guiying, et al.(1248~1256)6
Effects of Cooking Methods on Nutritional Value of Wild and Cultured Freshwater Shrimp
WANG Xinyu, QIAN Jiamin, et al.(1257~1265)6
Determination of Bioactive Ingredients in Broccoli Leaves
ZHAO Dengqi, SUN Yatian, et al.(1266~1271)6
Advances in Food Irradiation Reducing the Allergenicity of Food Allergens
LUO Chunping, FENG Juan, et al.(1272~1280)6
Effect of Electronic Beam Irradiation onthe Degradation of Acephate
GUO Dongquan, WU Bo, et al.(1464~1469)7
Effects of γ-Aminobutyric Acid on Sucrose Metabolism of Peach Fruit Under Stress of Low Temperature
FANG Xiaoqin, XU Liwei, et al.(1470~1479)7
Screening, Identification and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions of Yeast Strains for Rapid Brewing of Honey Peach Wines
LIU Qinyuan, WU Zufang, et al.(1480~1490)7
Antioxidant Activity of Royal Jelly in Different Collection Times
CHEN Di, XIAO Chaogeng, et al.(1491~1496)7
Analysized of Volatile Flavor Components and Quality of Mucor-type Douchi With HS-SPME/GC-MS Method and Electric-sense Technology
JIANG Liwen, XIE Yanhua, et al.(1497~1506)7
Degradation Effects ofBacillusamyloliquefaciensNS2 on Zearalenone
ZHANG Chenxi, Yawa Minnie Elodie Folly, et al.(1507~1517)7
Enzymatic Properties of Crude Cutinase FromBotrytiscinere
WU Yuanyuan, WU Weijie, et al.(1518~1524)7
Application and Research Progress of Biosensors for the Freshness Detection of Aquatic Products
XU Xia, WU Xiaotian, et al.(1525~1533)7
Effect of60Co-γ Ray and Electron Beam Irradiation Sterilization on Antioxidant Activity and Fingerprint of Pueraria Extract
XU Yuanfang, LI Wenge, et al.(1713~1721)8
Application of Stable Isotope Fingerprint Analysis in the Origin Tracing of Cherries
JIN Jun, ZHENG Fangyuan, et al.(1722~1728)8
Establishment of Prediction Model of Hayward Kiwifruit Shelf-Life
SUN Qiang, ZHANG Xin, et al.(1729~1736)8
Inhibitory Effect of Flavonoids FromSedumaizoonL. AgainstPenicilliumitalicumon Citrus
LUO Jie, WANG Hongfei, et al.(1737~1745)8
Detection of Malachite Green Using Read-Out Coloration Detection Based on Nano-Visualization Materials
LAI Shuyu, WANG Dingnan, et al.(1746~1753)8
Effect of Non-Thermal Treatment on Sterilization Effect and Quality of Bee Pollen
YAN Sha, WANG Feiran, et al.(1754~1762)8
Adsorption of Boron by Cell Wall Polysaccharide ofGracilarialemaneiformis
GONG Fangfang, WANG Ye, et al.(1763~1769)8
Effect of Steam Explosion Treatment on Enzymolysis Characteristics of Bighead Carp Bone Protein
DONG Ye, ZHANG Yiqi, et al.(1770~1775)8
Determination of Five Benzimidazole in Milk and Milk Powder by UPLC-MS-MS
CHEN Rui, YANG Zhiwei, et al.(1776~1784)8
Separation Process of Cellulose, Lignin and Xylose From Camellia Oleifera Shell by Irradiation and Formic Acid
WU Xiaofen, CHEN Liang, et al.(1975~1982)9
Fractionation Effect of Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes During the Beef Processing
BAO Xiaoping, HE Yuanyuan, et al.(1983~1989)9
Combination Modification of Dynamic High Pressure Microfluidization and Transglutaminase Influence Gel and Structural Properties of Fish Gelatin
ZHAO Huizhu, LIN Junjie, et al.(1990~1995)9
Effect of Intense Pulsed Light on Polyphenol Oxidase Activity and Structure Properties
ZHAO Zhenzhen, MA Danni, et al.(1996~2002)9
Path Analysis of Pre-Harvest Spraying Rutile TiO2to Enhance the Quality of Summer StorageMyricarubra
SUN Zhidong, JIAO Yun, et al.(2003~2010)9
Optimization of Composite Biological Preservativeand Freshness-keeping Effect for Turbot (Scophthalmusmaximus)
FANG Shiyuan, MEI Jun, et al.(2011~2020)9
Enzymatic Hydrolysis Technology of Small Yellow Croaker Scraps and Properties of Its Enzymatic Hydrolysis Solution
DING Huipu, OU-YANG Weihong, et al.(2021~2031)9
Molecular Simulation Study on the Mechanism of Inulinase Reducing N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Content
CHANG Rui, LUO Xiankun, et al.(2032~2044)9
Determination of Five Sedative Drug Residues in Animal Urine by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
XU Di, MA Kang, et al.(2045~2050)9
Effect of Tea Polyphenols on Properties of Edible Potato Starch/Sodium Alginate Composite Films
LU Junyu, ZHU Rui, et al.(2226~2234)10
Optimization of Ultrasound Pretreatment Combined Hot-Air Drying Process and Quality Analysis of Chive (Alliumascalonicum)Petiole
TIAN Zhen, XIAO Yadong, et al.(2235~2243)10
The Study of Preparation and Calcium Supplementary Effect of Alginic Acid Monosaccharide Calcium
WANG Pinggui, ZHANG Hao, et al.(2244~2253)10
Effects of Different Drying Temperatures on the Nutritional Quality and Germination Characteristics of Peanut After Harvest
DU Qi, ZHAO Xinhua, et al.(2254~2260)10
Effects of Tea Polyphenols Addition on the Quality and Antioxidant Properties of Noodles
YAO Yuehua, WANG Yaqin, et al.(2261~2270)10
Effect of Different Maceration Process on Aroma Quality of Italian Riesling Dry White Wine
YANG Xueshan, LIU Qi, et al.(2271~2279)10
Optimization of the Fermentation Process of Rice Bran WithRhizopusoryzaeand Its Probiotic Activities
ZHANG Xiaqiu, LIU Liya, et al.(2280~2289)10
Contamination and Characteristic Analysis ofCronobacterIsolated From Commercially Available Powdered Infant Formula in Guizhou
CHEN Xi, HUANG Daomei, et al.(2290~2298)10
Effects of Constant and Alternating Temperatures Air Impingement Drying on the Drying Characteristics and Quality of Kiwifruit Slices
LIU Xue, ZENG Xiangyuan, et al.(2470~2476)11
Preparation and Immunological Characteristics Identification of Soybean Agglutinin’s Monoclonal Antibody With High Affinity
HU Xiaofei, LI Yanhong, et al.(2477~2483)11
Effects of Three Different Pickling Methods on the Quality of Pickled Cucumber
LI Xiao, WANG Wenliang, et al.(2484~2491)11
Effects of pH and Temperature on the Solubility and Aggregation of Oat Protein
GAO Xiaoli, WANG Lili, et al.(2492~2498)11
Extraction of Yolk Oil and Volatile Flavor Analysis of Oxidized Yolk Oil
CHEN Yifan, TANG Honggang, et al.(2499~2506)11
Optimization of Extraction System by Ionic Liquids Aqueous Two-Phase Separation (ILs-ATP) and Analysis of Antioxidant Activity in Limonin From Lemon (Citruslimon) Seeds
WANG Kaituo, JIANG Yongbo, et al.(2507~2518)11
Silylation Derivatization of Monoglyceride and Analysis by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
LOU Qiaoming, LI Zhe, et al.(2519~2525)11
Determination of Perchlorate in Wine by SPE-UPLC-MS/MS
WANG Shengyi, WEN Haosong, et al.(2526~2532)11
Optimization and Application of Content Determination Method of Rebaudioside D and Rebaudioside A inSteviarebaudianaBertoni
GUO Zhilong, CHEN Ren, et al.(2533~2540)11
The Composition and Changes of Fungi Community During Processing of Edible Betelnut
ZHANG Qiling, PENG Ling, et al.(2541~2550)11
Effects of Compound Coating of Lemon Essential Oil Composite Coating on Postharvest Storage Quality of Ponkan
ZHANG Weiqing, LIN Mei, et al.
Quality Changes of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeusvannamei) During 0℃ Storage
LI Xiao, WANG Ying, et al.
Effect of Oxalic Acid Treatment on Chilling Injury and Cell Wall Metabolism of Guiqi Mango
LI Peiyan, YIN Fei, et al.
Early Warning Method of Cucumber Spoilage During Storage Based on Hyperspectral Technology and Mahalanobis Distance
ZHANG Di, YIN Yong, et al
Study on Isolation, Purificationand Antioxidant DNase Activities ofArachishypogalaAlbumin
YU Chao, HU Panjing, et al
Comparative Study on Different Extraction Methods of Genomic DNA From Dried Mutton
CHEN Chuanjun, JIN Lu, et al.
Effect of Inulin on the Texture and Flavor Quality of Low-Fat Emulsified Sausage
ZHANG Yumei, DONG Ming, et al.
Enzymatic Preparation of EPA/DHA-Rich Phospholipids and Structure Characterization
XUE Jing, CUI Yiwei,et al.
Effect of Reduced Nitrogen Application on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Hybrid Mid-season Rice Under Two Yield Levels
JIANG Peng, XU Fuxian, et al.(147~156)1
Effects of Nitrogen Management on Lodging Resistance of Direct-seeded Rice
JIANG Mingjin, WANG Haiyue, et al.(157~168)1
Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Seed Germination and Physiological Characteristics ofPoapratensisUnder Cadmium Stress
WANG Yong, XIAN Jingping, et al.(169~176)1
Effects of Sparassis Crispa Residue Composite Substrate on Quality and Yield of Cucumber Seedlings
WANG Tao, LEI Jingui , et al.(177~185)1
Effects of Simulated Acid Rain and Cadmium Stress on Cd Content and Antioxidant System ofMeliaazedarachL. Seedlings
LONG Congying, DENG Huiming, et al.(186~194)1
Effects of the Ionic Liquid [C3mim]BF4on Antioxidant Properties of Pakchoi Seedlings
RUAN Yanan, HAN Yang, et al.(195~202)1
Evaluation ofHeat Tolerance and Screening the Index for the Assessment of Heat Tolerance in Cultivars ofClematis
LIU Zhigao, SHAO Weili, et al.(203~213)1
Evaluation of Soil Nutrient Content and its Distribution of Cultivated Land in South of Xinjiang: Taking Aksu Prefecture as an Example
TIAN Liwen, QI Yongchun, et al.(214~223)1
Effects of Nitrogen Application on Nitrogen Uptake and Distribution in Peanut
DAI Liangxiang, ZHANG Zhimeng, et al.(370~375)2
Effects of Different Multiple Cropping Pattern on the Global Warming Potential in Southern Double Cropping Rice Fields
WU Siping, SUI Feng, et al.(376~382)2
Study on Improving the Grain Yield and Lodging Resistance of Upland Rice by Dry Direct Seeded in South China
WANG Wenxia, YI Yanhong, et al.(383~391)2
Effects of Storage Temperature on Leaf Ultrastructure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Watermelon (Citrulluslanatus) Seedlings in Darkness
DUAN Qingqing, DING Ming, et al.(392~400)2
Physiological Responses and Cold Resistance Analysis ofCamellianitidissimaChi Under Low-temperature Stress
ZHANG Wujun, LIU Baocai, et al.(401~408)2
Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extracts ofFritillariaprzewalskiiMaxim. Seeds onBrassicachinensis
XU Meiling, GUO Fengxia, et al.(409~417)2
Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Super Early Rice Based on Mechanistic Model of Light-response of Photosynthetic Electron Flow
HE Li, LUO Hui, et al.(418~424)2
Effect and Preliminary Mechanism of Rice Cadmium Control by Silicone Modified Compound Fertilizers
YANG Fawen, HUANG Hengliang, et al.(425~432)2
Study on Effects of Passivation Material on the Frxation of Cd in Col-contaminated Soil
WANG Keji, HAN Xi, et al.(433~441)2
Simultaneous Determination of Neomycin Sulfate and Sulfadimidine in Water by Time-resolved Synchronous Fluorescence Spectrometry
CHEN Jian, LIU Muhua, et al.(442~451)2
Study on Characteristics of Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution in Maize Suitable for Intercropping System
LI Li, CHEN Guopeng, et al.(592~600)3
Bioavailability of the Bound Residues of14C-Erythromycin in Soil
GU Xin, YU Kaixiang, et al.(601~609)3
Study on Yield, Quality, Soil Fertility and Annual Economic Benefits of Succeeding Winter-wheat After Feed-rape During Summer Fallow Period
LI Junhui, WANG Kai, et al.(610~620)3
Application Effect of Integrated Drip Irrigation and Fertilization Technology for Summer Maize in Northern China
DU Jun, YANG Zhanping, et al.(621~628)3
Effects of Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Application Methods on the Yield and Utilization of Wheat Through Micro-sprinkler Irrigation
ZHANG Jing, DANG Jianyou, et al.(629~634)3
DU Xiaoping, LIU Guangping, et al.(635~641)3
Effects of High Temperature Stress During Grain-filling Stages on Protein Components and Dough Mixing Properties in Different Wheat Cultivars
FENG Bo, CAO Fang, et al.(642~649)3
Responses of Waterlogging Stress and Evaluation of Waterlogging Tolerance in Cherry Tomato at Seedling Stage
LIU Congcong, LAN Chaojie, et al.(650~660)3
Effect of Selenium Cadmium Associated on Growth and Physiological Metabolism of Citrus in Se-enriched Soil
SUN Xieping, ZHOU Guangwen, et al.(661~668)3
Establishment of Evaluation System for Antioxidant Index of Heat Tolerance of Green Stalks of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage
ZOU Kaixi, YANG Yan, et al.(669~679)3
Effects of Micro-sprinkling Irrigation on Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Summer Maize
ZHENG Mengjing, ZHANG Lihua, et al.(839~848)4
Effects of Magnetized Water Irrigation on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Grape Under Nitrogen Application
WEI Ye, WANG Lu, et al.(849~859)4
Drought Tolerance Effects of Choline Chloride and Trehalose on Rapeseed (BrassicanapusL.) at Bud Stage Under Drought Stress and Selection of Related Indices
NIU Yuan, LI Lingfen, et al.(860~869)4
Effects of Silicon, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium Fertilizer Combined With Fulvic Acid Potassium on Soil Enzyme Activity and the Growth of Young Peach Trees
SUN Xiwu, PENG Futian, et al.(870~877)4
Speciations Features and Health Risk Assessment of Cd in Soil-Wheat System in Baiyin Sewage Irrigation Area in China
CHEN Wei1, WANG Ting(878~886)4
Study on Soil pH Distribution Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors of Tobacco Growing Areas in Qujing
LI Qiang, ZHANG Yunping, et al.(887~895)4
Effect of the Uranium Contamination on Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Functional Diversity
XIAO Shiqi, CHEN Xiaoming, et al.(896~903)4
Assessment of Input-output Patterns of Cd and Pb of Typical Heavy Metal Polluted Agricultural Land in Quzhou
TONG Wenbin, GUO Bin, et al.(1061~1069)5
Oxygation Promotes Soil Oxygen Diffusion Rate and Nutrient Utilization of Winter Wheat
ZANG Ming, LEI Hongjun, et al.(1070~1078)5
Effects of Machine-transplanting Technique With Synchronized One-time Precision Fertilization on Grain Yield and Economic Benefit of Double-cropping Rice
ZHONG Xuemei, WU Yuanfan, et al.(1079~1087)5
Effects of Paclobutrazol on Yield and Lodging ResistanceWith Different Dense-fertilizer Population in Mid-season Hybrid Rice
XU Fuxian, JIANG Peng,et al.(1088~1096)5
Effects of Yellow-seed Percentage on Seed Vigor in Hybrid Rice Seed Production
WANG Xiaomin, TANG Qiyuan, et al.(1097~1105)5
Effects of Application of Chicken Manure on Sugar Accumulation and Enzymes Related to Corbohydrote Metabolism in Oriental Melon Fruit
JIN Yazhong, CHEN Yewen, et al.(1106~1112)5
Effect of Cinnamic Acid on Roots of Cowpea (VignaunguiculataL.)
WANG Feng, WANG Xinyue, et al.(1113~1118)5
Study on Response Characteristics of Different Radishes Genotypes to Five Heavy Metals
MI Baobin, LIU Biqiong, et al.(1119~1127)5
Effects of Topdressing Nitrogen Rate on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Flag Leaves of Wheat in Different Regions
MA Ruiqi, TAO Zhiqiang, et al.(1281~1293)6
Effects of Sigma Broad on Photosynthesis Characteristics and Soluble Substances Content in Leaves of Foxtail Millet
ZHANG Weili, ZHANG Liguang, et al.(1294~1301)6
Photosynthetic Source Dynamics and Yield Performance of High Density MaizeWith Reduced Amount of Water and Nitrogen in Oasis Irrigation Region
ZHANG Xijun, WEI Tingbang, et al.(1302~1310)6
Physiological Response of Walnut Seedlings to Simulated Rainfall Changes
ZHAN Jin, CHONG Peifang, et al.(1311~1319)6
Effects of Drought Stress on Growth and Quality ofPerillafrutescens
YI Jianing, WANG Kangcai, et al.(1320~1326)6
Allelopathic Effect of Leaf Litter Extracts ofCamelliasinensison the Physiology and Biochemistry ofIsatisindigoticaFort.
SHA Juntao , CHEN Qingqing, et al.(1327~1336)6
Difference of Curing Characteristics of Upper Leaves With Different Maturity in Different Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties
WU Shengjiang, MO Jingjing, et al.(1337~1349)6
Effects of Selenium and Sulfur on Physiology and Metabolism of Sulforaphane of Broccoli Sprouts under High Temperature Stress
HAN Yu, ZHU Zhenyu, et al.(1350~1358)6
Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Salt Stress Tolerance in Rice
HUANG Jie, BAI Zhigang, et al.(1359~1367)6
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Phytic Acid, Protein and Mineral Elements in Rice Grain in Cold Region
GUO Xiaohong, JIANG Hongfang, et al.(1534~1542)7
Response to NaCl Stress of Sorghum at Six Growth Stages
WANG Hailian,WANG Runfeng, et al.(1543~1550)7
Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Total Polyphenols for Winter Turnip Rape (BrassicarapaL.) Subjected to Low Temperature
XU Yaozhao, SUN Wancang, et al.(1551~1560)7
Effects of Nitrogen Application on Contents of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Non-structural Carbohydrate inDendrobiumofficinale
YAN Daoliang, YUAN Huwei, et al.(1561~1567)7
Effects of Amendments Application on Mountain Soil pH, Growth and Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco
DENG Xiaohua, XIANG Qinghui, et al.(1568~1577)7
Effects of Rain-proof ClothsWith Different Colors on Growth and Fruit Quality of Chinese Bayberry
REN Haiying, ZHENG Xiliang, et al.(1578~1587)7
Adsorption of Nitrate by Iron, Manganese and Magnesium Ion Modified Biochars
ZHI Yancai, LAI Xin, et al.(1588~1597)7
Multipoint Genetic Correlation and Path Analysisof Resin Yield and Growth Traits and Crown Traits inSlashpine
LENG Chunhui, ZHANG Lu, et al.(1598~1605)7
The Allelopathy of Five Pine Needle Extracts onTrifoliumrepensL.
LI Yaxin, ZHANG Tianbao, et al.(1606~1612)7
Study on the Decomposition Mechanism of Wheat Straw on Rain-fed Croplands in Northern China Under Different Patterns of Straw Returning Practice
WANG Na, LI Ping, et al.(1613~1619)7
Spatial Variation in Cadmium and Mercury and Factors Influencing Their Potential Ecological Risks in Farmland Soil in Poyang Lake Plain, China
YU Huimin, GUO Xi(1785~1795)8
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Rice Yield and NitrogenUse Efficiency in Soda Saline-Alkali Land
GUO Xiaohong, JIANG Hongfang, et al.(1796~1804)8
Effects of Rice Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Seedling Emergence and Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Wheat
ZHANG Chenxi, HANG Yawen, et al.(1805~1813)8
Effects of Supplemental Light Quality and Durations of Illumination on Mineral Nutrient Absorption and Distribution of Greenhouse-Grown Sweet Pepper
DUAN Qingqing, ZHANG Zikun, et al.(1814~1825)8
Effect of Nitrogen Applied in Winter Wheat on Soil Microflora and Yield of Summer-Sowing Soybean
FANG Yanfei, XU Wenxiu et al.(1826~1833)8
Effect of the Nitrogen Topdressing and Plant Density on Grain Yield and Quality of Spring Strong Gluten Wheat Cultivar Zhenmai 12
GUO Rui, HUANG Xiaogao, et al.(1834~1839)8
Response of Quality Formation of Different Rice Varieties to Salt Stress
XIAO Dandan, LI Jun, et al.(1840~1847)8
Effects of Substrate Culture With High Density and Short Growth Period on Yield and Quality of Sweetpotato
SHEN Shengfa, XIANG Chao, et al.(1848~1854)8
Effects of Phenanthrene on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics ofSalixviminalis
LI Xia, MA Xiaodong, et al.(1855~1861)8
Principal Component Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Saline-Alkaline Tolerance Related Traits of NorthernJaponicaRice
LI Hongyu, LI Yi, et al.(1862~1871)8
Effects of Side Deep Placement of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency of Mechanized Direct-Seeded Rice
ZHU Conghua, LI Xuyi, et al(2051~2058)9
Analysis of Water-Nitrogen Coupling Effect of Processing Tomatoes in Northern Xinjiang by Fuzzy Mathematics Comprehensive Evaluation
DOU Yunqing, WANG Zhenhua, et al.(2059~2070)9
Effects of Ecological Sites on the Nutritional Quality of Young Stem of Rapeseed and Yield Performance After Post-Harvesting
LIN Baogang, REN Yun, et al.(2071~2079)9
Effect on Fertilizer Utilization, Soil Nutrients and Economic Benefits of Cash Crops Instead of Early Rice in Potato-Rice Triple Cropping
LI Xiaobo, SUO Haicui, et al.(2080~2087)9
Effect of N Application Rate on Growth, Yield and Fiber Quality of Direct Seeding Cotton After Rape Harvest
LI Fei, GUO Lishuang, et al.(2088~2094)9
Effects of LED Red and Blue Light Ratio on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings
QU Cheng, LIU Fen, et al.(2095~2102)9
Effects of Lime Nitrogen on Potential Ecological Risk of Heavy Metal Pollution inPhyllostachysviolascensStands Soil and Health Risk of Bamboo Shoot
WU Zhiwei, ZHU Qin, et al.(2103~2111)9
Effects of Elevated Temperature and Drought on Sugar Accumulation, Key Sucrose Enzymes Metabolism and Related Gene Expression in Fruit of Jujube Cultivar Lingwuchangzao
CHEN Lihua, YANG Ximeng, et al.(2112~2123)9
Effects of Amount of Potassium Fertilizer on Yield and Potassium Utilization Efficiency of Sweetpotato in Barren land
ZHANG Haiyan, DONG Shunxu, et al.(2299~2306)10
Evaluation of two Phenolic Acidifying Effects in Continuous Cropping of Tobacco Soil With Significant Accumulation Characteristics
CHENG Yadong, BAI Yuxiang, et al.(2307~2315)10
Identification of Saline-Alkali Stress and Determination of Physiological Index of Wild Soybean (Glycinesoja) in Eastern Hebei Province
FU Yanglei, WEI Zhiyuan, et al.(2316~2325)10
Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Pecan Seedlings to Drought Stress
LI Jianwei, YAN Shulei, et al.(2326~2334)10
Interactive Effects of Selenium and Cadmium on the Growth and Antioxidative Enzymes in Zucchini Seedling
GUO Feng, WU Weifeng, et al.(2335~2342)10
Effects of Straw Returning Combined With Decomposition Agents on Sandy Soil Properties and Growth of Maize Under Drip Irrigation
MIAN Youming, LI Rong, et al.(2343~2351)10
Study on Screening for Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Heat Stress of Hu Sheep (Ovisaires)
LU Zengkui, LI Qing, et al.(2352~2359)10
Effects of Maize Shading on Chloroplast Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Soybean Leaves Under Intercropping Pattern
TAN Tingting, FAN Yuanfang, et al.(2360~2367)10
Effects of Exogenous Ascorbic Acid on Antioxidant Function of Rice Seedling Under Aluminum Stress
ZHOU Xiaohua, ZHOU Zeyi, et al.(2368~2375)10
Analysis of Nitrogen Utilization of Drip Irrigation Grapes in Arid Area Based on15N Tracer Technology
LI Xinxin, LIU Hongguang, et al.(2551~2560)11
δ13C Characteristic of Soil Organic Carbon Under Different Vegetation Restoration in Subtropical Red Soil Region
LI Yanyan, LIU Liangying, et al.(2561~2568)11
Screening of N-Efficient Maize Varieties and Analysis for Their Yield Increase Potentials in Central Sichuan Basin
GUO Song, ZENG Xiangzhong, et al.(2569~2577)11
Effects of Spent Mushroom Substrate on the Maturity and Gaseous Emissions in Co-Composting of Chicken Manure and Tobacco Wastes
ZHANG Bangxi, LUO Wenhai, et al.(2578~2586)11
Effects of Combined Foliar Application of Amino Acids With Boric Acid on Boron Nutrition, Growth and Quality ofLactucasativaL
LIANG Zhixiong, PENG Zhiping, et al.(2587~2594)11
Effects of Seeding Amount and Transplanting Machines on Rice Yield and Population Quality Under Different Seedling Raising Methods
ZHANG Qiao, XIANG Kaihong, et al.(2595~2606)11
Relationship Between Anthocyanin Accumulation and Response to Low Temperature Stress in Foxtail Millet
ZHANG Bin, LI Meng, et al.(2607~2613)11
The Photosynthetic Active Radiation Spatiotemporal Characteristic Analysis of Cotton Canopy at Interactions Between Planting Density and Sowing Date
LIU Shuai, CUI Aihua, et al.(2614~2622)11
Effects of Harvesting Time on Sepal Yield and Nutritional Components in Roselle
HOU Wenhuan, ZHAO Yanhong, et al.(2623~2627)11
Effects of Nitrification Inhibitor on Nitrogen Fate of Labeled15N-Urea in Tomato Cultivation Under Greenhouse Condition
XU Jiyuan, MIN Ju, et al.(2793~2799)12
Study on the Nitrogen Uptake and Metabolism in Different Nitrogen Efficient Maize Varieties
WANG Jian, HAN Jinling, et al.(2800~2812)12
Effect of Nitrogen Application Rate and Harvesting Time on Vitamin Biosynthesis in Young Stem of Oil-Vegetable Double Usage Type Rapeseed
LIN Baogang, HUAI Yan, et al.(2813~2822)12
Seedlings Emergence Characteristics and Transplanting Quality Using the Tray-Overlaying Seedlings Raising Mode in Rice Mechanized Transplanting Systems
CHEN Huizhe, XIANG Jing,et al.(2823~2830)12
Changes in Microbial Community Functional Diversity in Soil Aggregate of Black Soil Turned From Upland Into Paddy Tillage in Northeast China
ZHAO Meichun, LI Xin, et al.(2831~2838)12
Effects of Mulching on Soil Moisture, Temperature and Enzyme Activities in Rain-Sheltered Vineyard
LUO Ling, ZHONG Qi, et al.(2839~2849)12
Effects of Different Color Plastic Film Mulching on the Canopy Configuration and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cotton
XING Jin, ZHANG Siping, et al.(2850~2857)12
Effect of Abscisic Acid on Partial Traits and Nutritional Quality in Tomato Fruit
LIU Haoran, WANG Qiaomei(2858~2864)12
Effects of Soil Bacterial Community Structure in Vineyard Intra-Row Mulching
LIU Si, XU Guoqian, et al.(2865~2871)12