

农业工程学报 2020年2期

许童羽,郭忠辉,于丰华,徐 博,冯 帅


许童羽1,2,郭忠辉1,于丰华1,2,徐 博1,冯 帅1

(1. 沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110161;2.辽宁省农业信息化工程技术中心,沈阳 110161)


0 引 言





1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

试验于2018年6—9月在辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区清水台镇柳条河村(123°63′E,42°01′N)进行。供测试的水稻品种为秋光。试验田设有4个氮肥梯度处理,N2为当地标准施氮量,在N2的基础上分别增加和减少50%的施氮量,人为造成高低不同的氮肥梯度。4个不同的施氮量分别为N0(不含氮),N1(50 kg/hm2),N2(100 kg/hm2),N3(150 kg/hm2),每个处理4次重复,共设置4×4=16个试验小区。试验田中0~0.5 m耕层土壤中全氮和速效氮质量分数分别为0.154 、104.032 mg/kg。其他按高产栽培管理。分别在水稻的返青期、分蘖期和抽穗期进行数据采集,采集时,在各氮肥梯度处理下选择具有代表性的3穴水稻进行叶片高光谱数据和叶片氮素含量数据的获取,将试验中测得的144组氮素含量数据,采用3倍标准差分别对各个关键生育期氮素含量进行异常值剔除。同时采用蒙特卡洛算法将各关键生育期异常光谱数据剔除,最终得到113个样本,其中训练集79个,验证集34个。如表1所示。

表1 水稻叶片氮素质量分数统计

1.2 数据获取

1.2.1 水稻叶片缺氮量测定以及产量测定

在每个小区中对水稻进行破坏性取样,带回实验室,将该穴水稻所有新鲜叶片剪下置于烘箱中以105 ℃杀青30 min,再以65 ℃烘干至恒量。称量后将其粉碎,把研磨好的粉末分别装入2个做好标记的自封袋中,一袋被用于检测叶片的含氮量(N,mg/g),采用的方法是传统的凯氏定氮法;另一袋被用于采集叶片的高光谱数据。


10月16日水稻收获时将用pvc管做成的边长为1 m的正方形框随机放入待测小区,计算1 m2内的总穴数、每穴有效穗数、平均每穗粒数以及千粒质量。如表2所示,其中施氮量为N2的水稻田产量最高,达到387.15 kg/667m2。依据产量最高原则,将施氮量为N2的小区定义为标准田,在该小区采集的所有光谱的平均值定义为标准光谱,该小区氮素的平均值定义为标准氮含量。然后对非标准小区采集的水稻叶片氮含量与标准氮含量做差值,完成水稻叶片缺氮量的测定。

表2 水稻产量统计


图1 缺氮量正态分布检验

表3 缺氮量正态性检验分析结果


1.2.2 水稻叶片光谱反射率差值测定


水稻叶片经杀青-烘干-研磨之后,为了减少人为使用海洋光学积分球按压水稻叶片氮素粉末力度不均匀导致光谱变化带来的影响,本研究使用天光光学仪器有限公司生产的HY-12液压型红外压片机将粉末状水稻氮素在40 MPa压力下制备成紧密、不透光、厚度一致(半径为7 mm,厚度为3 mm)的片状水稻叶片氮素。然后采用蔚海光学仪器(上海)有限公司生产的海洋光学HR2000+高分辨率光谱仪来测定试验样本水稻叶片氮素的光谱反射率,光谱波段的探测范围为190~1 100 nm,波段精度和光谱分辨率均调整至1 nm。由于190~450和1 000~1 100 nm之间存在着噪声,所以本研究取450~1 000 nm之间的光谱反射率。每次测定叶片光谱反射率前,均要用漫反射参考板对HR2000+高分辨率光谱仪进行校准。


图2 113个光谱反射率差值

1.3 光谱降维方法

全波段光谱中含有大量与各生理生化参数无关的冗余变量,在建模过程中会在一定程度上导致模型误差增大[17-20]。所以,提取光谱数据中的有用信息是建立稳健、准确模型的前提。本研究分别采用离散小波多尺度分解、连续投影法(successive projections algorithm,SPA)和构建植被指数的方法对光谱进行降维处理。

1.3.1 离散小波多尺度分解


1.3.2 构建植被指数

将400~1 000 nm波段的光谱反射率随机两两组合,构建与水稻叶片缺氮量相关性较高的比值植被指数RVI、归一化光谱指数NDVI和差值植被指数DVI。分别制作RVI、NDVI、DVI与水稻叶片缺氮量的决定系数等势图,寻找较优的3种光谱植被指数作为反演模型的输入。RVI、NDVI、DVI分别定义如下


1.3.3 连续投影法

连续投影法(successive projections algorithm,SPA)是一种使矢量空间共线性最小化的前向变量选择算法,现在已被广泛应用于生物医学成像,计算机断层扫描,信号处理,光谱计量学等领域。SPA算法分为以下3个阶段[24]:




()=arg(max||PX||,∈) (8)





第二阶段,分别使用各子集中的变量建立多元线性回归(multivariable linear regression,MLR)模型,选出均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)最小的子集。


1.4 反演建模方法

本研究选用偏最小二乘(partial least squares regression,PLSR)、极限学习机(extreme learning machine,ELM)和遗传算法优化极限学习机(genetic algorithm-extreme learning machine GA-ELM)3种方法进行建模,依据检验模型的决定系数R和均方根误差来检验模型的精准度和可靠性,挑选最优的水稻叶片缺氮量反演模型。



图3 基于GA优化ELM的流程图

2 结果与分析

2.1 特征及特征波段的选择

2.1.1 离散小波多尺度分解选取光谱特征


图4 不同小波母函数下的压缩率和相关系数


表4 不同小波母函数下的分解个数


2.1.2 SPA选取有效特征波段


由图5b可知,利用SPA从400~1 000nm的波段中挑选出7个特征波段,分别为459、460、475、671、723、874和996nm。将挑选出的特征波段处的反射率作为反演模型的输入量。

2.1.3 植被指数与水稻缺氮量的相关性

2.2 遗传算法优化极限学习机反演模型

图5 样本模型最佳光谱变量个数和相应的光谱波段

图6 水稻植被指数与缺氮量的决定系数等势图

图7 不同降维方法的GA-ELM水稻叶片缺氮量预测模型检验结果

2.3 与其他反演模型的比较


图8 不同降维方法的PLSR水稻叶片缺氮量预测模型检验结果

图9 不同降维方法的ELM水稻叶片缺氮量预测模型检验结果

3 讨 论


4 结 论



2)对光谱反射率差值经SPA(successive projections algorithm)、离散小波多尺度分解、构建植被指数的方法进行降维处理。

3)将3种方法的降维结果分别采用PLSR(partial least squares regression)、ELM(extreme learning machine)、GA-ELM(genetic algorithm-extreme learning machine)方法建立模型。结果表明:

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Genetic algorithm combined with extreme learning machine to diagnose nitrogen deficiency in rice in cold region

Xu Tongyu1,2, Guo Zhonghui1, Yu Fenghua1,2, Xu Bo1, Feng Shuai1

(1.,,, 110161,; 2.,, 110161,)

Nitrogen is a key plant nutrient and its deficiency or surplus could inhibit plant growth and reduce crop yield. Over the past decade, remote sensing has been increasingly used to diagnosis nitrogen deficiency in crop. Taking rice grown in cold region in northeast China as an example, this paper studies the relationship between nitrogen content in japonica rice and the difference between spectral reflectance based on data measured from field. This relationship was used to inversely estimate nitrogen deficiency in the rice based on hyperspectral images. In our analysis, the nitrogen content producing the highest yield was defined as standard nitrogen content and its associated spectral reflectance was defied as standard spectral reflectance. The difference between real nitrogen content and the standard nitrogen content, as well as the difference between the real spectral reflectance the standard spectral reflectance, were calculated respectively. The difference in spectral reflectance was dimensionally reduced using the discrete wavelet multi-scale decomposition, continuous projection method (successive projections algorithm, SPA) and vegetation index construction. The characteristic bands screened by SPA were 459、460、475、671、723、874 and 996 nm. Analysis showed that when the discrete wavelet multi-scale decomposition was used to reduce the dimension, the Sym8 wavelet mother function worked best when it was decomposed at the seventh layer. Comparing DVI, NDVI and RVI vegetation index found that the determination coefficient of the DVI index and nitrogen deficiency was significantly higher than that of NDVI and RVI index. The three indexes were used as input to the partial least squares (PLSR), the extreme learning machine (ELM) and genetic algorithm optimization extreme learning machine (GA-ELM). The GA-ELM model was most accurate with the2being 0.7062 for the training set and 0.7594 for the verification set; their associated RMSE was 0.5099mg/g and 0.4276mg/g respectively. The GA-ELM model based on the optimal vegetation index was least accurate, with the2for the training set and the verifying set being 0.6615 and 0.6509 respectively; their associated RMSE was 0.4415mg/g and 0.5312mg/g. Overall, GA-ELM improved stability and predictability of the model compared with PLSR and ELM. It can thus be used as a new method to detect nitrogen content in rice leaf, and has important implication in precision fertilization.

spectrum analysis; models; hyperspectral; discrete wavelet multiscale decomposition; genetic optimization algorithm; extreme learning machine

许童羽,郭忠辉,于丰华,徐 博,冯 帅. 采用GA-ELM的寒地水稻缺氮量诊断方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(2):209-218. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.02.025

Xu Tongyu, Guo Zhonghui, Yu Fenghua, Xu Bo, Feng Shuai. Genetic algorithm combined with extreme learning machine to diagnose nitrogen deficiency in rice in cold region[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(2): 209-218. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.02.025






O657.3; S511





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