

国际人才交流 2020年1期

文/Gisselquist Graham Gilbert(美) 译/张佳艺













It was January 2011 and I was on break from studying Chinese at Shihezi University in Xinjiang. Xinjiang was freezing cold and I was headed south. The 44-hour train ride from Urumqi to Shanghai went relatively smoothly thanks to a very friendly train stewardess who helped me upgrade my noseat ticket to a hard sleeper. I still remember her telling me, in English and under her breath, to “Be quiet” and “don’t talk” because if all the other noseaters found out that there were sleeping berths available there could have been a scence. After a few quick stops in Shanghai and Zhejiang to visit old friends and students I was on train to Fuzhou.

On the train to Fuzhou I met a guy named Huang. He was traveling around selling faucets and other water spigots. He was full of energy and talked quickly about everything under the sun including why the K train we were on was very safe. We compared birthdates and it turned out he was only a couple of days older than me, but he was already married with a two-yearold girl. He asked me to call him Huang Ge and so I did. We exchanged telephone numbers and he invited me to his house in Quanzhou which I thought was very nice and convenient because it was my next stop after Fuzhou.

HuangGe and I texted back and forth while I was in Fuzhou and he seemed really keen on having me come visit him in Quanzhou. Once I got to Quanzhou we made plans for me to go to his house. I had always assumed that he lived in the city, but as it turned it he lived somewhere outside of the city (how far outside the city wasn’t clear). I got in a taxi and showed the taxi driver the address HuangGe had sent me. The taxi drive was long and the driver dropped me off in the middle of nowhere at the intersection of two major roads. I was a bit worried, but the taxi driver insisted this was the correct place and I called HuangGe and he said it was fine and he’d be there soon to pick me up. I waited for about an hour at this place until HuangGe showed up in his friend’s car and we continued the drive another 30 minutes to his village.

I spent the first night at a hotel and in the morning HuangGe came and picked me up on his motorcycle. I remember trying to pay for the hotel, but it was really hard to argue when everyone is speaking in a dialect you can’t understand. I bought a case of canned drinks and we headed over to his house. HuangGe lived with his mom, dad, wife and daughter in a two story farm house. It was big with the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and two bedrooms on the first floor. The second folor was used for storage and was just one big room. I don’t know what the walls were made up of, but it was probably stone covered in mortar, but the roof was exposed so I could see that. The roof was made up of these stone slabs about 20 cm square and several meters long that looked to be resting on the walls. This was not a building built to withstand earthquakes.

HuangGe’s grandparents gave up their bedroom for me and the next morning I went out with the grandma to dig up some starchy tuber. I helped the family grind up the tuber and mix it with water. We waited for the starch to settle out before pouring off the water and spreading the starch out to dry.

During the day HuangGe was making angry phone calls and told me that, not only, a business partner hadn’t paid him for some parts that he had sold, but that the factory he bought the parts from needed to be paid to. Whether it was that night or the following night I can’t remember, but HuangGe left to go and try and get a check for the money that was owed to him. On the night he left his very nervous looking wife and mother told me that he got the check, but HuangGe was unable to cash it because it was late. The problem was that the factory was demanding the money now, and if he didn’t give it to the factory owner the boss would have him arrested. They asked me to loan him 25,000 RMB, and while I was a bit skeptical it is difficult to turn down the people who have taken you into their house for the past few days.

We got on the family motorcycle and roared into town stopping along the way at someone else’s house to pick up a wad of cash. After the quick pit stop we raced off again to the ATM where while I withdrew money the wife deposited it into HuangGe’s bank account. We went back home and I was assured that tomorrow HuangGe would come back with the check and I’d get my money.

In the evening of the next day HuangGe came back looking tired and disheveled. He told me there was some problem with the check and I would get my money soon. It was Chinese New Year’s Eve and what should have been a fun night was very subdued, but we did go to the local temple and

watched fireworks being set off valley.

The next several days in the house were very tense. A steady stream of relatives came in to visit as is tradition after Chinese New Year, but no one was happy. HuangGe got yelled at a lot and I felt very out of place because everyone was talking in MinNan dialect.

It was during this time that I fell in love with Iron Buddha tea. Every time a visitor came over they would open up a little packet of tea, pour the tea leaves into the covered bowl, and start brewing tea. Because there wasn’t anything I could, or understand, I poured tea. I got pretty good at smooshing the tea down with the lid, holding the lid on with my index finger while maintaining pouring tea, and making sure everyone’s cup always had tea in it.

After several days HuangGe was able to borrow enough money from friends and relatives to pay me back. While I was waiting there was a wedding and a funeral in the village. The wedding seemed much more traditional than the weddings I have attended in cities.

All in all, it was very interesting experience in the countryside. The people were incredibly kind.


Writing a Check