The Mid-Autumn Festival Night in Huqiu
On the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar month—the Mid-Autumn Festival,Huqiu,a district in Suzhou,sees the gathering of all walks of life—locals and guests,officials and their families,female singers and dancers,prostitutes and female entertainers,young women and beautiful girls,naughty boys,catamites and young ruffians,servants and charlatans.All the people are seated on mats,stretching along from Shenggongtai,Qianrenshi,Ejian,Jianchi,Shenwendingci,down to Shijiangshi,Yiershanmen.Viewed from a high point,it looks like wild geese alighting on the sand beach,and sunset glow sprinkling over the river.
As it gets dimmer,the moon rises.Hundreds of places witness the performing of various musical instruments like clamoring gongs and drums,clapping cymbals,playing famous pieces of music,such as“Yuyangchanguo”—drum music.The sound is so loud like world-shaking and thunder-roaring.Even one shouts,another could not hear it.
At around 8 pm,the sound of drums and cymbals is getting faint.While wind and string instruments begin to be on the play in the accompany of some melodies,which are nothing but famous pieces of music like “Jinfankai,Chenghuwanqing”.The audience's stamping and beating with the pace of the music integrate with the sound of wind and string instruments and the singing voice,exuding a sense of jubilation.
Later,the crowd dissembles.Whereas,officials and their families go boating and entertaining.But at each table,someone still sings and performs.With the mixture of the northern and southern tunes and the alternation of wind and string instruments,listeners have to distinguish carefully the words and relish the inherent meanings.
At around eleven pm,quietness reigns among the crowd.The noisy wind and string instruments finally stop.There floats in the air a soft melody of Xiao—a vertical bamboo flute,exuding a touch of sadness.There still linger a few people,who follow the tempo of the tune and sing in rhythmic cadences.
Till midnight,in the sky hangs the full moon lonely.A solemn silence reigns among the crowd,only mosquitoes buzzing here and there.In an instant,there emerges a person on the stage,sitting high on the stone.Instead of piping Xiao and beating drums,he starts to sing,whose voice is silk-like soft and sharp enough to crack a stone and pin through clouds.His singing word is clear in rhythmic cadence and his voice is long and flat in length.People listen so carefully as if they were looking for small lost goods that their hearts are surged with waves of emotion.But in order not to interpret it,they just nod heads rather than beating along with the tempo.There remain around a hundred of audiences sitting like wild geese on the beach.If I were not in Suzhou,how could I meet the right person keenly appreciative of the music?
古代散文翻译,要“求真”,在把握原文中心思想基础上,还必须字字斟酌,结合中国民俗、文化准确把握其真实意义。做到不“误译”不“错译”。如第一小句“虎丘八月半……”,这里所说的“八月半”,并非阳历的日期,而是阴历的“八月十五”,结合中国的文化,不难看出,翻译时,如若忽略这一细节,译为“August 15th”,那就大错特错了,如此是“失真”,而不是“求真”。经查阅资料,结合中国传统文化,将其译为“on the night of 15th day of the 8th lunar month”,但是,考虑到读者的接受,又在后面补充到“the Mid-Autumn Festival”,不仅准确地传达了原文的意思,而且还弘扬了中国文化,让“中国文化走出去”,真正达到了“真”。中国人写文章讲究含蓄美,虎丘在何处,在文章结尾才提到在苏州,但翻译时,要考虑读者的接受,必须提及虎丘是苏州的直辖区,因此在Huqiu后面直接接同位语“a district in Suzhou”点明具体位置,简洁明了,恰到好处。另外,文中以时间顺序上演的一场场戏,那么自然“时间”在文章中起着举足轻重的作用,翻译时,尤其要理解透彻,翻译到位,“求真”极其重要。“更定”“更深”“二鼓”“三鼓”等是古代计时方法,古代晚间有五更之说,李勤昌对古代有关“更”的时间做了研究,文中提道:“经其考究,古代时间定法模糊,没有具体说法”,《古代汉语》《古汉语词典》等工具书对古时时间说法也不尽相同。多数工具书指出“更定”指晚上八点左右,开始击鼓报更时。“定”,停,止。“五更”是从晚上八点开始,每两个小时为一更,分别为“一更(鼓)”“二更(鼓)”“三更(鼓)”到“五更(鼓)”。而对于“更深”没有详细介绍,根据文意,“更深”比“更定”要晚,比“二更”要早,因此就不是太难了。根据读者反映批评理论,读者的接受也要考虑,加上了“around”“左右”之意,达到“动态对等”,因此分别译为“at around eight pm”“later”“at around eleven pm”“till midnight”。
英语采用“无灵主语”(inanimate subject)与“有灵动词”(animate verb)搭配,巧妙避免人称,诗歌意境美得到再生与再现。例如:
On the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar month—the Mid-Autumn Festival,HuQiu,a district in Suzhou,sees the gathering of all walks of life—locals and guests,officials and their families,female singers and dancers,prostitutes and female entertainers,young women and beautiful girls,naughty boys,catamites and young ruffians,servants and charlatans.
Hundreds of places witness the performing of various musical instruments like clamoring gongs and drums,clapping cymbals,playing famous pieces of music,such as“Yuyangchanguo”—drum music...
例(1)中“HuQiu sees”即构成所谓的无灵主语与有灵动词的搭配,因而颇耐寻味,无我之境传达得淋漓尽致,如此既没有破坏文章的原味,“无你”也“无我”,而且体现了“意境之美”。例(2)中“Hundreds of places witness”也是一样,体现当时的壮观场景。英译散文时,采用无灵与有灵的搭配,正是发挥译文语言之优势,不仅达到了“无我之境”“原生态”,而且巧妙地再现意境之美。
All the people are seated on mats,stretching along from Shenggongtai,Qianrenshi,Ejian,Jianchi,Shenwendingci,down to Shijiangshi,Yiershanmen.Viewed from a high point,it looks like wild geese alighting on the sand beach,and sunset glow sprinkling over the river.
在例(3)中,可以看出原文采用比喻手法淋漓尽致地表达了“戏剧表演”的浩大的场面,“犹如成群的大雁栖落在平坦的沙滩,斑斓的晚霞洒满江面”。为了达到此意境,译者特意加上“stretching”一词,体现场面的壮观。此外,为了还原原文的韵味,采用了平行结构“名词+动词+状语”:“wild geese alighting on the sand beach”“sunset glow sprinkling over the river”以更好地展现审美趣味。
The sound is so loud like world-shaking and thunderroaring.
Instead of piping Xiao and beating drums,he starts to sing,whose voice issilk-like soft and sharp enough to crack a stone and pin through clouds.
修辞是作者有意而为之,也是美文的主要表现,因此形象、生动、逼真地传达意境之美,翻译时,要尽量给予再现。例(3)(4)(5)中分别采用了比喻、夸张等修辞手法,来刻画场景、歌声等。翻译时分别采用了looks like,like等表达方式,“穿云”用“pin”含有暗喻手法。为了传达当时场景中热闹欢快的氛围,特意采用了“动态性”动词,表达欢快,活跃的氛围,如“worldshaking”与“thunder-roaring”“crack”与“pin”,充分真切地还原“意境之美”。
Therestill linger a few people,who follow the tempo of the tune and sing in rhythmic cadences.
Asolemn silence reigns among the crowd,only mosquitoes buzzing here and there.
例(6)中的“与肉相引”翻译成现代汉语是“众人随着节拍展喉放歌的人声与乐器声便水乳交融在一起”,其中“随着节拍”即可表达为“pace of the music”,但考虑到音响效果,“音美”,译者将其换成“the tempo of the tune”取得了很好的听觉效果,音乐美感。例(5)中的“soft and sharp”,例(7)中“solemn silence”类似。而且从语法结构上,三个结构语法关系也不相同,包括定中结构、并列结构等,在整体上不单调,反而取得很好的平行美感,有很强的音乐节奏。
例(4)中的“world-shaking and thunder-roaring”,例(5)“here and there”分别采用了尾韵修辞,也是考虑音韵节奏,取得美妙的音乐效果,传达音乐美感。
《虎丘中秋夜》描述的是一场音乐盛会,不乏音乐元素,“大吹大擂”“雷轰鼎沸”“杂以歌唱”“管弦迭奏”“洞萧一缕”“声出如丝”,而且“不杂蚊虻”译者特意使用一些音响词。例(6)中“裂石穿云”的“裂”译成“crack”,它是个“动态声响词”,不仅传神地描绘了歌声的动态穿透力,而且还伴随着音乐美感,形象传神。例(4)“雷轰”译为“thunder-roaring”,其中用了“roar”逼真地描绘了声音之大,如雷贯耳,以及例(7)中“不杂蚊虻”中“蚊虻”的叫声“buzz”,没有用“make noise”,也是基于音乐美、节奏美的考虑,以此生动传神地再现“音美”。
诗歌追求形美,古代散文亦然,都追求形式上的“平衡美”(the beauty of balance),四字结构、对仗、对偶句等平衡优美,可取得很好的审美效果。英语中也有对等结构(antithesis),但汉语偏多。在英语中,为避免头重脚轻,还可采用倒装,达到平衡之美。
There floats in the air a soft melody of Xiao—a vertical bamboo flute,exuding a touch of sadness.
At midnight,in the sky hangs the full moon.A solemn silence reigns among the crowd,only mosquitoes buzzing here and there.
In an instant,there emerges a person on the stage,sitting high on the stone.
例(8)原文意思是“一缕洞萧之音悠悠传来,哀涩清绵”,英译时,采用了倒装,原文为两个小句,译文也同样两个小句,达到了形式对等。“float”“exude”两词传神地再现了箫声悠悠,哀涩绵绵的意味。不仅很好地将前后两句语义衔接,而且取得了形式之美。例(6)中将“a few people”置于“linger”后面,以及例(10)中将“a person”置于“emerge”后面都是为了取得语义衔接的同时,取得“形美”。
Instead of piping Xiao and beating drums,he starts to sing,
Withthe mixture of the northern and southern tunes and the alternation of wind and string instruments,listeners have to carefully distinguish the words and relish the inherent meanings.
为了再现原文的平衡对仗之美,英译时,例(11)中“不箫不拍”对应的译成“piping Xiao and beating drums”,采用“动词+名词”的并列结构,使译文与原文在形式上达到了“动态对等”。例(12)中“南北杂之,管弦迭奏”翻译时,以“the+名词+of...”结构,译成“the mixture of...”“the alternation of...”,在很好地传递原散文意义基础上,还原原文的韵味。同样,例(3)中“名词+动词+状语”结构,译成“wild geese alighting on the sand beach”“sunset glow sprinkling over the river”,在求真的基础上,传达了形式美感。