

中国农业气象 2020年11期

栾 青,郭建平,马雅丽,张丽敏,王婧瑄,李伟伟


栾 青1,2,郭建平2,3**,马雅丽1,张丽敏2,4,王婧瑄5,李伟伟6

(1.山西省气候中心,太原 030006;2.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081;3.南京信息工程大学气象灾害预警预报与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044;4.辽宁省葫芦岛市气象局,葫芦岛 125000;5.内蒙古自治区气象服务中心,呼和浩特 010051;6.山西省侯马市气象局,侯马 043000)






1 材料与方法

1.1 资料及其来源


1.2 积温模型及计算方法

1.2.1 日平均气温


表1 三种主要作物代表站地理信息及物候期观测资料年份

1.2.2 线性生长假设下的作物积温




Note: Tbis lower limit temperature, T0is optimum temperature, Tuis upper limit temperature. The same as below.


1.2.3 主要作物的三基点温度


表2 代表作物各主要生育期的三基点温度(日平均温度)


Note: JH is the jointing to heading stage of winter wheat. HM is the heading to maturity stage of winter wheat. ET is the emergence to tasseling stage of spring maize or summer maize. TM is the tasseling to maturity stage of spring maize or summer maize. The same as below.

1.2.4 稳定性检验指标

(1)变异系数(Coefficient of variation,CV)。CV是数据序列的标准差与其平均值的比,表示数据序列的相对离散程度,无量纲,可以客观地比较数据序列的稳定程度。根据各地代表作物生育期观测资料以及逐日平均气温,计算各积温模型的数据序列,利用CV检测各地代表作物主要生育期各积温模型数据序列的稳定程度。即

(2)生育期模拟偏差(Simulation deviation of growth period,SD)。SD定义为多年作物生育期的模拟值与实测值的平均偏差。其值越大表明模型稳定性越差,反之模型越稳定。假定随品种、气候等因素变化,作物生长所需积温为线性增加趋势,首先建立各地代表作物主要生育期各积温模型的数据序列随年份变化的线性方程,计算历年作物达到某一生育期所需积温,根据逐日平均气温,累加推算作物达到某生育期的时间(xi)。与实际作物达到该生育期的时间(yi)进行对比,计算SD值。即

(3)生育期模拟准确率(Simulation accuracy of growth period,SA)。SA为历年作物生育期模拟结果中与实际基本相符(生育期模拟值与实测值的偏差天数在±3d之内)的年数占相应生育期模拟年数的百分率(%),即


2 结果与分析

2.1 代表作物生育期各积温模型的变异系数分析

2.1.1 冬小麦


表3 基于4种线性假设的冬小麦生育期5种积温模型的变异系数


Note: Aa is the active integrated temperature model based on the linear hypothesis about response of growth and development rate to temperature. Ae1, Ae2, Ae3 and Ae4 are the four effective integrated temperature models based on the four linear hypotheses about response of growth and development rate to temperature.The linear hypothesis of Aa and Ae1 models is that the growth and development rate of crops (GDR) increases linearly with the increase of temperature when the average daily temperature (T) is higher than the lower limit temperature (Tb) of crops. The hypothesis of Ae2 model is that when the T is between the Tband the upper limit temperature (Tu) of crops, the GDR increases linearly with the increase of temperature and reaches the maximum (1.0); when the T exceeds Tu, the GDR remains constant with the increase of temperature. The hypothesis of Ae3 model is that when the T is between Tband Tu, the GDR increases linearly with the increase of temperature and reaches the maximum (1.0); when the T exceeds Tu, the GDR stagnate. The hypothesis of Ae4 model is that when the T is between Tband the optimum temperature (T0), the GDR increases linearly with the increase of temperature and reaches the maximum (1.0); when the T is between T0and Tu, the GDR decreases linearly with the increase of temperature and decreases to 0.0; when the T exceeds Tu, the GDR stagnate. The same as below.

2.1.2 春玉米


表4 基于4种线性假设的春玉米生育期5种积温模型的变异系数

2.1.3 夏玉米


表5 基于4种线性假设的夏玉米生育期5种积温模型的变异系数

2.2 各积温模型模拟代表作物主要生育期的偏差分析

2.2.1 生育期模拟


2.2.2 模拟偏差


表6 各地基于5种积温模型的代表作物主要生育期的平均模拟偏差(SD, d)

2.2.3 模拟准确率


表7 各地基于5种积温模型的代表作物主要生育期模拟准确率(%)


Note: Simulation accuracy is the percentage of years with a simulation deviation of the growth period less than three days in the total simulation years.

3 结论与讨论

3.1 结论



3.2 讨论





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Comparison of Model’s Stability about Integrated Temperature Based on Linear Hypotheses

LUAN Qing1,2, GUO Jian-ping2,3, MA Ya-li1, ZHANG Li-min2,4, WANG Jing-xuan5, LI Wei-wei6

(1. Shanxi Climate Center, Taiyuan 030006, China; 2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081; 3.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044; 4.Huludao Meteorological Bureau, Huludao 125000; 5.Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service Center, Hohhot01005l; 6.Houma Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province, Houma 043000)

Integrated temperature, as a measure of heat, has been widely used in the prediction of crop development period, yield, diseases and insect pests. However, more and more studies showed that the integrated temperature is unstable, and the stability of different integrated temperature models is different. Therefore, it is great significant to analyze and understand the stability of different integrated temperature models for the application of integrated temperature in agricultural meteorological work. In this paper, four linear hypotheses about response of growth and development rate to temperature and five integrated temperature models were made. The first linear hypothesis is that the growth and development rate of crops increases linearly with the increase of temperature when the average daily temperature (T) is higher than the lower limit temperature (Tb). It is the hypothesis of the active integrated temperature model (Aa) and the first effective integrated temperature model (Ae1). The second hypothesis is that when the T is between the lower limit temperature (Tb) and the upper limit temperature (Tu) of crops, the growth and development rate of crops increases linearly with the increase of temperature and reaches the maximum (1.0); when the T exceeds Tu, the growth and development rate of crops remains constant with the increase of temperature. It is the hypothesis of the second effective integrated temperature model (Ae2). The third hypothesis is that when the T is between Tband Tu, the growth and development rate of crops increases linearly with the increase of temperature and reaches the maximum (1.0); when the T exceeds Tu, the growth and development of crops stagnate. It is the hypothesis of the third effective integrated temperature model (Ae3). The fourth hypothesis is that when the T is between Tband the optimum temperature (T0), the growth and development rate of crops increases linearly with the increase of temperature and reaches the maximum (1.0); when the T is between T0and Tu, the growth and development rate of crops decreases linearly with the increase of temperature and decreases to 0.0; when the T exceeds Tu, the growth and development of crops stagnate. It is the hypothesis of the fourth effective integrated temperature model (Ae4). Based on these hypotheses, long time series of crop development period observation data and surface meteorological observation data of two winter wheat stations, three spring maize stations and three summer maize stations in Shanxi Province were selected to calculate the active integrated temperature and four effective integrated temperature. Using the coefficient of variation, the average simulation deviation of the crop growth period and the simulation accuracy of the crop growth period as indicators, the stability of the five integrated temperature models were evaluated. The result showed that the coefficient of variation (CV) of Aa model during different growth stages for three representative crops in each station were between 0.062 and 0.143; the CV of Ae1, Ae2 and Ae3 models were between 0.073 and 0.201; the CV of Ae4 model were between 0.072 and 0.179. That is, when using the CV as an indicator to test the stability of each model, the stability of Aa model was highest, that of the Ae4 model was the second and that of the Ae1, Ae2 and Ae3 models were the weakest. The average simulation deviation (SD) of Aa model for different growth periods of three representative crops in each station were between 1.3 and 5.8 days; the SD of Ae1, Ae2 and Ae3 models were between 1.5 and 6.6 days; the SD of Ae4 model were between 2.2 and 6.7 days. The simulation accuracy (SA) of Aa model for different growth periods of three representative crops in each station were between 39.5% and 92.3%; the SA of Ae1, Ae2 and Ae3 models were between 28.6% and 87.2%; the SA of Ae4 model were between 26.5% and 84.6%. That is, when using the SD and SA as the indicators, the Aa model had the best simulation effect for different growth periods of the crops and had the highest stability. The simulation accuracy and stability of Ae1, Ae2 and Ae3 models had no significant difference and were higher than those of Ae4 model. For spring maize and summer maize, the stability of each integrated temperature model was consistent from emergence to tasseling and from tasseling to maturity, and the stability of each integrated temperature model from emergence to tasseling was higher than that from tasseling to maturity. While the stability of each integrated temperature model for winter wheat from jointing to heading and from heading to maturity varied from region to region. Therefore, in practical applications, it is also necessary to select the appropriate base point temperature according to the crop planting region, variety relationship and growth period, and to select a more stable integrated temperature model based on the comprehensive analysis of the stability of multiple integrated temperature models.

Integrated temperature; Linear hypotheses; Stability; Coefficient of variation; Simulation accuracy of growth period








陈晓明 进入加速期和成熟期,未来十五年是花都滨水新城黄金时代