

英语世界 2020年10期


When we get sucked into our smartphones or distracted, we think its just an accident and our responsibility. But its not. Its also because smartphones and apps hijack our innate psychological biases and vulnerabilities.

I learned about our minds vulnerabilities when I was a magician. Magicians start by looking for blind spots, vulnerabilities and biases of peoples minds, so they can influence what people do without them even realizing it. Once you know how to push peoples buttons1, you can play them like a piano. And this is exactly what technology does to your mind. App designers play your psychological vulnerabilities in the race to grab your attention.

If youre an app, how do you keep people hooked? Turn yourself into a slot machine.

The average person checks their phone 150 times a day. Why do we do this? Are we making 150 conscious choices? One major reason why is the number one psychological ingredient in slot machines: intermittent variable rewards2.

If you want to maximize addictiveness, all tech designers need to do is link a users action (like pulling a lever) with a variable reward. You pull a lever and immediately receive either an enticing reward (a match, a prize!) or nothing. Addictiveness is maximized when the rate of reward is most variable.

Does this effect really work on people? Yes. Slot machines make more money in the United States than baseball, movies, and theme parks combined. Relative to3 other kinds of gambling, people get “problematically involved” with slot machines three to four times faster according to New York University professor Natasha Dow Schüll, author of “Addiction by Design.”

A sense of belonging

But heres the unfortunate truth: Several billion people have a slot machine in their pocket.

When we pull our phone out of our pocket, were playing a slot machine to see what notifications we have received. When we swipe down our finger to scroll the Instagram feed, were playing a slot machine to see what photo comes next. When we “Pull to Refresh” our email, were playing a slot machine to see what email we got.

Sometimes this is intentional: Apps and websites sprinkle4 intermittent variable rewards all over their products because its good for business. Other times, for example with email or smartphones, its an accident.

Another way technology hijacks our minds is by inducing5 the 1 percent chance we could be missing something important. But Apps also exploit our need for social approval. When we see the notification “Your friend Marc tagged you in a photo” we instantly feel our social approval and sense of belonging on line. But its all in the hands of tech companies.

Facebook, Instagram or SnapChat can manipulate how often people get tagged in photos by automatically suggesting all the faces we should tag. So when my friend tags me, hes actually responding to Facebooks suggestion, not making an independent choice. But through designing choices like this, Facebook controls the multiplier for how often millions of people experience their social approval.

Everyone innately responds to social approval, but some demographics6, in particular teenagers, are more vulnerable to it than others. Thats why its so important to recognize how powerful designers are when they exploit this vulnerability.

The empire

LinkedIn is another offender. LinkedIn wants as many people creating social obligations for each other as possible, because each time they reciprocate7 (by accepting a connection, responding to a message, or endorsing8 someone back for a skill) they have to come back to where they can get people to spend more time.

Like Facebook, LinkedIn exploits an asymmetry in perception. When you receive an invitation from someone to connect, you imagine that person making a conscious choice to invite you, when in reality, they likely unconsciously responded to LinkedIns list of suggested contacts. In other words, LinkedIn turns your unconscious impulses into new social obligations that millions of people feel obligated to repay. All the while they profit from the time people spend doing it.

Welcome to the empire of social media.

Western Culture is built around ideals of individual choice and freedom. Millions of us fiercely defend our right to make “free” choices, while we ignore how our choices are manipulated upstream by menus we didnt choose in the first place.

When people are given a menu of choices, they rarely ask: “Whats not on the menu?” Or: “Why am I being given these options and not others?” “Do I know the menu providers goals?” “Is this menu empowering for my original need, or are these choices a distraction?”

Even when were not hungry

The more choices technology gives us in nearly every domain of our lives (information, events, places to go, friends, dating, jobs), the more we assume that our phone is always the most empowering and useful menu to pick from. But is it?

Companies maximizing “time spent” design apps to keep people consuming things, even when they arent hungry anymore. How? Easy. Take an experience that was bounded and finite, and turn it into a bottomless flow that keeps going.

Cornell professor Brian Wansink demonstrated this in his study showing you can trick people into keeping eating soup by giving them a bottomless bowl that automatically refills as they eat. With bottomless bowls, people eat 73 percent more calories than those with normal bowls.

Tech companies exploit the same principle. News feeds are purposely designed to auto-refill with reasons to keep you scrolling, and purposely eliminate any reason for you to pause, reconsider or leave.

Its also why video and social media sites like Netflix, YouTube or Facebook autoplay the next video after a countdown instead of waiting for you to make a conscious choice.

Tragedy of the commons9

Tech companies often claim that theyre just making it easier for users to see the video they want to watch, when they are actually serving their business interests. And you cant blame them, because increasing “time spent” is the currency they compete for.

Companies also know that interruption is good for business. Given the choice, WhatsApp, Snapchat or Facebook Messenger would prefer to design their messaging system to interrupt recipients immediately instead of helping users respect each others attention, because they are more likely to respond if its immediate. Its in their interest to heighten the feeling of urgency. For example, Facebook automatically tells the sender when you “saw” their message, instead of letting you avoid disclosing whether you read it. As a consequence, you feel more obligated to respond.

The problem is: Maximizing interruptions in the name of business creates a tragedy of the commons, ruining global attention spans and causing billions of unnecessary interruptions each day.

Its inevitable that billions of people will have phones in their pockets, but they can be designed to serve a different role than deliver hijacks for our mind.

The ultimate freedom is a free mind, and we need technology thats on our team to help us live, feel, think and act freely.

































1 push sbs buttons引起某人的反应。

2 intermittent variable reward间歇性变量奖励,即每次所获奖励都不可预知,从而保持人们的兴趣,激励人们不断尝试。  3 relative to相比于。

4 sprinkle将……穿插于。   5 induce引起,导致。  6 demographic(商业用词)同类客户群体,(具有共同特征的)人群。

7 reciprocate回应,回报,酬答。  8 endorse认可。Endorsements(技能认可)是领英推出的一项功能,用户可一键认可联系人添加的职业技能。

9 tragedy of the commons公地悲剧,由美国学者加勒特·哈丁(Garrett Hardin)于1968年提出,其核心意思是:人们出于私利而抢占公共资源,终致公共资源遭毁。common公共用地。


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