Its hot, its dry, and it hardly rains at all, but spend any time here in Kuwait and youll find something rather surprising. A lot of people here are keen on green.
A long stretch of road outside Kuwait City is where the countrys gardeners feed their addiction. In this neighbourhood, nurseries are everywhere. There is something for everyone. But its not a cheap hobby, and requires dedication.
Nursery Owner: People want to go back to nature. What we do in the desert is go back by gardening. This is the closest we have. And thats a universal truth: everyone loves nature.
In the suburbs, high real estate costs mean that, for many, a small plot is all they can spare. Fessal has set aside two small strips. His garden might be small, but, for him, its a passion.
Fessal (Resident): Im a bit, a little bit greedy about this part because I actually park here and I wanted something nice to look at, but I wasnt really focusing on something nice, as in the flowers and the colours. If you see, theres a lot of insects and theres a lot of butterflies, so every time I go to work, I park here, and I enjoy that nature aspect that we have embedded in us.
Some Kuwaitis have a simple garden, something that connects them to nature, but this is a wealthy, oilrich country, and other people have a grander ambitions [sic].
For Jasim Al Saddah, the gardens here were a labour of love. He planted and prepared them for one year before the house was ready to move into, and consider[sic] them an expression of his personality and extension of himself.
Jasim: I tried, as best as I can [sic], to incorporate a little bit of modern garden design with a little bit of Zen gardening, but also, at the same time, introducing, like, all of these, like, very colourful,
luscious plants. People are interested, and they are becoming more interested in it, because they want to produce something that is, you know, pretty and looks good and green at the end of the day, as something quite new for us as an arid country.
The one constant of Kuwait is its climate. Coaxing life from the desert soil can be difficult, but as long as Kuwaitis are willing to rise to the challenges, then gardening will always have a place under the sun.