

疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年10期


層出不穷的音乐选秀类节目,看似使得中国音乐市场的潜力被加速释放,实则只是从另一维度提供了大众消遣的空间,至于纯粹的音乐本身,反而被淡忘。然而,《我 是唱作人》这个节目似乎找到了音乐的初心——从音乐本身出发。

1. dilemma /dalem/ n. 困境;两难境地

2. eliminate /lmnet/ v. 排除;消除;清除

3. indie /ndi/ adj. 独立小公司制作的;独立制作的

4. venue /venju/ n. 举行地点;会场

5. dystopian /dstpin/  adj. 反乌托邦的

There is no exact formula for a hit. Even top music executives have rejected songs which would later go on to become massive successes. One reality show, Im CZR, tackles this dilemma. CZR is short for changzuoren, literally meaning singersongwriter.

The show invites singersongwriters, big names or nobodies, of any music genre, to perform their unpublished original songs. The votes from 101 judges will decide whether a contestant stays or gets eliminated. Although the process seems stressful and brutal, it leans more on the exchanges among musicians rather than the competition results.

Of all the participants in the show, Liu Sijian, 20, is the youngest. Liu, from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, fond of new hiphop and new R&B, says that the show helped him correct his preconceived understandings about some music styles that he was unfamiliar with, folk singing for example. The show also enabled him to explore the varied possibilities of music. Labeled as a representative singersongwriter from the Generation Z, he has already released 37 original singles. Some have become very popular on shortvideo platform Douyin, and music streaming service NetEase Cloud Music, where he boasts over 500,000 followers. He wrote his first song, Merry Xmas/Marry Me in 2017 and inspired his 27,000 listeners to post comments on his NetEase Cloud Music profile. That greatly motivated him on his songwriting path.

After graduating from Dublin Coffman High School in the United States in 2018, Liu chose to come back to China and started a gap year to test the waters in the Chinese music market as an indie singer.

“I held gigs in live music venues, where I feel closer and better connected to my audience, most of whom are my contemporaries,” adds Liu, who toured six cities last year.

Liu is skilled at combining Chinese and English lyrics in a natural way, and likes to inject his attitude or views on certain issues into his lyrics. For example, his single Middleclass Children was written following a quarrel between his parents, The Hole was inspired by the Spanish dystopian movie, The Platform, while the song Monk Xuanzang was created to offer a metaphor for an increasingly prosperous and powerful China.

“Im not afraid of banging my head against the wall. Ive much time to learn and try different styles until I finally step into my own domain.”

Difficult sentence

Liu, from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, fond of new hiphop and new R&B, says that the show helped him correct his preconceived understandings about some music styles that he was unfamiliar with, folk singing for example.


分析:句中第一个that引导的是宾语从句,第二个that引导的是定语从句,先行词为music styles。

Activity A

Fill in the table below with only one word for each blank.

Activity B

假定你是李华,你校正举办“校园音樂周”活动,你打算介绍你最喜欢的歌手刘思鉴。请以“My favorite singer”为题,写一篇演讲词。


1. 你喜欢的歌手的姓名;

2. 歌手简介;

3. 喜欢的原因。


1. 150词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 叙述时要使用适当的表示时间的衔接词;

4. 至少要有两个段落有主题句。

Good morning. Boys and girls!Today Im honored to make a speech on my favorite singer.

Thank you. Thats all.


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