

考试与评价·高一版 2020年6期


I. 1. various 2. that 3. length 4. to 5. attractions 6. is modelled 7. preservation 8. whichever 9. advanced 10. to be

II. 1. C。考查动词词义。根据句意可推知,在零下130度,活细胞可以“保存”一千年。“保存”为preserved,故选C。spare“节约,节省”;protect“保护”;develop“发展;冲洗”。

2. D。考查名词的用法。in order“井然有序”。

3. A。考查名词词义辨析。variety“多样性,种类”;mixture“混合,混合状态”;extension“伸长,延长”;combination“联合,结合”。

4. A。本题使用非常规结构whatever the season,其相当于whatever season it is。若用常规结构,题目的难度就小得多。

5. B。考查语境选词。“苗条的身材”自然也是“有吸引力的”,故选B。

6. B。a collection of sth.是固定短语;attraction如果表示“有吸引力的人或物”时,是可数名词。本题两空格处都需要修饰单数形式的名词,用不定冠词,所以B为正确选项。


1. impression 2. disappointment 3. illnesses 4. deci- sion 5. imagination 6. satisfaction 7. youth 8. preference 9. performance 10. Failure 11. healthy 12. attracting

13. curiously 14. energetic 15. worried 16. anxious

17. reasonable 18. wooden 19. occasionally 20. hopefully

Suzhou Classical Gardens

I. 1. Our happy childhood is due to our father's hard work.

2. It has belonged to our family for ages.

3. The castle dates back to the ancient Roman days.

4. The president is in a state of poor health.

5. List three reasons why you enjoyed the film.

II. 1. reputation 2. prosperous 3. possession

4. treasure 5. attraction 6. private 7. protection 8. paradise 9. classical 10. excellent


1—5 DDBAB 6—10 BDCCB 11—15 CAACA 16—20 CABCD

Everyone Has Something to Give

I. 1—4 CDBC

II. 1. Taking a closer look at 2. until their last breath 3. with hope for the future 4. The top third of

Fights to the Finish

I. 1—4 CBDB

II. 1. was known as 2. force us to adopt 3. seem to like him 4. deserve to have 5. with the windows open

III.1. Worse still 2. end up 3. make fun of 4. due to 5. pay for

IQ Test

1. F. The square originally on the right is moving from right to left at each stage.

2. 74. Each circle adds to 249.

3. E. In all the others the overlapping segments alternate white / black or black / white. In E, two black overlapping segments are adjacent.

4. 647. It's digits total 17. The digits of all the other numbers total 21.

5. They all contain parts of the body: arm, ear, hip, lip, rib.


A. 1—3 ADB

B. 1—4 ABAC



1—5 DCDCA 6—10 DABBD 11—15 BCADD 16—20 CCCBD

B. 本文讲述了一位外国人在乘车时遇到的麻烦。当他准备下车时,因为着急按了两次车铃,结果引出一场误会,导致不能及时下车。

1—5 CACDA 6—10 CBCDA 11—15 DABAC

必修4 Unit 5课文语法填空

A. 1. having 2. others 3. for 4. amusement 5. variety 6. will bring 7. parks 8. traditional 9. If 10. is

B. 1. largest 2. going 3. through 4. system

5. individuals 6. outings 7. within 8. activities 9. com- fortable 10. walking


I. 1. project 2. condition 3. connection 4. struggle

5. campaign  6. kindness 7. considerate 8. statement

9. misunderstood  10. theme  11. various  12. nutrition 13. gestures  14. mountainous 15. approach 16. equip -ment  17. therefore 18. welfare 19. major 20. hungry

II. 1. behaviour  2. observation 3. inspiration

4. crowded  5. consideration 6. expansion 7. performer 8. astonishing 9. bored  10. entertainment  11. failures  12. direction 13. communication 14. representative

15. calculation 16. curiosity  17. generally 18. confused 19. underlined 20. Fortunately

III. 1. observed  2. respect 3. inspired  4. supported

5. calculated  6. intended  7. disturb  8. determined

9. represent 10. performed

IV. 1—5 BBDCA 6—10 BABCC 11—15 CDCCB

V. 1. at ease 2. as well as 3. instead of 4. by chance

5. Thanks to 6. more than 7. up to 8. in most cases 9. in particular 10. In general

VI. 1. as fast as possible  2. crowded in  3. move off 4. refer to  5. came across 6. carried on with their work 7. rid himself of 8. is content with 9. lead to 10. is; familiar with

VII. 1. devotes; to  2. refer to  3. looks down on / upon 4. build up 5. focused; on 6. broke into 7. pick out 8. were cut off  9. No wonder  10. in advance


I. 1—5 DBBDA 6—10 CBCBD

II. 1. has  2. owns  3. is 4. are  5. watch 6. has  7. is; are  8. are 9. are  10. are 11. is  12. is 13. studies 14. is 15. has

III. 1. are改为is  2. has改为have 3. is改为are 4. have改为has  5. are改为is  6. lives改为live 7. are改为is 8. work改为works  9. was改为were  10. are改为is

IV. 1. being treated 2. promising 3. believing

4. confusing  5. developing 6. leaving 7. being raised

8. Having finished 9. Being  10. coming 11. moving

12. being built  13. being given 14. being polluted

15. permitting

V. 1—5 ACCBC  6—10 DAACC

VI. 1. being held now 2. striking twelve 3. Learning English well 4. listening to music 5. my reading newspaper

6. being taken 7. smoking 8. Not knowing 9. Time permitting 10. Having been shown around

VII. 1—5 ADBCD 6—10 ABDCA 11—15 CABCD

VIII. 1. disappeared 2. encourage 3. rewrite

4. non-smoker 5. misunderstood 6. unfair 7. incon- venient 8. preview 9. endangered 10. extraordinary

IX. 1. angrily 2. satisfaction 3. friendly 4. carefully

5. widely 6. mistaken 7. liberation 8. management

9. kindness 10. chemical




1. M: You know, I still like those old cartoons. Bugs Bunny is my favorite character.

W: Really? I only watch action movies. I think those old cartoons are silly. Only babies watch them.

2. M: It's cold outside!

W: Let's build a fire in the house.

M: I didn't get any wood from the store.

W: We can borrow some from our neighbor.

3. M: I will try to take the bus at 10:00. Then I will be home by 10:10. If I don't catch the first bus, I will be home at 10:30.

W: OK. I'll unlock the door for you so you don't have to wait in the cold.

4. W: Thank you for helping me. Can we meet again at the same time next Sunday?

M: I think it'll be better to have two one-hour lessons, instead of one long lesson.

W: Good idea! How about Wednesday and then Saturday?

5. W: I'm glad you're back! I was so worried about you! What took you so long?

M: I had two lessons. Both of them were very long.



W: I like to go to fashion shows. They give you some ideas about what kinds of clothes are coming into fashion and which ones are going out.

M: It's nice to see those pretty models walking down the runway in beautiful clothing. But to be frank, I don't think those clothes are practical for everyday wear.

W: I think we're beginning to see some practical Italian ready- to-wear collections being shown these days. And they reach the American stores just a few weeks after the major fashion shows.

M: This should be good news for America's career women. They are this country's most eager consumers of Italian styles. It's time for the Italian designers to figure out that only when they make fashion more practical will they have a bigger market here.


M: What were you like when you were my age?

W: That was a long time ago. I was a lot like you, actually. I loved art, and I took dance lessons.

M: I like art, too.

W: I know you do. I have hung a lot of your paintings up in the living room. I was also very shy, and I didn't make friends very easily. Do you want to see some photos of me when I was little?

M: Yeah!

W: Here I am on Easter Sunday. Look at my silly hat! And here I am with the family dog, Buttons. He was so sweet. Oh, look, this is me with your mother when she was little. She looks just like you!

M: I think she looks like you.

W: She does look like me. I'm her mother, after all.

M: When did you meet me?

W: When you were born! I was at the hospital when your mother had you, and I was the third person to hold you. Your grandfather was the fourth. He would be very proud of you if he were still with us today. You're a wonderful little boy.


China Folk Cultural Village is the first large-scale cultural and scenic spot assembling folk arts, customs and folk villages. With an area of 200 thousand square meters and 24 life-size villages with houses and streets, China Folk Cultural Village reflects the colorful Chinese culture in many respects. The performances of folk dancing and singing and large-scale joint performance on the Folk Cultural Plaza vividly display Chinese folk arts. After its opening, the China Folk Culture Carnival Parade, Four Seasons Rondo, Chinese Charms, Blue Sun, Revised China Folk Culture Carnival Parade and the latest Emerald all won praise from the visitors of all nationalities. Various national festivals including the Water-splashing Festival of Dai nationality, Torch Festival of Yi nationality, Lusheng Festival of Miao nationality and Great Temple Fairs of Chinese Nationalities are celebrated in a magnificent manner, bringing tourists into a charming cultural world and displaying Chinese history and glory.



1—5 CCBCA 6—11 BBCBBC 12. customs

13. 200 14. Chinese culture 15. displaying


I. 1. swinging 2. length 3. advanced 4. amusements 5. attraction 6. theme 7. preserve 8. unique 9. deeds

10. tourism

II. 1. unhappy 2. friendly 3. development 4. suitable 5. imagination 6. attractions 7. physicist 8. variety 9. im- possibility 10. admission

III. 1. C。句意:不管玛丽和我之间发生了什么事都与你无关。whatever引导主语从句作主语,表示“不管什么事”。故选C。

2. A。句意:Lucy很幽默,总是讲故事让她的同事消遣。考查非谓语动词作宾补。keep 后不用不定式作宾补。amused“觉得好笑的”;amusing“逗人笑的,令人觉得好笑的”。

3. D。根据上下文句意可得知,难怪他每天看起来都很累,上课时好像都能睡着。it's no wonder that...“难怪……”。故选D。

4. A。which引导非限制性定语从句中又包含了一个表语从句,因为从句中缺少主语,故用what引导。故选A。

5. C。考查连词词组用法。连词not only... but also...“不仅……而且……”,是固定搭配。故选C。

6. B。句意:有些人……而有些人……。乏指“有些人”应是复数形式,故选B。

7. B。句意:当我们到达电影院时票已经卖完了。我们本应该提前订票的。in advance“预先;提前”。故选B。

8. C。句意:老师叫同学们安静下来学习课文。settle down“安静下来”,故选C。

9. B。句意:当这本书可以用的时候,而不是“可能的、适合的、方便的”,故选B。

10. D。根据句意“无论是出国还是留在国内”和搭配whether... or...可得知,故选D。

IV. 1. preserve; from 2. to; amusement 3. matter what 4. admitted that 5. not only

V. 1. various colors 2. is famous / known 3. settle down 4. Not only 5. made; admission

VI. 1. First, get close to him and then make friends with him.

2. The wounded soldier came to life again.

3. She plays not only the piano but also the violin.

4. Whether you believe it or not, it is true.

5. He is famous as a great writer.

VII. 1. B。根据下文losing her mother可知death符合语境,故选B。

2. C。因为Mary患有自闭症,所以作者希望她能够再次享受到生活中的美好、神奇及乐趣。

3. A。根据空白处后的losing her mother可知,故选A。

4. D。通读全文可知,作者是一位老师,负责教孩子们如何编织花篮,如何在花篮上插上美丽的纸花朵。

5. C。根据下文My mother loved flowers可知作者教孩子们如何在篮子上插上纸花。

6. A。Mary是一位患有自闭症的女孩,所以作者把彩色纸放在她的桌子上并鼓励她试一试。

7. B。作者教孩子们编织花篮并插上纸花朵,所以对孩子们来说,这些花篮都是作品,故选B。

8. D。根据hurried to...和all red的提示可知face符合语境。故选D。

9. A。根据come and see Mary's basket的语气可推测当时Kristie是大声喊老师去看。故选A。

10. C。根据It is so pretty!和I watched it and caught my breath可知Kristie认为Mary编得太漂亮了,老师一定不敢相信Mary能编织出这么漂亮的花篮。故选C。

11. B。根据下一句this is so beautiful的提示可知,故答案选beauty。

12. D。Mary患有自闭症,却编织出了非常漂亮的花篮,所以作者很好奇,想知道Mary是如何做到的。故选D。

13. A。根据any和little girl的提示及患自闭症的Mary编出了非常漂亮的花朵和花篮可知,作者认为她的眼神此时就像其他任何一个普通女孩一样,神采奕奕。故选A。

14. C。根据in our garden的提示可知planted符合语境,故选C。

15. B。根据until school ended和she carried it out of the...可知,故选B。

16. D。因為Mary用爱心编织了漂亮的花篮,所以她小心翼翼地把它拿出了教室。故选D。

17. A。根据at the very center of the room和she ran back的提示可知room符合语境,Mary带着花篮离开了教室。故选A。

18. C。根据This is for you的提示可知Mary送给了作者一朵纸花。故选C。

19. B。根据in my desk ever since和remind me的提示可知作者一直保存着这朵纸花。故选B。

20. D。Mary之所以做出如此漂亮的花篮是因为她倾注了对母亲的思念与爱,故选D。

VIII. A篇  1. D。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了几项夏令营活动,以及这些活动包含哪些项目和有什么意义等,给孩子们提供了不同的经历或感受。故选D。

2. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的our team of teachers and instructors will help kids to develop and experiment new skills可知,在艺术营,教师和辅导老师会帮助孩子们学习和尝试新技能,故选C。

3. B。細节理解题。解题关键是“nature”。根据最后一段中的Our program is about nature study可知,动物营是关于自然的研究,故选B。

4. D。文章出处题。主要介绍了几项夏令营活动,其目的是鼓励孩子积极报名参加,故选D。

B篇 5. B。细节理解题。文章第一段谈到她的童年,从第一段“她的六个兄弟和父亲想控制她,她因为感到害羞和不重要,所以躲进书里去”和该题描述“童年的Cisneros”,选项B(她感到自己不是重要之人)与文中Feeling... unimportant吻合,故选B。

6. D。推理判断题。文中“她找到一个老师,帮助她参加大学生写作计划,在作者写作坊里她感到孤独,因为是一个贫穷的墨西哥裔美国人,这种与众不同的感受帮助她找到写作灵感”,也即“她创作的风格”来源于这个写作计划提供给她的一次机会,故选D。

7. C。推理判断题。根据该句It was not until... that my writing acquired a voice. 直到这时我才认为我真地与众不同,我的写作就获得了创作灵感。故选C。

8. A。细节理解题。解题关键是“关于The House on Mango Street《芒果街上的小屋》的情况”。根据最后一段中的The book tells about a young... in Chicago和has been used in classes from high school可以得知,该书受到学生们的欢迎,故选A。

C篇 9. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的visitors... can experience the architecture, ...of 12 European countries.可以感受12个国家的建筑风格,由此可得知,答案为D。

10. B。细节理解题。根据第三、四段内容可得知,和家人一起享受到“过山车、杂技表演、海底世界、希腊村庄”等风景,故答案为B。

11. A。细节理解题。根据选项和15th Mar. to 2nd Nov., 1st Dec. to 6th Jan.可得知,答案为A。

12. A。目的意图题。考查写作意图,根据文章开头Welcome to Germany's largest theme park和文章内容介绍以及主题公园经历等,可得知答案为A,说服人们去参观主题公园。

D篇13. On Sep. 12, 2005.

14. 5.6 million visitors.

15. Hong Kong Disneyland.


X. 1. themselves 2. have been designed 3. usually

4. a 5. parks 6. oldest 7. magical 8. traditional 9. where 10. or

XI. 1. study前加will 2. transportation前的a改为the 3. strong改为strongly 4. 去掉because后的of

5. many改为much 6. Beside改为Besides / Moreover / Furthermore 7. student改为students 8. which改为what 9. Remembering改为Remember 10. help改为helpful

XII. One possible version:

Last weekend, we went to the local orphanage to do some voluntary work. On the way, we bought books and toys with the money donated by our classmates. Upon our arrival, we handed out all the gifts to the children, then we patiently taught them to sing songs. Before leaving, we received pictures drawn by them as souvenirs of the visit.

When we were about to leave, the children waved their hands and thanked us for our kindness. Seeing the children's bright smiles, all of us considered the visit to be well worthwhile. We have made an effort to bring sunshine to the children's lives, and were really happy to be able to help them.




1. W: Have you seen the movie “Hangover”? We went to see it last night.

M: How was it?

W: Jason thought it was extremely amusing, but I was a bit disappointed.

2. M: Susan, I heard you are going to France. How long will you be staying there?

W: A whole year. My aunt lives there. I'm going to do a one-month course at a language school and spend the rest of the time traveling.

3. M: Let's see what drinks you've got for the party tonight.

W: Everything! Beer, wine, soft drinks like Coke, 7-Up... you name it, I've got it! Have you ordered the cake?

M: Of course.

4. M: I don't have a library card. Do I need one?

W: You have to have one only to take books out. You're okay if you just sit in one of the rooms reading.

M: Well then, I'll just read here. Thank you.

5. W: I wish I knew the times of the trains to London. But our phone's out of order.

M: Don't worry, Grandma. I'll find out for you on the Internet.

W: Thank you!



M: Hello, Linda!

W: Hello, Mike!

M: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

W: Sorry. I'm getting ready for tomorrow's picnic now.

M: Yes? Whom will you have it with?

W: Some of my classmates.

M: Where?

W: On the top of the mountain.

M: It's so far from our town. How will you get there?

W: Jack's father will take us there in his car.


M: Mary, I'm going to know something about Professor David. You know him, don't you?

W: Sure, I used to take his course. Why are you asking about him?

M: You know, I've applied for a part-time job in his office but I have never seen him, and tomorrow he will interview me.

W: Oh, that would be nice. The professor is a famous chemist.

M: What does he look like? Does he look untidy?

W: No, never. He likes to wear suits and ties. And he always looks serious.

M: Oh, does he?

W: But he is very warm-hearted and patient. I'm still grateful for his help with my paper.

M: He is an old man, isn't he?

W: No, not really. Probably he is in his forties, but he looks older. He is short and fat…

M: Do you think he is friendly?

W: Yes, of course, though he doesn't speak a lot. In short, I'm sure he is a very nice gentleman.

M: Thanks for the information.

W: Sure. Good luck.


More than 7,000 years ago, a 17-year-old Italian boy traveled thousands of kilometers on horseback to China. He visited many places all over the country and returned to tell his story. Today modern Italians are following in Marco Polo's footsteps. They want to re-experience the journey of the great explorer. “We will face the same kind of difficulties he did. We will also travel through mountains and deserts,” said the leader of the group, Piero Lapiana. Now they are preparing for the trip. They need to, because they will meet bad weather and difficult roads along the way. They expect to begin their trip this fall. It will last about 15 months and the team will travel to 16 countries.



1—5 CACBA 6—11 BCCAAC 12. 7,000

13. following 14. trip 15. travel


I. A篇 1. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的The light, elegant, scone-centric meal served at fancy hotels is called “low tea” or “afternoon tea”.可知,故选C。

2. A。细节理解题。根据Chat Noir部分中的“Open 7 days a week.”及“516-208-8521,”可知,Chat Noir每周营业七天,因此预订星期一的下午茶可拨打516-208-8521,故选A。

3. D。细节理解题。根据The Secret Garden Tea Cafe & Gift Shoppe部分中的“includes scones, fresh fruit,”可知,故选D。

B篇4. D。推理判断题。根据第二段的内容以及第三段中的To help Miss K, Waylon decided to take the pig... donate all the money可知,Waylon拍卖自己养的猪是为了帮Miss K所在的慈善组织Beat Nb筹钱。故选D。

5. A。事实细节题。根据第四段中的hoping they would bid higher than the usual price of $3-to-4 per pound可知,Waylon给这几个公司发邮件的目的是想把猪卖个好价钱。故选A。

6. C。词义猜测题。根据下文He won the bidding... again. The second winner bought it for $10 a pound, but then he gave it back, too可知,投标人Dan与另一个投标人达成共识,两人拍下猪后把猪还给Waylon再进行拍卖。

7. C。推理判断题。根据第五段中的then, he, too, unexpectedly donated the pig back可知,Dave Moll把猪还给Waylon的行为出乎人们的意料,故选C。

C篇8. B。推理判断题。根据第一段“给CNN电视台的信中……她不希望人们在她的葬礼上哭,而应该庆祝她的生命”和“伴随家人特别的爱安祥地死在家里以及她拒绝脑瘤杀死她的灵魂”等信息推断,故选B。

9. C。推理判断题。文中第一至四段内容都提到了Katy Perry,Katy Perry是美国著名歌手,通过名人效应引起人们更多地关注Olivia Wise,达到帮助这个青少年的目的,故选C。

10. A。细节理解题。应该在文中找到the Liv Wise Fund。根据文中的that was started in her name in support of brain tumor research可得知,故选A。

11. D。推理判断题。根据文中信息进行推断,再看最后一段中的a song about how she wanted to live life可推斷出,Olivia Wise面对死亡非常勇敢,故答案选D。

D篇12. C。写作意图题。根据第一段中的the short battery life on small drones has been a problem 可得知,要想使无人机在空中停留时间长,就要解决无人机蓄电池问题,这也正是“设计无线平台”的目的,故选C。

13. A。段落大意题。根据第三段第一句A lot of tests have been done by the researchers. 可得知,主要告诉我们“实验人员怎么做实验”,故选A。

14. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的The population of bees is becoming smaller and smaller可得知,答案选B。

15. C。词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的We decided to use bumblebees和it is very easy for these bees 可得知,应该是指bumblebees,故选C。

II. 1. C。根据下文“这意味着你应该超越你在课本或图书馆学到的东西。你的原创作品是教授评价你表现的基础”可推测:你所面对的学术挑战是要原创,故选C。

2. B。根据上文“它要求在基于你自己工作的基础上引用材料”可知,空处承接上文,应是说引用的内容:其他学者的想法、数字、图表等等。故选B。

3. E。根据上文“在读者方面,它会让读者决定你的研究的深度”可知,是列举引用材料的优点,可对应到E选项:它也能让读者欣赏你对研究的原创性贡献。故选E。

4. G。根据下文“如果你不确定,在提交论文或报告之前向你的教授寻求指导”可知,上文中的不了解学术规章制度并不是抄袭的借口。故选G。

5. F。根据下文“东亚的学生可能认为直接从资料中抄袭是做研究的正确方法”可知本段是将对于国际学生来说,了解当地的学术规定是很重要的。故选F。


I. 1. C。由句型find + it +adj.+ to do可知,形容词worthwhile作宾补,而worth / worthy只作表语或定语,故选C。

2. A。由词组搭配argue with sb. about sth.可得知,答案选A。

3. A。由be aimed at sth.“目的是做某事”可得知,此处作伴随状语,相当于he is aimed at...,故用过去分词形式。

4. D。名词point在后面的定语从句中作make的宾语,意为“希望你明白这点”。故选D。

5. B。凡先行词前有so或 such时,常用as引导限制性定语从句,而且在从句中作主语或宾语,故选B。

6. D。此处用现在分词breaking作结果状语。

7. C。由句意“在很多年里,他曾是苏联太空计划之父的一名重要助手”可得知,此处谈论的是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时。

8. A。由句意“我们都准备好了实施这项计划,换句话说,我们将尽快采取措施”可得知,in other words符合句意,故选A。

9. D。句意:即使邀请我去,我也不会去的。

10. D。judging by... 常用作评注性状语。

II. 1. building up 2. content 3. to convince 4. is intended for 5. carried on 6. equipped 7. come true

8. varies / varied 9. representing 10. defend

III. 1. respect; concerned 2. get rid 3. To; astonish- ment 4. Gernally speaking 5. appeared to

IV.  1. in support 2. refer to 3. struggling against

4. arguing about 5. astonished at 6. particular about

7. contrary to 8. majors in 9. with; on / shining 10. made; advances / progress

V. 1. Only in this way can you learn English well.

2. He made it clear what he intended to do.

3. As we all know, she is so good at drawing.

4. It's likely that she won't agree with this idea.

5. The weather varies from day to day.

VI. 1. C。根据下一句So we made our decision to buy it可知,房子价格在作者能承受的范围内,故选C。

2. A。下一句提到作者的丈夫搭建了栅栏,所以空白处选fence。作者和她的丈夫一致认为新房子应该有个栅栏。

3. C。根据第五段第一句中的the white fence had turned green可知,故选C。

4. B。根据下文中的Our four children have grown up以及 ... have been replaced with new ones可知,作者在新家生活多年后,身边发生了很多变化。

5. A。作者的四个孩子已经长大成人,再结合下一句中的the fence remains可知,作者的子女成年后从父母家搬了出去,而栅栏还保留到了现在。

6. C。根据the fence remains, so do I可知,栅栏还在这里,作者也还在这里生活,与之形成对比的是孩子离家到外面独自生活,之前的邻居也搬离了这里,所以选neighbors。

7. D。作者的子女们和大多数原来的邻居们已经不在这里生活了,而作者当初搬来时搭建的栅栏还在,however表转折。

8. B。根据Most times a broken board or two...可知,栅栏已经修过很多次了。

9. D。根据a broken board or two可知,栅栏的破坏程度很小,很容易就修好了,故選D。

10. A。连词but表示转折,空白处应与上一段最后一句中的During the past ten years... 形成对照,故选A。

11. C。作者刚刚重建了栅栏,结果不到一个星期,栅栏就被破坏了,当作者看到被破坏的栅栏时应该是很震惊的。

12. D。上一句提到部分栅栏被破坏,由此选broken,栅栏的桩被折断了。

13. A。根据not a life可知选just。栅栏只是一件事物,而不是生活。

14. B。根据Time to move on, stop trying可知选message。这种破坏行为貌似传递了一条信息。

15. C。根据from across the street 和offered sympathy for... 可知这个年轻人朝作者走过来。

16. A。根据a young man和a relatively new neighbor可推测作者不认识这个年轻人,故选A。

17. D。根据倒数第三段第一句As I was taking a photo of the damage for a police report中damage的提示可知,故选D。

18. D。年轻人对作者的栅栏被破坏表示了同情,因此可知作者很感激他的理解,故选D。

19. B。根據下一句中I realized the sounds came from my property可知,故选B。

20. B。根据I saw the neighbor I had just...可知正在修栅栏的正是作者昨天刚刚遇见的年轻人。

VII. 1. was left 2. to send 3. with 4. worried

5. fiercely 6. a 7. Having completed 8. until 9. classes 10. succeeded


How to Protect Traditional Chinese Culture?

In order to encourage us students to protect traditional Chinese culture, we held a heated discussion in the lecture hall of our school on May 10th.

When it comes to how to protect traditional Chinese culture, the students hold different views. Some think ignoring Western holidays is a good way. Some argue that we are supposed to hold some creative activities to celebrate our traditional culture so that it can help us have a better understanding of it, having fun. Besides, others consider more various competitions should be held, which can enable us to recite Chinese poems and practice calligraphy.

In my opinion, it's high time that we spared no effort to protect traditional Chinese culture.

