

考试与评价·高一版 2020年6期



I. 单项选择。

1. ________ of the land in that district ________ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifths; are C. Two fifth; are    D. Two fifths; is

2. My friend and classmate Paul ________ motorcycles in his spare time.

A. race        B. races        C. is raced        D. is racing

3. There ________ a pen, two pencils, and three books on the desk.

A. are        B. is          C. has          D. have

4. The factory, including its machines and buildings, ________ burnt last night.

A. is      B. are          C. were          D. was

5. Climbing hills ________ of great help to health.

A. is          B. are          C. were          D. be

6.  Not the teacher but the students ________ excited.

A. is B. has    C. are    D. have

7. The injured in the tsunami ________ good care of by some medical teams.

A. is taken    B. are being taken C. are taking      D. is being taken

8. As I have a meeting at four, ten minutes ________ all that I can spare to talk with you.

A. are  B. was  C. is    D. were

9. Each man and each woman ________ asked to help when the fire broke out.

A. is          B. was          C. are        D. were

10. About 60 percent of the students ________ from the south; the rest of them ________ from the north and foreign countries.

A. are; is    B. is; is            C. is; are        D. are; are

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. So far he as well as his parents ______ (have) heard the news.

2. As far as I know, nobody but you ______ (own) such a kind of expensive car.

3. Ten years ______ (be) a short period of time in history.

4. Don't you think the old  ______ (be) still useful to society?

5. The Browns often ______ (watch) TV in the evening.

6. The homework is very difficult, but half ______(have) been done.

7. The number of the girls in their school ______ (be) about 1,000, and a number of them ______ (be) interested in English.

8. Eighty-five percent of the books in their bookshop ______ (be) sold at a discount.

9. Ten students are in the classroom; the rest ______ (be) playing football on the playground.

10. She is one of the girls who ______ (be) well dressed.

11. Now, a worker and engineer ______ (be) giving them a lecture in the hall.

12. Truth and honest ______ (be) just what you are short of.

13. Every boy and every girl in their class ______ (study) really hard.

14. I think food such as fish and meat ______ (be) delicious.

15. Not only the couple but also their daughter ______ (have) a lot of interest in music.

III. 單句改错。

1. Mary, together with her daughters, are coming here to help us.

2. Neither he nor his parents has been to a large city.

3. The young in our village is good at doing business.

4. Four-fifths of the housework have already been done.

5. The party secretary and manager of our factory are very strict with us.

6. Sixty percent of the population in our city lives on rice.

7. As we all know, three feet are equal to one metre.

8. Each man and woman in the village work very hard.

9. Half of the apples was left on the table.

10. I think that ten dollars a kilogramme are very cheap.


IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. To tell you the truth, I can't stand ______ (treat) so unfairly.

2. I think that it is no use ______ (promise) without doing.

3. As we all know, seeing is ______ (believe).

4. I found that his answer was really very ______ (confuse).

5. It is well-known that China is a ______ (develop) country.

6. The young man dived into the water, ______ (leave) only his face exposed.

7. We stood on the playground, watching the national flag ______ (raise).

8. ______ (finish) their homework, the children could go home.

9. ______ (be) so excited, the young woman could hardly express herself.

10. Spring ______ (come) on, the leaves on the trees are turning green.

11. To my surprise, the ______ (move) story left him unmoved.

12. The building ______ (build) now will be finished next month.

13. How I look forward to ______ (give) a chance to go abroad for further education.

14. We should take immediate measures to prevent this river from ______ (pollute).

15. Weather ______ (permit), we will have a picnic next Sunday.

V. 单项选择。

1. Taking pictures ________ very interesting.

A. is        B. are          C. to be        D. be

2. ________ the bad news made him cry.

A. Hear      B. Heard        C. Hearing      D. Is hearing

3. Before he came, I'd finished ________ the whole book.

A. to read    B. to have read  C. reading    D. read

4. He sat there ________ a novel.

A. read      B. reading      C. reads      D. had read

5. Don't wake up the ________ child.

A. sleep      B. slept        C. sleeping    D. sleepy

6. Jack saw a woman ________ near the dog, so he walked up to her.

A. stood    B. stands      C. to stand    D. standing

7. ________ my homework, I went home.

A. Having finished B. Finished    C. Being finished      D. Finish

8. ________ the door unlocked, I went in.

A. Finding    B. Found        C. Had found D. Have found

9. ________ the way to take, the traveler went on his journey.

A. Telling    B. Having told    C. Having been told D. Have told

10. ________ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received

VI. 根据中文提示填写所缺的单词,每空一词。

1. I know that the meeting ______ ______ ______ (现在正在被举行的) is of great importance.

2. When I went into the room, I heard the clock ______ ______ (敲十二点).

3. ______ ______ ______ (学好英语) is really very important to all of us.

4. The girls enjoy ______ ______ ______ (聽音乐) in their spare time.

5. Would you mind ______ ______ ______ (我读报纸) in your office?

6. I remember very well ______ ______  (被带) to Beijing at the age of ten.

7. I think you must give up ______ (吸烟) as soon as possible.

8. ______ ______ (不知道) what to do, the little girl burst into tears.

9. ______ ______ (如果时间允许), I will go to visit that mountain village tomorrow afternoon.

10. ______ ______ ______ ______ (被带领参观) the library, we were taken to the laboratory.


VII. 单项选择。

1. I think that the sun-powered car you invented is friendly to our environment.

A. 以太阳能为动力的  B. 白天开的      C. 明亮的      D. 像太阳的

2. Last month he rented a house in the centre of the city, and his landlady is kind to him.

A. 姑娘          B. 妻子            C. 女上司        D. 女房东

3. Don't be so short-sighted; you should look to the future.

A. 近视眼的        B. 目光短浅的    C. 睫毛短的          D. 小眼睛的

4. This reference book is very valuable, so spending ten yuan on it is cost-effective.

A. 明智的          B. 聪明的          C. 划算的        D. 合理的

5. You always do things at the last moment; why don't you do them beforehand?

A. 以前            B. 用左手            C. 用右手            D. 事先

6. Because you are colour-blind, you can't be admitted into a medical university.

A. 色盲的          B. 瞎子              C. 色弱的          D. 微瞎

7. I have a terrible headache; I want to take this pain-killer.

A. 刹虫剂          B. 止痛药            C. 安眠药          D. 晕车药

8. Don't you know most glass is see-through?

A. 看得见的        B. 明亮的        C. 光明的          D. 透明的

9. There are a lot of ever-green trees in his garden.

A. 绿树            B. 曾经绿的        C. 长青的          D. 漂亮的

10. Don't be absent-minded; you should listen to the teacher very carefully.

A. 心不在焉的        B. 缺席的            C. 空虛的          D. 欲睡的

11. The shirt she bought the day before yesterday is dark-blue.

A. 蓝色的            B. 深黑色的        C. 深蓝色的      D. 蓝黑色的

12. The girl came to me to express her goodwill greeting.

A. 友好的            B. 最新的            C. 永恒的          D. 快乐的

13. Can't you see the cotton growing in our field is snow-white?

A. 像雪            B. 雪白的          C. 白色的          D. 明亮的

14. The poor peasants in that country were forced to rise up, but their uprising was put down in

the end.

A. 升起            B. 起立              C. 起义            D. 起身

15. I don't like writing with a ball-pen; I like writing with an ink pen.

A. 球                B. 钢笔              C. 像球的笔        D. 圆珠笔

VIII. 根据句意,将括号中所给单词加上前缀并用其适当形式填空。

1. When his guest ______ (appear) in the distance, he turned back.

2. Does your English teacher often ______ (courage) you to improve your English?

3. Your article was badly written, so you must ______ (write) it.

4. My father is a ______ (smoker) now, because he has already given up smoking.

5. You have ______ (understand) me; I really did it for your benefit.

6. It's ______ (fair) of you to treat me like this. I'm also your student.

7. It is ______ (convenient) for people in a mountain village to have a bus service.

8. You should ______ (view) your text before class, or you can't learn it well.

9. With the flood water still rising, many people are ______ (danger).

10. Having studied very hard, the boy has made ______ (ordinary) progress.

IX. 根據句意,将括号中所给单词加上后缀并用其适当形式填空。

1. Hearing all the villagers had been killed by the enemy, the young man shouted ______ (angry).

2. His high grade in this exam is a great ______ (satisfy) to all of us.

3. Seeing so many people coming to greet him, the adventurer (冒险者) gave a ______ (friend) smile.

4. Don't you think you must do the exercises ______ (careful)?

5. English is now ______ (wide) spoken all over the world.

6. You are quite ______ (mistake) in doing so.

7. Since ______ (liberate), great changes have taken place in our hometown.

8. Without good ______ (manage), we won't do well in business.

9. Thank you very much for your ______ (kind).

10. I don't know whether it is a ______ (chemistry) change or not.


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