

考试与评价·高一版 2020年6期


【问】 He was saddened, in his __________ life, by the death of his elder son and the mental illness of his wife. (A. secret B. personal    C. private D. individual)应该选哪个选项?

(浙江温州 白 明)

【答】正确答案为B。我们来看一下personal, individual, private这三个词的区别:

(1) personal意为“个人的,私人的;亲自的”,着重强调属于或涉及本人,而非他人所能代表或代替的事物。如:

Susan wondered if she could ask Anna a personal question such as the marital status. 苏珊在想她能否问安娜一个诸如婚姻状况一类的私人问题。

(2) individual意为“个体的,个人的”,区别于集体、整体或普通,明确指某类单一的、个别的人物,常用作定语。如:

What I admire most is that my sister has an individual style of arranging her hair. 我最羨慕姐姐的是她梳的发型很有个性。

(3) private 指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共的,有时含不公开的意味。如:

He's a rather private person. 他不太喜欢和别人交流思想感情。

【问】有一道题:The Great Wall is considered to be a________of China. (A. symbol B. sign C. mark D. signal ) 究竟选择哪一个选项?

(山东蓬莱   陈   瑶)

【答】 正确答案为A。要做好这道题,必须弄清楚mark, sign, signal, symbol这几个词所表达的意思。


(1) mark意为“标志,标记”,指事物留下的深刻印迹或某物上用于辨别该物品的附属物,比sign更侧重于区别性或揭示性的标志,有时不一定十分直观或明显。如:

One mark of a writer's greatness is that different minds can get a different inspiration from his works. 一个伟大作家的标志之一是不同的人都能从他的作品里得到不同的灵感。

Make a mark next to the name of those who have paid their dues. 在已付款的人姓名旁打上记号。

(2) sign意为“记号;标记”,用法最广,可指符号(装置),也可指情绪、性格的直观显示,还可指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指标牌、卡片等,借喻时意为“征兆,迹象”。如:

Can you read those traffic signs? 你能看懂那些交通标志吗?

(3) signal意为“信号”,常指约定俗成、用于传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光、声音或信号标志。如:

The sportsmen are all ready, waiting for the signal to start running.运动员们都准备好了,等待着起跑的信号。

(4) symbol意为“象征;符号”,指被人们选出的物体或图案,用来代表另一事物,并作为该事物的标记或象征。如:

In the picture the tree is the symbol of life and the snake the symbol of evil.在这幅画中,树是生命的象征,蛇是邪恶的象征。

【问】有这样一道题:She looks as if she __________ ten years younger. (A. is B. were   C. was D. had been) 究竟选B还是C?

(四川乐山   刘   泽)

【答】 正确答案为B。 现在我们总结一下as if的用法:

as if = as though为连词,意为“仿佛,像,似乎”。通常用在be, look, seem, sound, taste, smell及feel等连系动词的后面。其后的从句可以用陈述语气,但多用于虚拟语气。如:

His white hair looked as if it had been electrified! 他的白发十分凌乱,好像触了电似的。(虚拟语气)

She seems as if she is going to cry.她似乎要哭了。(陈述事实)

【问】 It is very difficult for the people who __________ nicotine to give up smoking. (A. used to   B. is used to   C. are used   D. get used to) 此题所给的答案为D,为什么B不对呢?B和D的区别是什么?

(北京 李煜)

【答】 首先让我们来看看本句的句意:“很难让那些习惯了尼古丁的人戒烟。”这里考查的是use一词的习惯用法。use的用法很广泛,所以平时使用时要注意。be / get used to意思是“习惯于;适应于”。如:

You will soon be / get used to it. 你很快就会适应它。

选项B中is used to应改为are used to才正确,因为people在本句中是复数名词。故D在本题中是最合适的。C项中的are used则表示“被用来……”的意思。而A项中的used to表示“过去经常”,相当于frequent practice in the past。如:

That's where I used to live when I was a child. 那就是我幼年时的住处。

【问】 The girl stood there with her eyes

__________ on the picture. (A. fixed  B. to fix  C. fixing  D. fix)请问此题为什么不选C项?

(山西大同 王亮)

【答】 介词with有很多种用法,在此题中with引导的是独立主格结构,它通常由“with + 名词 / 代词 + 现在分詞 / 过去分词 / 形容词 / 介词短语等”构成。如:

She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她眼含泪水说再见。

I went out with the window open. 我外出时没关窗户。

With the exams coming next week, I have no time to watch TV. 由于下周要进行考试,我没有时间看电视。

在你的问题中her eyes与fix构成的是一种动宾关系,即fixed her eyes,所以此题空缺处应填入过去分词,表达的是一种被动的关系。例如:

She did not answer immediately, but meditated again, with her eyes fixed on the opposite wall. 她没有立刻回答,而是又沉思起来,她的眼睛盯着对面的墙壁。


【问】编辑老师,请问take the place和instead of相同吗?有何区别?

(辽宁鞍山 尹媛)

【答】 试比较以下几个句子:

Instead of Peter, it was Tom who moved in. 搬进来的不是彼得,而是汤姆。

Let's play cards instead of watching TV. 咱们玩扑克吧,别看电视了。

Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost. 没有什么可以取代他失去了的家庭。

instead of作为某人 / 某物的替换,其含义是“替换某人或某物”,所以常有否定后面成分的意思。

take the place of意为“代替某人 / 某物”,其后接被代替的对象,一般是名词或名词的同等成分。

