

考试与评价·高一版 2020年6期



V. IQ Test (智力测试) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Answer the following questions. 回答下列问题。

83. Find out a number which can be used instead of the question mark according to a logical relationship (逻辑关系) among the four numbers related to each triangle (三角形).

84. What does the following proverb mean in Chinese?

Great minds think alike.

85. Which city is the odd one out (与众不同的一个)?

Beijing  Tianjin  Shanghai   Shenzhen  Chongqing

86. What starts with a “t”, ends with a “t”, and is full of tea?

87. According to some rule, the first figure can change into the second one, and the second one can change into the third one. Find out the rule and according to it, what figure should replace the question mark?


83. 7. 由第一个三角形及其对应数字和第二个三角形及其对应数字可知其规律为:三角形两个底角数字之和的2倍减去顶角的数字为三角形内部的数字。

84. 英雄所见略同。

85. Shenzhen. 在这五个城市中,只有深圳不是直辖市。

86. Teapot.

87.  由前三个图示我们不难发现其规律为:图1和图3中的内部图形为外部图形的缩小版且方向不发生变化,而图2和图4中的内部图形为外部图形的缩小版但方向发生水平变化。


VI. Error Correction (短文改错) (共10处错误;每处错误1分;计10分)

There are 10 errors altogether in the following passage. The errors are: missing words, unnecessary words and wrong words. Please correct them as follows: for a missing word, mark its position with the symbol “∧” and write it; for an unnecessary word, cross it out with the symbol “\”; for a wrong word, underline it and write the correct word. An example of how to correct the error is provided below.





Do you know much about El Nino? Do you afraid of this bad climate? El Nino is caused by a warm current (洋流), what comes and goes in the Pacific Ocean. Its period can be as shortly as two years. Or it can be as long as seventh years. The current flows along the west coast of South America. It warms the water that flows through. Because the fishes and sea birds here need cold water to live, so many of them die. The current also changes weather. It can cause both floods and droughts far from the west coast of South America. Nobody know why El Nino happens. But now it is possible for scientists from many different country to predict El Nino by the use of the satellite (卫星). If people know when this warm current is coming, they can plan for it well and do not have to be frightening anymore.


Do→Are。be afraid of...为固定用法,意为“害怕……”。

what→which。what不能用于引导(非限制性)定语从句,故应用which指代a warm current。



that→it / that后加it。分析句子成分可知,此处的定语从句缺少主语,故应填加it指代the current。




country→countries。首先,country是一个可数名词,而且其前又有many different,故应使用其复数形式。


【小竅门】 动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副;冠和连常光顾,固定用法要记住;非谓语细辨别,逻辑错误须关注。


VII. Writing (写作) (共2题; A题满分10分,B题满分20分,计30分)

(A)  The graph on the next page shows the changes of the means of transportation for the students to go to school in Changchun from 1999 to 2019. Write an essay in no fewer than 80 words to describe the graph.

【答案及解析】 根据所给“文字”和“图片”提示可知此篇作文要求我们写一篇具体信息表述类作文,并且还给考生提出了一个隐藏要求,即在表述1999年和2009年的数据时,应使用过去时态。此外,考生还要注意根据实际情况增添句子或使用高级句式等方式对文章进行润色,以使文章更加出色。

(A) One possible version:

The means of transportation for the students to go to school in Changchun has changed a lot. In 1999, most students went to school on foot or by bike, while the others went by bus. Ten years later, in 2009, there were still many students going to school on foot or by bike. However, more students began to take the bus. And a few students chose to take the taxi. Nowadays, with the development of the modern transportation, the underground has become most students' favorite. The bus changes into the second choice. Some students like to take the taxi to school. Fewer and fewer students enjoy going to school on foot or by bike.

(105 words)


(B) Nowadays, there are many senior high schools in our country setting up advanced classes (重点班) and regular classes according to the students' test scores. Do you think it is reasonable? Write an essay in no fewer than 100 words to show your opinion.

【答案及解析】 根据所给提示我们可知此篇作文要求我们写一篇议论文。在选择好论点以后,在草纸上打好提纲列出所需的论据等,以便更好地完成写作。

(B) One possible version:

Nowadays, many senior high schools in our country set up advanced classes and normal classes. I don't think it is reasonable. There are always different kinds of students, regardless of whether in advanced classes or normal classes. A student, who can get better grades in a normal class, may fall behind in an advanced class. If it continues this way, he may lose heart and can't make any progress. On the other hand, some students may be talented in studying, while others may not be. Every class needs an excellent example to urge the others to make progress.

In a word, there are more disadvantages than advantages about setting up advanced classes and normal classes in senior high schools.

(123 words)

【注意】 1. 此部分的写作通常为一篇议论文,即共有正反两个方面的观点,我们可以选择任意一方观点进行论述,但是所例举的论据一定要有说服性;

2. 要注意动词的时态。议论文通常以动词的一般现在时态为主,但是所例举的论据应根据实际情况而采用不同时态。例如:在列举“贝多芬在耳聋后仍凭借自己的不断努力而创作出了伟大的音乐作品”时,我们就应使用动词的一般过去时态或完成时态等;

3. 要注意使用更加丰富的句式进行写作。


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