

考试与评价·高一版 2020年5期


I. 1. interesting 2. making 3. playing 4. putting

5. promising 6. boring 7. reading 8. understood 9. tied 10. to open

II. 1. V-ing形式短语watching the opening ceremony live on TV作后置定语。

2. V-ing形式短语carrying more people than ever before in the skies作后置定语。

3. V-ing形式walking作前置定语。

4. V-ing形式swimming作前置定语。

5. V-ing形式短语speaking to the teacher作后置定语。

III. 1. rise→rising 2. advertise→advertised 3. seen后加to 4. repairing→repaired 5. committee后加to

IV. 1. Having hesitated 2. Glancing 3. Walking

4. wearing 5. and 6. seeking 7. who 8. With 9. seeing 10. buying

Humor and Laughter: Health Benefits

1. contagious 2. amusement 3. inestimable 4. frivo- lous 5. individual

The Importance of Humor

1—4 CBAB


I. 1. Looking out of the window, I found several children playing about in the garden. / When I looked out of the window, several children were playing about in the garden.

2. Hearing the news, she burst into tears. / When she heard the news, tears came to her eyes.

3. If you check  your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

4. The old man, having worked abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.

II. 1. 時间状语 2. 原因状语 3. 条件状语 4. 方式状语 5. 结果状语

III. 1. ranging 2. Having overcome 3. Not having studied 4. Having been cleaned 5. Finding

IV. 1. She stood there waiting for the bus.

2. Gathering around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.

3. As (she was) walking along the river bank, she was singing a pop song.

Signals and Sign Language in India

1—4 DBDD


One possible version:

Canada, whose capital city is Ottawa, lies in North America. On its south is the United States, and on the other sides, it is surrounded by the sea. On the whole, Canada is a very sunny land, but because it is a large country, its climate is quite different from area to area. Both English and French are the official languages in the country.

The Canadians are hardworking people and they are friendly, open and modest. Most people are willing to lend a hand to strangers who are in need of help.

Mother's Day


Unusual Plants

1. the lichen plant 2. the Giant Redwood 3. the acacia tree 4. the Bristle Cone Pine in California 5. the Venus Fly-Trap 6. the Dead Horse Arum

Night of the Whippoorwill

1. No, he didn't want to go at all.

2. Because the fish won't bite if they see light flashing around.

3. No, he didn't like it. Because from the passage, we know he shivered at the eerie calls.

4. Yes, he did.

5. No. Maybe he just wants his son to experience the beauties of the nature.

必修4 Units 3—4課文语法填空

Unit 3: A. 1. brightened 2. laugh 3. with 4. home- less 5. and 6. carrying 7. to overcome 8. to make  9. enter- taining 10. who

B. 1. camping 2. mountainous 3. Looking 4. bea- utiful 5. compared 6. a 7. in 8. jokingly 9. thinking

10. has stolen

Unit 4: A. 1. representing 2. After 3. enter 4. curi- ously 5. to arrive 6. on 7. defence 8. misunderstanding 9. arriving 10. using

B. 1. the 2. to convey 3. with 4. talking 5. express- ions 6. varies 7. shaking 8. while 9. universal  10. happiness



1. B。be well prepared for... 意为“为……做好充分的准备”。从后一句Sometimes I studied for weeks before the test可知,“我”为考试做好了充分的准备。

2. A。Yet表明意义发生转折:虽然做了充分的准备,“我”在考试中却不能“正确”回答问题。

3. C。因为紧张,大脑一片空白,因此考得不好,分数很“低”。grades意为“分数”。

4. C。从后文看,另外一个学生也患有“考试焦虑症”,故也有“类似的”经历。

5. D。前面说“我”非常紧张,后一句说“我”的手抖个不停,故选D, “我”浑身都在“颤抖”。

6. A。前文说我浑身颤抖,后文又说“我”的手抖得很“快”,反复强调“考试焦虑症”在考试中对学生造成的影响。

7. B。even意为“甚至”,表示程度,信息递进。

8. A。experience用作动词,意为“经历”,“他们”正在经历某种事情(“考试焦虑症”)。

9. B。“思维”不能正常工作。mind侧重指“思维”。

10. C。因为极度紧张,这个学生不能“清楚地”思维。

11. D。考试分数不高通常是不良学习习惯的“结果”,引出下文“考试焦虑症”对此也有很大的影响。

12. D。“考试焦虑症”已经被认为是一个问题,而不仅仅是一个“借口”。

13. A。教师教他们“怎样”去消除“考试焦虑症”。

14. D。学生参加测试,“检测”他们的焦虑程度。

15. B。学生被训练在非常紧张的状况下怎样变得“镇静”。

16. B。让大脑平静正常地“工作”。

17. C。考试中,“学过的”知识就能轻易地提取。

18. D。讲这番话的人应该是参与培训的“专家”。

19. B。参加这个训练项目以后,几乎所有的学生都学会了放松,“不那么”紧张了。

20. C。在考试“过程中”,大部分学生都能更好地控制自己的心态。


1. D。本题为标题判断题,可用主题分析法来解。原文首句表明报纸不会消失,暗示本文必然会交待未来的报纸创办情况,下文介绍的未来报纸的变化及报纸与其它媒体的协调发展都证明了这一点。

2. C。 本题为细节判断题,可用直接就题找文法来解。原文第二段原句:I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. 由此可判断答案为C。

3. B。本题为推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。原文第四段原句:Some people once foresee that television  would kill off newspapers, but that hasn't happened. 由此可以推断,报纸和其它媒体会共同发展下去。

4. A。本题为语境词义判断题,可用语境词义推断法来解。原文第四段原句:Some people once foresee that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn't happened. 此句表明报纸与其它媒体不会相互残杀而只能相互依存,共同发展。

5. A。此题考查原因推理。从第一段中的shortage (缺少) 可推知。

6. B。此题考查结果推断。从第五段的内容反过来推知即可。

7. C。此题考查词义猜测。从该短语所在位置的前后内容可知。

8. D。此题考查数字计算。从倒数第二段和第三段的45%到12%可知。




1. W: Jim, thanks for the ride home. After such a busy day, I really don't like to spend 45 minutes on the subway. Thanks a lot.

M: You are welcome.

2. M: The food here is very delicious, but I think you have given me the wrong change.

W: Sorry. Let me check the bill again.

3. M: It sounds like some kind of machine.

W: I think it sounds like someone drilling in the street. You'd better close the door and all windows, then you can go back to sleep.

4. W: I like to read Chris Paine.

M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer. And his real book will come out next week.

W: Great! I've got to get one as soon as it's out.

5. W: Did you remember to get the bread?

M: Well, I remember walking past the baker's shop.

W: But you forgot to get the bread.

M: I'm afraid so. I don't remember you telling me that.



W: Thanks for meeting with me during your lunch hour. I appreciate it, guy.

M: No problem, Olivia. I'm happy to help. What's going on?

W: Oh you know, the usual. Should I take this new job? Or do I stick with my current one?

M: Well, I think it's time for a change, don't you? They pay you late and you are unhappy, though you like your workmates.

W: Do you really think so?

M: I know so. And I've been listening to you complain for over a year now. Trust me. Take the job. What do you have to lose?


W: Pharrell Williams is bringing his hit song “Happy” to children in a colorful new picture book. On October 6 at the Brooklyn Public Library, in New York, the musician held a reading to celebrate the publishing of his new book. Welcome Pharrell Williams!

M: Thank you!

W: Who were some of your musical influences?

M: When I was a little boy, my mom and dad used to play a band. And then my auntie used to play Stevie Wonder. They both would play The Jacksons and Michael Jackson.

W: Your hit song “Happy” was the best-selling song of 2004. What inspired you to write the song?

M: The song was inspired by a task that I was given. I was given the opportunity to do the original music for the film Despicable Me 2. It was so tough because I didn't know what I was going to do, and my first nine tries did not work out for the film at all. Then I thought, “How do you make a song where the guy's just happy?” And that's how it happened.


The Roman writer Seneca once commented: “All things are cause either for laughter or weeping.” It is understood that laughing and crying are closely related emotional responses to some kind of outside stimulation.

Almost everything that can be seen may be perceived as humorous by someone, no matter how serious the intent. However, something humorous does not necessarily amuse everyone. Sometimes the reason is cultural. Each society has its own understanding of what is comic. An American viewing a British comedy on stage or television may find little to laugh at because the origin of the humor is not understood. The foreigner does not know what the rest of the audience finds funny. Even within one culture there are different responses to humor. Young children, teenagers, and adults do not laugh at the same things.



1—5 AACCB 6—11 ABAABC 12. laughing

13. humorous 14. understanding 15. culture


I. 1. astonishing 2. drunk 3. homeless 4. whispered 5. slid 6. particular 7. Fortunately 8. failure 9. content 10. humorous

II. 1. doing 2. riding 3. lying 4. knocking 5. con- vincing 6. reading 7. amusing 8. astonishing 9. depressing 10. playing

III. 1. in search of 2. went by 3. cut off 4. picked out 5. be content with 6. starring in 7. Up to now 8. badly off 9. in between 10. broke into

IV. 1. B。词组remind sb. of sth.“提醒某人某事,使某人记起某事”。

2. B。词组be sensitive to“对……反应敏感”,故选B。

3. D。动词say可作“比如说”解,相当于 for example,作插入成份。

4. A。词组spend... on sth.是固定搭配,books后接不定式作目的状语,故选A。

5. D。固定搭配judging by...常用作评注性状语,为固定用法,故选D。

6. D。副词thus(因此)修饰breaking,此处用现在分词breaking作结果状语,故选D。

7. C。动词demand后接that从句时,从句中谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可省略,故选C。

8. B。先行词前有so或 such时,常用as引导限制性定语从句。

9. A。it takes sth. to do sth.是固定句式;用代词what来作take的宾语。

10. C。since可引导原因状语从句,表示“既然,由于”,故选C。

V. 1—5 BAADC 6—10 ABCCC 11—15 DBBAC 16—20 CABDA

VI. A. 1—4 BAAC

B. 5—8 DACC

C. 9—12 ADCA

D. 13. His hen's egg.

14. Arguments.

15. Because he owned the hen.


VIII. 1. centuries 2. be said 3. highly 4. Since

5. different 6. have been 7. The 8. Its 9. which

10. performed

IX. One possible version:

Dear Tony,

I'm delighted to hear that you show great interest in the Art Festival which was successfully held in our school. Now, I'd like to give you a brief description of it.

The Art Festival was held with the aim of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of China. At the festival, a variety of activities have been held among students, such as a speech competition and performances with singing and dancing. Besides, there was a grand exhibition on traditional Chinese culture, on which some art works, related pictures and videos were exhibited.

This art festival is extremely meaningful for us students as it enables us to know more about traditional Chinese culture. Meanwhile, it also inspires us to work hard and make great contributions to our motherland.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Li Hua




1. W: You are going to Shanghai tomorrow, right?

M: Yes. You know, I don't have my own car and haven't enough money for a flight, so I have to take the train.

2. M: It's 2:00 p.m. now. Will you be here in an hour?

W: Yes. I'll come back around then.

3. M: Excuse me. I want to know the cost of renting a room here.

W: You can rent a room for 30 yuan a day, 200 yuan a week, or 800 yuan a month.

4. W: Excuse me, sir. Smoking is forbidden on this train.

M: OK, sorry. By the way, will the train arrive in London in an hour?

5. M: My brother sings very well and travels a lot. I like his job very much.

W: Are you going to a college of music then?

M: I've not made up my mind but very probably yes.



M: Welcome to the company, Mary.

W: Thank you, Jack. It looks like a great place to work at.

M: How do you come here? Do you drive a car?

W: No, I walk or take the bus.

M: Good for you! You don't have to worry about the hardest part of working here—the parking. That is a big trouble. I wish I could walk or take the bus, but I live in the suburb—about ten miles away.


M: All right, today we are here with Jo. I'm so excited to have you here, Jo. Thanks for joining us.

W: No problem. Thanks for having me.

M: Great. Can you introduce yourself a little bit?

W: Sure. I'm an English teacher. I have my English teaching website called “English with Jo”. I grew up in Sydney, Australia, but I spent about a few years overseas. So I spent about five years living in the UK, and another three years living in Greece, and now I'm back here in Australia again.

M: Wow, you've been all over the places teaching English and travelling. What brought you to the UK?

W: Well, I went to England because I wanted to travel around, so my plan was to work in London for about six months and do some travel on weekends and holidays. But that plan changed when I got such an interesting job in London. I stayed there for nearly five years.

M: What was that interesting job and what were you doing in London?

W: Well, quite accidentally I ended up getting a job for the British Royal Family. This is really the last place I expected to end up. Because I'm just from Australia.

M: That's amazing.


Body language is a powerful communication system in all cultures, but body language can signal very different things in different cultures. Here are some helpful hints to keep in mind when interacting with persons of different cultures.

The usual head signals for “yes” and “no” are reversed in Bulgaria. A Bulgarian nods to signal “no” and shakes the head from side to side to signal “yes”.

In Vietnamese culture, the head is considered the most important and intellectual part of the body. Only parents or a high-ranking person can touch your head. Also, from a religious perspective, it is on one's head that he or she receives the rites of sacrament. Patting a child on the head or beckoning someone to come to you by wagging a finger is considered an insult to Vietnamese and Thais.



1—5 BCCAA 6—11 ABBBCC 12. communica- tion 13. shakes 14. important 15. Patting


I. 1. likely 2. curious 3. greeted 4. represent 5. mis- understood 6. spoken 7. cheeks 8. dashed 9. approaches 10. association

II. 1. thinking 2. Knock 3. visiting 4. having

5. working 6. Seeing 7. speaking 8. pointing 9. frightening 10. making

III. 1. on the contrary 2. In most cases 3. at a distance 4. reached out 5. defend; against 6. put up         7. in general 8. lost face 9. in defense of 10. at ease

IV. 1. B。由词组have much in common意为“有很多共同之处”可得知,故选B。

2. D。此处way作先行词,其后的定语从句可以用that或in which引导,故选D。

3. D。根据句意和词组可得知,in other words“换句话说”,符合句意,故选D。

4. A。根据问句中的broken down可知,be likely to do sth.“很可能会……”。故选A。

5. D。根据句意可知,closely“紧密地”,符合句意。故选D。

6. A。句意为:吸烟是引发癌症最主要的原因之一,表示“主要的”,故选A。

7. A。词组defend... against意为“保卫……以免受”。故选A。

8. C。由句意可得知,此处谈论的是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时。故选C。

9. A。根据句意和preparing lessons是现在分词短语作状语,Mr. Smith与prepare之间是主谓关系。本句中的“books spread all over the desk”是独立主格结构。

10. D。如果前句有两个分句,或者既有肯定又有否定,要用So it is with...或It's the same with...句型。故选D。

V. 1—5 BADAB 6—10 DACBC 11—15 ADABB 16—20 CADDB

VI. A. 1—4 BCDD

B. 5—8 ACBD

C. 9—12 ADCB

D. 13. My China Roots.

14. To present an ancestor's family history.

15. In Amsterdam.


VIII. 1. distance 2. Annoyed 3. carrying 4. why

5. pleasantly 6. and 7. was inspired 8. of 9. the 10. doing

IX. One possible version:

Take Care of the Trees

Today a lot of trees are being cut down because people need more wood and farmland. But what will happen if the trees disappear?

If we cut down our trees, a lot of plants and animals will disappear. The farmland will turn into a desert. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain often and the weather will get hot and dry. So the climate of the earth will change. Our living environment will get worse and worse. We will lose more and more good farmland. People will be punished by the nature.

So all of us must try our best to take care of the trees and plant more trees.




1. W: Could you have my car ready by 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, please?

M: Sure, the damage is minor.

2. W: Didn't you take the computer course last year, either?

M: No, I decided to complete my required chemistry course first.

3. M: Have you heard that China has sent another space shuttle to space?

W: Yeah. It's really exciting. The space shuttle blasted off on Nov. 1, Tuesday and successfully docked with the Tiangong 1 later.

4. M: What's the matter, Anne? Do you have a problem?

W: Yes, I have the chance to get another job and I don't know what to do.

M: If it is a better job than your present one, take it. That's my advice.

5. W: John! Wait a second! I was just heading down- stairs for a cup of coffee. You want to come? I've got some good news!

M: Sure. Just let me grab my wallet. You certainly do look happy this morning.

W: I am. Don't worry about getting your wallet. It's my treat.

M: This is a first! You must have won the lottery.



W: What are you reading?

M: Oh, it's the latest novel by Ray Blune.

W: I thought he usually wrote horror books.

M: He does. He's good at it.

W: We're going to the bookshop. Would you like to join us?

M: Yes, I would. I need to buy a textbook for my course and, as you know, I love browsing through the latest books.

W: Me, too. I need something to read on the flight to New York. I can never sleep on planes. Sarah wants to pick up some children's books for her daughter.

M: I want to look at Nelson Mandela's autobiography.

W: This is sure to be a worthwhile read.


W: What inspired you to write The Marvels?

M: The Marvels was inspired by my love of the theater. I love to act, and I also used to design theater sets. So I wanted to make a book inspired by the theater. I also really loved this museum in London called the Dennis Severs' House, and I wanted to write a book about it. Those were my two main inspirations.

W: Are there any plans to make the book into a movie?

M: We're just beginning to talk about making The Marvels into a movie, so it might happen.

W: What makes The Marvels unique and why should children read your book?

M: It uses words and pictures, such as Where the Wild Things Are, where the words and pictures together tell the story. And I like trying new ways of drawing pictures. Kids will read the books because they are fun, adventurous, and filled with characters they might relate to.

W: Your book ends with a mystery, so I'm wondering if you're planning to keep writing to solve the mystery.

M: I don't think so. Even though it has a somewhat mysterious ending, the story I want to tell is complete.


I have seen some unusual differences in different culture's body language. Some gestures were quite unusual, others were just very funny and a few were very difficult to understand. I saw many kinds of strange body language on music videos. Often the singers' body language does not fit the words at all. For example, their faces sometimes look as though they are in pain when they are singing about love. The poses are not what people would really do if they were saying those things. Some differences in body language are very funny. One American teacher was confused when he spoke to his Chinese student. The boy looked at the ground and moved around nervously. The teacher thought the student was guilty of something, because in America this behaviour means you feel guilty. However, the student was not guilty, but was just showing respect for his teacher!



1—5 ACBCA 6—11 ABACCB 12. gestures

13. body language 14. when 15. respect


I. A. 1—3 BAD

B. 4—7 DDCB

C. 8—11 DBAB

D. 12—15 CCCD



I. 1. rise 2. like 3. farming 4. helps 5. Irrigation

6. shortage 7. especially 8. developed 9. decided

10. production

II. 1. A。此题源于play a part / role in词组,该句中The part为主语,is important为谓语部分,而that China plays为定语从句,修饰The part。

2. D。此题考查强调句型。强调句型的最大特点是将It is / was... that同时去掉,句子结构仍然完整,该句是对I graduated from university in 1979中的时间状语进行强调。

3. C。in other words 换句话说;in the end 最后;after all 毕竟;at the same time 同时。

4. A。由于one前有the only限定,所以who引导的定语从句修饰one,故从句中谓语动词用单数形式。若将the only去掉,则答案为B项,此时who引导的定语从句修饰the students。

5. B。a great variety of表“各种各样的”,此处的taste表示“爱好,嗜好”。若选C应是a great many programmes才对。

6. B。year after year表“年年,每年”,而year by year表“逐年”。

7. A。increase此处表“增加”。而rise为不及物动词,后不可跟宾语;improve表“增进,改善”;add表“添加”,均不合句意。

8. C。注意表倍数关系的词twice,three times等应放在as... as或“比较级+than”结构前。

9. D。此处however等于no matter how,引导让步状语从句。既然是引导词,当然放在前面,后接其它句子成分。

10. C。practical表“务实的,合乎实际的”,正合句意。real表“真的,真实的”;actual表“现实的,实际的”,如in actual life(在实际生活中);true表“真的”与false相对。

11. A。此处的close为副词,表“接近地,紧密地”,为本义,即距离近;而closely指抽象概念,意为“仔细地,密切地”,closed指“关闭的”。

12. B。此处的hoping在句中作状语,因与逻辑主语间为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。

13. D。第一个What引导的为主语从句,且在主语从句中作understand的宾语;第二个that引导的为表语从句。

14. A。missing是形容词化分词,表“下落不明的, 失踪的”。由句中的信息词last可知,“人们最后一次看到此男孩时,他当时正在西湖边玩”,为see sb. doing 的被动语态形式。

15. B。appreciate后接V-ing形式作宾语。

III. 1—5 BCADB 6—10 CAADD 11—15 CBBAA 16—20 CBCDD

IV. 1. to send 2. are dressed 3. colorful 4. perfor- mances 5. the 6. hoping 7. luckier 8. as 9. vividly

10. that


Dear Dr. David,

Good news! We will celebrate our English Reading Week in the school library next week, starting from Monday. And I am writing to invite you as our honorable guest.

Established by the student union to encourage life-long reading, the campaign consists of two parts. One is “Share with Me” on the first three days and “Challenge Me” on the remaining days. In the part, those who are supposed to introduce the book read by themselves can share their reviews and opinions with the audience. The other is that students participating in the contest can guess the title of a novel, such as character names and themes.

As is known to us all, you are a learned scholar. That's why I consider you the best choice to share inspiring books with us.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

