Unit 9词汇要点讲解


考试与评价·八年级版 2020年5期


1. somewhere adv. 在某处; 到某处

I want to go somewhere warm. 我想去一个温暖的地方。

【辨析】 somewhere, anywhere, nowhere


I've got a feeling I've seen him before somewhere. 我有种感觉——我以前曾在哪里见过他。

Did you find anywhere relaxing? 你找到令人放松的地方了吗?

During the winter holiday I went nowhere, and just stayed at home. 整个寒假,我哪都没有去,就待在家里。

2. invention n. 发明物,发明


Could you please tell us about the four great inventions of China? 你能告诉我们中国的四大发明吗?

Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要乃发明之母。

【拓展】 invent v. 发明,创造;inventor n. 发明者

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. 電话是亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明的。

Thomas Edison was a great inventor. 托马斯·爱迪生是个伟大的发明家。

3. progress n. 进步;进展

He started with sketching and then progressed to painting. 他先是画素描,然后发展到画油画。

【拓展】 make great progress意为“取得很大的进步”,是固定搭配。

To the teacher's joy, the student made great progress this term. 令老师高兴的是,这个学生这学期进步很大。

4. unbelievable adj. 难以置信的;不真实的

It is unbelievable that the little boy finished these difficult tasks in one day. 令人难以置信的是,这个小男孩在一天内完成了这些困难的任务。

【拓展】 believe是动词;形容词是believable“可相信的”;反义词是unbelievable“难以置信的;不真实的”

It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. 人们相信茶是在6、7世纪传入朝鲜和日本的。

This book is full of believable, interesting characters. 这本书里充满了真实可信的有趣人物。

5. unusual adj. 特别的;不寻常的

She is an unusual teacher. She has taught in a village school for 30 years. 她是一位不同寻常的老师。她在一所乡村学校教书30年了。

【拓展】 usual是形容词,意为“通常的;寻常的”;usually是副词,意为“通常地”

The first snow came a month earlier than usual. 第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。

I usually go to bed at nine. 我通常九点钟上床睡觉。

6. encourage v. 鼓励

Investors were encouraged by the news. 那个消息给了投资者信心。

【拓展】 encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事”,为固定搭配。

My father always encourages me to try different things. 我父亲总是鼓励我尝试不同的事情。

She often encourages me not to give up. 她经常鼓励我不要放弃。

7. peaceful adj. 和平的;安宁的

All the people in the world wish to enjoy a beautiful and peaceful life. 世上人人都希望享受美好而安宁的生活。

【拓展】 peace n. 和平;安宁;peacefully adv. 和平地;安宁地;peacefulness n. 和平;安宁

I hope you will keep your heart and keep peace with others. 希望你保守己心,与人和睦。

Listen! The boss is shouting again. Has he ever said anything peacefully? 听!老板又在喊叫了。他何曾平静地说过话吗?

The mother waited patiently, enjoying the sunlight, and the peacefulness of the gardens. 妈妈耐心地等着,尽情地享受着阳光,享受着公园里的平静。

8. thousand num. 一千

Thousands of birds have come back because the environment here becomes better and better. 成千上万的鸟飞回来是因为这里的环境越来越好。

【拓展】 thousands of意为“数以千计的;许许多多的”。thousand与数词连用时常使用单数,与of连用时常使用复数。

Visitors can expect to pay about a thousand pounds a day. 游客每天大概要支付1000英镑。

The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers. 图书馆吸引了成千上万的学者和研究人员。



1. Children like going to the a___ park.

2. Mary can't go a___ today because her mother falls ill. She has to look after her at home.

3. You'd better bring a c___ when you travel.

4. —Li Ming isn't having a good time.—N___ am I.

5. Shandong is a p___ of China.

6. It's surprising that he made so much ___ (进展).

7. The 1990s was a period of ___ (迅速的) change in China.

8. I've been to a very ___ (不尋常的) museum in India.

9. Every apartment has its own bathroom and ___ (厕所).

10. I think your idea of working at home is___ (完美的).


1. I am ___ (simple) a common student.

2. I've never tried any ___ (India) food.

3. Mr. Green knows a lot about ___ (Japan) culture.

4. ___ (fox) eat smaller animals.

5. The students in this school are ___(most) from poor areas.


1. 在游乐园有如此多的激动人心的事可做。

There are ___ ___ ___ ___ to do ___ ___ ___ ___.

2. 弗兰克和他朋友打算去滑冰而不是去水上公园。

Frank and his friend are going ___ ___ ___ ___ to the water park.

3. 那个特殊的计算机能比人类下国际象棋下得更好。

The ___ ___ can play chess even___ ___ humans.

4. 这个小岛对游客来说是一个度假的好地方。

This ___ ___ is a wonderful place for tourists to ___ ___ ___.

5. 在新加坡,你会毫不费劲地找到米饭、面条或者饺子。

In Singapore, you won't have ___ ___ ___ rice, noodles or dumplings.


Comparative Adjectives (形容词比较级)