罗 娟,赵立欣,姚宗路,冯 晶,于佳动,袁艳文
罗 娟1,赵立欣2,姚宗路2※,冯 晶1,于佳动1,袁艳文1
(1. 农业农村部规划设计研究院,农业农村部农业废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125;2. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081)
0 引 言
1 规模化养殖场畜禽粪污处理评价指标体系的构建
1.1 指标体系的构建方法
1.2 指标体系的筛选与优化
图1 规模化养殖场畜禽粪污处理综合评价指标体系
1.3 评价指标的标准化与权重确定
1.3.1 指标权重确定
指标权重的确定方法主要有2种,即定性方法和半定量方法[29]。其中半定量方法中的层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)采用对各层次指标分别赋权的形式,把多目标、多准则又难以全部量化处理的决策问题化为多层次单目标问题,利用较少的定量信息使决策的思维过程数学化,技术方法较为成熟[30],因此,本研究根据规模化养殖场畜禽粪污处理指标体系的特点,结合文献综述和专家咨询,采用AHP法确定指标权重。围绕指标体系设计调研问卷,邀请国内相关领域的26名专家采用相对重要等级标度表[30]对各级指标进行相对重要性打分,其中技术类专家10位、经济类专家8位、环保类专家8位。通过构造比较判断矩阵、计算特征根和特征向量、一致性检验等[25]步骤,计算得出综合评价指标体系各级指标的权重(表1)。
表1 规模化养殖场畜禽粪污处理指标体系的指标属性及权重
Note: + indicates the positive indicator, - indicates the reverse indicator.
1.3.2 指标的标准化
1.3.3 综合评价指数的计算
2 指标体系的应用
2.1 基础数据采集与处理
2.1.1 数据采集
在此基础上,研究团队在中国东北、西北、华北地区的规模化奶牛养殖场开展实地调研,并结合问卷调查、文献查阅、专家咨询、数据计算、取样测试等方式,对6种粪污处理技术模式的相关数据进行收集与统计,咨询相关领域专家32名,完成奶牛养殖场调研47家,其中东北地区16家(存栏1 000头以下、1 000~3 000头、3 000头以上的奶牛场分别为5家、6家和5家),华北地区17家(存栏1 000头以下、1 000~3 000头、3 000头以上的奶牛场分别为6家、6家和5家),西北地区14家(存栏1 000头以下、1 000~3 000头、3 000头以上的奶牛场分别为5家、5家和4家);测试样品141份,测试指标主要包括化学需氧量、生化需氧量、悬浮物、氨氮、臭气排放浓度等。
2.1.2 数据处理
2.2 综合评价
图2 6种奶牛场粪污处理技术模式
2.3 实例分析
结合规模化奶牛养殖场实地调研,应用上述综合评价指标体系对河北某公司优质牧场进行分析和评价,以验证指标体系的可行性。该牧场位于河北省石家庄市鹿泉区,奶牛养殖规模4 500头。牧场设计采用先进的散栏式饲养方式,实现科学的TMR喂养。奶牛粪污处理采用国内外主流的、实践证明具有良好处理效果的湿法厌氧发酵技术,即粪污通过自动刮粪板和粪沟进行清粪和运输,粪污与奶牛污水混合后进入USR厌氧发酵反应器进行处理,生产的沼气用于牛舍用电及供暖;出料沼液经固液分离,固体部分用于垫料生产,液体部分经沉淀池处理后还田。按照构建的指标体系及评价方法对牧场的粪污处理水平进行评价,结果见表2。
表2 河北省某规模化奶牛场粪污处理评价结果
3 结 论
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Construction and application of comprehensive evaluation index system for waste treatment on intensive livestock farms
Luo Juan1, Zhao Lixin2, Yao Zonglu2※, Feng Jing1, Yu Jiadong1, Yuan Yanwen1
(1.,100125; 2.100081,)
Livestock breeding industry is rising rapidly, due to the increasing consumption demand for livestock products, as the improvement of the living standard of Chinese residents in recent years. There is a trend towards intensive, large-scale and professional cultivation in the livestock and poultry sectors, based on both practical experience from other countries, and the guidance of the Chinese government. Consequently, an increasing trend can also be found in the discharge amount of livestock manure, containing most nutrients while harmful ingredients. If these livestock manures were not treated timely, the environment would be polluted seriously, which would also in turn prevent the development of livestock breeding industry. As such, the livestock production has become “one of the three most significant contributors to today's most serious environmental problems”. Intensive livestock cultivation has also posed a great challenge on natural ecological system. In this study, taking the manure treatment in intensive livestock farms as the research object, an evaluation index system was established by considering the regional differences, in order to evaluate comprehensive benefit of technical modes for the waste treatment in the current large-scale livestock and poultry manure. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to construct the comprehensive evaluation index system, based on the whole production chain, including planning layout, manure collection-storage-transportation, efficient treatment, transformation, and utilization to farmland. Three aspects of the index system can be divided into the technical, economic and environmental indicators, including three first-level index, six second-level index, and 15 third-level index. An expert scoring method was used to determine the weight of each index. Six types of modes for fecal sewage treatment technology were selected to verify the index system in three dominant areas of cow breeding. An example of field experiment was taken as a large-scale dairy farm in Hebei Province. The results showed that: the evaluation method can accurately assess the comprehensive benefits of livestock manure treatment in large-scale farms, covering a practical guidance and good operability. Specifically, the pre-separation composting mode and pre-separation bedding mode were recommended in Northeast China, whereas, the composting mode and pre-separation composting mode were recommended in Northwest China, and the fermentation mode was recommended in North China. It infers that the solid-liquid separation can have a significant impact on the treatment effect in different stages of manure treatment. In Northeast and Northwest China, the performance of pre-separation mode was better than that of the former separation. There was no significant difference in the post-separation mode in North China. The scores of environmental and technical indicators ranked higher at the waste treatment level for the large-scale dairy farm in Hebei Province, indicating a good performance of mode. Some suggestions were also proposed based on the existing conditions in the economic indicators. A case analysis further verified the practical guidance, operability and rationality of the index system. Therefore, this finding can provide a methodology system and theoretical support for the construction of fecal sewage treatment, as well as a sound important reference for the comprehensive benefit evaluation in the waste treatment of intensive livestock farms in the future.
manures; waste treatment; livestock farms; evaluation system; application
罗娟,赵立欣,姚宗路,等. 规模化养殖场畜禽粪污处理综合评价指标体系构建与应用[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(17):182-189.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.022 http://www.tcsae.org
Luo Juan, Zhao Lixin, Yao Zonglu, et al. Construction and application of comprehensive evaluation index system for waste treatment on intensive livestock farms[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(17): 182-189. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.022 http://www.tcsae.org
罗娟,博士,高级工程师,主要从事农业废弃物资源化利用技术装备与环境保护研究。Email: emimi2008@126.com
姚宗路,博士,研究员,主要从事农业废弃物能源化利用技术研究。Email: yaozonglu@163.com