

今日重庆 2020年7期

杨玺 余宏






如今,我们还可以从轨道交通6号线的到 站提示音里听到“江北城”三个字。作为地名,这三个字代表了嘉陵江北岸的这片区域;而在老江北城人心里,这三个字是走不出的记忆之城。

Just as the Yellow Garden without a garden.the Shangqing Temple without a temple, theGuanyin Bridge without a bridge, Haitang Creekwithout a creek, Jiangbei City has also lost itscity once surrounded by the wall. Also gone werethe noisy streets and factories. which have beenreplaced by open green spaces and high-risebuildings lined in the financial centers.

Now we can only hear the word "JiangbeiCity" from the notice of rail transit Line 6reminding passengers to get off. As the name ofa place, the two words represent this area on thenorth bank of Jialing River. Yet in the hearts ofthose who lived in the old Jiangbei City, they arethe city of memory that cannot be walked out.


Push Open the Door of Memory







One weekend in June. in the drizzle. UncleWang and his wife Aunt Chen came to Jiangbei Cityagain. "Going back and having a look" has become aregular item for the old couple in their spare time sincethey moved from Jiangbei City to Wulidian in 2003.Here, they once lived together for more than 20 years.

Down the stone ladders beside Grand Theaterof Chongqing, a section of old city wall is hidden ingreen trees.

The wall is built of square stones. Themottled old stones at the bottom have been erodedby wind and rain since the wall was built 200years ago. In the stone crevices. there are thickroots of the old ficus virens. In front of the citywall. several elders were taking photos, talkingand laughing. Juding from their words, theyshould once live here.

Rambling on the wall to the end, walkingdown from the denuded stone steps, you will see the185-year-old Baoding Gate.

Baoding Gate is a typical double arch witha coupon top, 2.5 meters wide. 3.85 meters highand nearly 4 meters thick. which looks no longeras majestic as it used to be. Looking through thedoorway of Baoding Gate, what comes into viewis Jialing River which flowing day and night.On the other side of the river. the Raffles City atChaotianmen toweres into the sky. “Here and the other side are just two worlds.”Uncle Wang murmuerd.


Looking for Time in the Old City




结婚后,两人安家在下横街。下横街在现在重庆大剧院一带,虽是一排排墙壁斑驳、木门陈旧的老平房,但在王大爷的心里,却装满了浓浓的人情味。 “一家炒回锅肉,可以香透八九家,总会有李家大姐、刘家小哥端着饭碗来尝上一口。”






Go up the road from Baoding Gate, along theway are Chongqing Grand Theatre. North Tower ofJialing River Cableway and Chongqing Science andTechnology Museum. In Block B of the Central Parkin Jiangbei Mouth Central Business District. severalyoung people are taking wedding photos in front of St.Theresa's Church and Christian Evangelical Church.

"Both churches were moved later. This wasJiangbei Park then. where we could drink Gaiwantea and practice ballroom dancing." What's's also the place where Uncle Wang and Aunt Chen"make friends".

"Before we got married. I lived in the men'sdormitory and she lived in the women's. In the middlewas the Jiangbei Park." Uncle Wang said. It thusbecome the first choice for them to date. "I'll pick herup every time we date. As I couldn't get into the femaleworkers' dormitory,I squatted outside the duty roomof and waited. Later, the elder sister of the duty roomrecognized me and let me wait in the duty room."

The two settled down in Xiaheng Streetafter getting married. The street lies near today'sChongqing Grand Theater. Although lived in oneof the rows of old bungalows with mottled wallsand old wooden doors. it is full of warmth in UncleWang's heart. "The savory smell of twice cookedpork can travel far away from a house to eight to ninehouses. Then there'll always be a sister Li and brotherLiu come for a taste taking their own rice bowls."

"Between Jiangbei Park and Xiaheng Street,there's a 'Jiangbei Theater' where we listened toSichuan Opera and watched movies. As there werefew film in those days, new films and old ones wereplayed altemately. each cost 15 cents." This is also asweet memory of the couple.

Walking up the Xiaheng Street, you'll get toShangheng Street. "In summer. there were a lot of'shirtless black-face Bao Gong' on the street. At thattime, every household used honeycomb briquet toboil water and cook. Every ten or fifteen days. themen in the family would bring coal tickets. basketsand pole to the coal shop on Shangheng Street topick honeycomb briquet."

In addition to the coal shop, the ChongqingWeaving Factory where the couple once worked alsosit in Shangheng Street. At its peak. the factory had 2,000to 3,000 employees, hence the name "Half JiangbeiCity". When Chongqing Weaving Factory expandedits factory in 1982. excavators suddenly dug up a hugestone tablet - the tomb of Ming Yuzhen the emperor ofthe Daxia Kingdom, which had been sleeping for 616years, reappeared in the world.

In 1997. Chongqing Weaving Factorydisintegrated, and only the Rui Mausoleum was wellpreserved.

Today, the highest point in Jiangbei City hasbecome Area A of the Central Park in JiangbeizuiCentral Business District.


Disappearing Old Place Names










On October 12. 2003. three buildings inXiaheng Street collapsed, becoming the firstexplosion of large-scale demolition in Jiangbei City.It was also the largest explosion in the main urbanarea at that time. and in the same year. Uncle Wang'sfamily moved out of Xiaheng Street.

Jiangbei City began to make a change. JiangbeiCity inhabited by 60,000 people, has become the"Jiangbeizui" where a great deal of wealth gathers,leaving the words "Jiangbei City" appearing onlyin new place names of "Jiangbei City Tunnel"."Jiangbei City Interchange" and "Jiangbei CityStreet". However. the old streets and alleys in the cityhave gradually become legends in people's heart.

"In Chongqing dialect. 'umbrella' is called'supporting flowers'. In late Qing and early Republicof China. there's a street in Jiangbei City, most of theresidents in the street made a living by producingumbrellas. So it was named 'Chenghua Street"'.Uncle Wang said that there are stories behind eachold place name in Jiangbei City. In addition toChenghua Street. two other streets in Jiangbei Cityare also named after their trade.

One is Xibutang Street near the formerChongqing Weaving Factory. There is a pond in thestreet. where weavers used to wash colored cloth.That's why it is called Xibutang Street.

The other is Jinshadatie Street. now calledJinshamen Road. "Afier Chongqing opened its port.many a wooden boat repair factories showed upalong the Jialing River in Jiangbei City. Most of theblacksmiths' shops that nail ships and iron cunumfor shipyards and fire hooks and poker tongs for thecommon people are concentrated in Jinsha Street.The streets are full of fires and tinkling all day long.The noise was so loud that they even could beenheard at Chaotian Gate, Qiansi Gate and LinjiangGate on the other side of the river. Jinsha Street thusgot the name Datie Street. The new and old namesputting together. we then have the Jinshadatie Street."

These streets. together with the all-night firesand the bustling cries, have all disappeared in thelong river of time. Some, though preserved. nowhave totally different scenenes.

Walking through Block B of the Central Park.there's a faint fragrance floating in the humid air."Guihua Street!" Aunt Chen blurted out. "Since theend of the Qing Dynasty, this place has been calledGuihua Street because there's a osmanthus forestry."

Today's Guihua Street still has osmanthus treesplanted on both sides. Perhaps they are no longer thetrees in those years, but because of them Guihua Streetbecomes the real Guihua Street. Whenever the flowersbloom. the refreshing fragrance of flowers diffusesthrougout the street as breeze blows, pervading in thehearts of the old residents of Jiangbei City.

Time goes by, yet the fragrance of flowers inthe Guihua Street remains. and the sound of riveroutside Baoding Gate lingers. Accompanied JiangbeiCity along the way, they will also witness the ever-changing future of Jiangbei City.


王大爷趣事 ③