

管理工程学报 2020年4期




(昆明理工大学 管理与经济学院,云南 昆明 650093)



0 引言

不同于传统意义上的“报童模型”,供应链中介理论(The Theory of Supply Chain Intermediation)在制造商和零售商之间引入第三方经济行为主体来协调和仲裁各供应链参与成员之间的交易行为,其常以“市场组织者”或“交易代理人”的身份出现在各种供应链网络中。有许多原因会促使制造商和零售商去选择一个第三方中介来辅助完成交易,在这里简单列举如下:其一,供应链中介往往掌握着丰富的商品供给和需求信息,能够在降低供需匹配成本,减少无效率交易,分担交易风险,降低交易成本等方面发挥出举足轻重的作用[1]。其二,在全球贸易的环境下一些制造商的商品会远销海外,对当地市场的不熟悉会给商品的销售带来种种障碍。比如,终端消费者往往要求制造商能够为其购买的商品提供一定时间的维护和维修服务,离开了本地企业的参与这样的售后服务很难进行。当制造商预计在某地直接进行商品销售的成本很高或是风险很大时,跟一个当地的中介开展合作就是一个比较合理的选择了[2]。数据显示,60%的美国制造商和70%的欧洲制造商都是借由中介将自己的商品推向海外市场的[3]。其三,由于信息不对称的存在,制造商和零售商之间的相互信任很难达成,主要表现在零售商对制造商商品质量的不信任以及制造商对零售商再销售商品内容的不信任(商品掺假、商品改装)等方面,而这又会直接影响到整个供应链的运作效率和运营成本。通过引入第三方中介来监督和规范供应链各参与成员的交易行为,承担起第三方信任机构的角色,可以有效改善供应链的运作效率,对于降低供需双方的运营成本也将大有裨益。简单来说,制造商和零售商会选择一个第三方中介来协助完成交易通常是因为这个第三方中介在商品推广、销售和技术支持等方面拥有更加专业的知识和经验,Sarker, Butler和Steinfeld指出供应链中介可以提供诸多专业服务(如商品估价、商品匹配、商品分销、风险评估、信息传播等)来改善制造商和零售商的运营绩效[4]。

对供应链中介理论的研究起源于一些经济学类文献,基于Myerson和Satterthwaite所提出的谈判理论(Bargaining Theory)[5],Wu系统性地研究了供应链中介为什么会存在,其运作的方式以及对供应链整体效率的影响等问题[6]。Belavina和Girotra在同级供应链各参与成员间不存在直接竞争的假定条件下,比较了有中介参与和无中介参与情形下的供应链运作效率的差异。他们发现在多阶段的采购环境下,有中介参与的供应链运作效率要高于无中介参与的供应链,这是因为供应链中介手中汇聚了多个零售商的需求信息,能够对每个制造商作出一个长期的采购承诺[7]。Hingley, Lindgreen和Grant认为在竞争激烈、环境复杂的零售百货业采购供应链中引入一个第四方物流公司(4PL)作为供应链中介以促进和协调制造商和零售商之间的合作关系对于增强供应链整体的竞争实力是至关重要的[8]。Yang和Babich探讨了在由两个制造商和一个零售商组成的供应链中零售商雇佣供应链中介来辅助交易是否利大于弊的问题。他们认为由于供应链中介的参与而带来的与制造商之间的隐性共谋可在某些情形下(如在其中的一个制造商的可靠性较高,而另一个较低的情形下)降低零售商的信息收集成本[9]。Adida, Bakshi和Demiguel则考察了在什么样的市场环境下中介参与到由零售商主导下的供应链中能够有利可图,他们发现在市场供给量不是很大的情形下供应链中介反倒能够获得较多的利润[10]。Qu,Raff和Schmitt从库存管理的角度考察了供应链中介的作用,他们发现在市场需求变动性很大的情形下将商品库存分配至中介处可有效提高供应链整体绩效[11]。Wu依照中介在供应链中所发挥的主要职能的不同将供应链中介分为两大类:一类是交易中介,他们借由持有库存、汇聚需求等服务来提高买卖双方的交易效率;另一类是信息中介,他们借由建立起第三方信任机构等方式来降低制造商和零售商之间信息不对称的风险[6]。考察以上文献,其中的中介多是作为信息中介而发挥作用,而鲜有文献考虑交易中介在供应链中联系买卖双方的运作方式和均衡行为(Qu,Raff和Schmitt的研究是有关交易中介的不多见的一例[11]),本文将在这一方面对现有文献作出补充。本文将考虑有拍卖行参与的供应链的协调机制的设计,其中的拍卖行作为交易中介借助拍卖的形式将制造商生产的商品分销给各个零售商,并从中获取拍卖收益分成,而未售出商品的残值将在拍卖行处得以实现。

拍卖作为一种流行的交易机制,其主要的特点是具有价格发现功能,能够有效降低搜寻与谈判的成本,使交易结果更趋公平与公正,争议少,效率高。由于其具有简单而稳健的需求分配机能,拍卖不仅在理论上得到了很好的研究[12-14],也在实践中被广泛应用于诸如农产品、艺术品、珠宝、无形资产以及各种使用权的销售中[15]。将拍卖这样一种相对成熟的交易机制引入到供应链的管理中来,无疑将有效解决商品分配的难题,提高供需匹配的效率,进而改善整个供应链运营的绩效。近几年,已有不少学者尝试将拍卖与供应链结合起来研究,Jin和Wu在采购环境下探讨了如何使用二部制契约拍卖(Two-Part Contract Auction)来协调供应链的问题[16]。马俊和张杰等则拓展了Jin和Wu的研究模型,得到了更为一般性的结论[17-19]。Chen和Vulcano考察了在供应链中仅存在一个制造商和两个零售商并允许二次销售的情形下信息公开对于零售商在第一以及第二价格拍卖机制下的均衡收益的影响[20]。Tunca和Wu分析比较了拍卖机制在多种不同投标环境下的应用,并提出了一种全新的两阶段采购方案:零售商在第一阶段运用拍卖机制粗选出最富有竞争力的若干制造商,而把向每个制造商采购的商品数量和所需支付的采购价格的决策放在第二阶段[21]。周学广, 张坚和梅强等对在多个制造商和一个零售商之间进行的单轮多属性逆向拍卖建立起了一个非合作博弈模型,结果表明零售商并不会根据最低的投标价格而是根据投标质量和交货期的最优组合来选择制造商[22]。Rao, Zhao和Ma设计了一种满足激励相容(Incentive Compatible)和个体理性(Individual Rationality)条件的多属性拍卖机制用来帮助零售商筛选优质的制造商[23]。Wang设计了一种或有支付拍卖机制(CPAM)用于多属性采购过程[24]。陈树广和刘小冬证明了在市场中存在多个制造商、一个零售商和一个第三方回收商的情形下,满足一定条件的目录拍卖-双重奖惩契约机制能够协调闭环供应链[25]。纵观以上文献可以发现几乎所有的文献都把研究的重点放在商品的采购环节,对于拍卖机制在商品分销环节的应用鲜有文献涉及。本文将填补上这一研究空缺,将拍卖机制应用于商品分销环节,交易中介拍卖行将采用第一价格密封拍卖把制造商生产的商品分销给各个零售商。


1 问题描述

2 零售商的竞价策略


3 最优拍卖收益共享契约


3.1 供应链子系统集中决策




3.2 供应链子系统分散决策



3.3 供应链子系统的最优拍卖收益共享契约



4 数值算例


4.1 最优拍卖收益共享契约参数的确定

图1 最优拍卖收益共享契约参数的确定

Figure 1 Deriving the optimal parameters for the auction revenue sharing contract

4.2 供应链子系统的敏感度分析

图2 拍卖收益共享契约参数对供应链利润分布的影响

Figure 2 The effect of the auction revenue sharing contract parameters on the supply chain profit distribution

表1 参与竞拍的零售商数量对供应链子系统运营绩效的影响

表2 零售商对单位商品的估价分布对供应链子系统运营绩效的影响

表3 市场对商品需求量的均值对供应链子系统运营绩效的影响

表4 市场对商品需求量的方差对供应链子系统运营绩效的影响

5 结束语



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Coordination mechanism design for a supply chain intermediated by an auction house

QIN Kaida, GENG Xinyu, DAI Jiansheng

(Faculty of Management and Economics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China)

Considering the important role of supply chain intermediaries in improving transaction efficiency, reducing transaction risks, and improving the overall operating performance of the supply chain, many manufacturers and retailers tend to choose a third-party intermediary to complete their transaction. This article discusses a supply chain coordination model in which third-party intermediaries are involved - that is, manufacturers distribute goods to retailers through auction houses, and auction houses obtain a share of auction revenue from them.

Compared to the existing literature, the research in this paper has the following three distinguishing characteristics: First, the auction house is used as a transaction intermediary instead of an information intermediary, to improve the transaction efficiency of buyers and sellers; second, the auction mechanism applies to the distribution of goods rather than the procurement of commodities; third, combining the theory of supply chain intermediation and auction, this paper evaluates how to use the auction mechanism to improve the performance of the supply chain with the participation of intermediaries.

Consider a supply chain consisting of a manufacturer, N retailers, and a transaction intermediary - that is, the auction house in the supply chain. Commodities are distributed according to the following steps: First, before the auction begins, the manufacturer and the auction house sign a revenue sharing contract that includes the parameters of the reserve price and the revenue share ratio; then, the manufacturer delivers a certain number of commodities to the auction house, and the auction house determines the number of commodities to put up for auction; finally, the auction house auctions the commodities in the format of a first-price sealed-bid auction with a reserve price for the retailers, and shares the revenue with the manufacturer according to the ratio specified in the revenue sharing contract. In order to determine the optimal contract parameters to coordinate the supply chain, we take the following three steps.

First, under the assumption that all retailers follow a symmetrical, incremental, and differentiable equilibrium bidding strategy, the retailers’ optimal bidding strategy is solved. In the first-price sealed-bid auction format with a reserve price, the retailers’ equilibrium bidding strategy is as follows: if the commodity’s true valuation is lower than the reserve price, its bid quote will not be higher than the reserve price and will not affect the auction result; otherwise, if the commodity’s valuation is higher than the reserve price, its bid quote is a strictly increasing function of both its valuation and reserve price, and will not be higher than its valuation.

Second, the manufacturers and auction houses are regarded as a "subsystem of the supply chain", and the optimal strategic responses of their participating members in the case of centralized and decentralized decisions are discussed. In the case of centralized decision-making, manufacturers and auction houses have an incentive to engage in the business activities of the commodity only when the expected realizable benefits of the commodity are greater than its production costs; in the case of decentralized decision-making, regardless of the quantity of the commodity supplied by the manufacturer, the auction house will auction all the supplied goods, and the manufacturer’s willingness to supply a certain quantity of goods to the auction house depends on the size of its portion of the revenue share ratio.

Finally, by comparing and analyzing the optimal response functions of manufacturers and auction houses in the case of centralized and decentralized decisions, this paper not only proves the existence of optimal parameters for auction revenue sharing contracts, but also provides an approach to derive them. The quantity of goods supplied by the manufacturer, influenced by this optimal revenue sharing contract, can facilitate channel coordination throughout the supply chain. At the end of this paper, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the optimal contract. Simultaneously, a sensitivity analysis is also performed for exogenous variables in the model.

Supply chain coordination; Transaction intermediary; Auction house; Auction revenue sharing contract



Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (71362025, 71162019)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

