遗传算法; 组卷系统; 优化分析
中图分类号: TP 291
文献标志码: A
Research on Optimization of Automatic Test Paper Generation
System Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
LIU Yali
(Faculty of Economics and Management, Shangluo University, Shangluo, Shanxi 726000, China)
This paper has completed the design of an automatic test paper generation system based on improved traditional genetic algorithm, and used the improved genetic algorithm to construct an intelligent test paper generation strategy that includes test coding methods, selection of crossover operators, and setting of mutations. The fitness function of the test paper composition process is optimized through the establishment of a weighted objective function, thereby achieving a good fitness. The selection operation is further optimized by combining the use of a premium strategy and a roulette method, achieving rapid success. At the same time, the quality of the test paper is improved. And the simulation experiments verify the practicability of the test paper algorithm.
Key words:
genetic algorithm; volume grouping system; optimization analysis