

重庆与世界 2020年8期









There are two distinctive small buildings beside the main road of Zhongshan First Road outside the Tongyuan Gate of Qixinggang in Yuzhong District. The main building and the annex building are connected with Chinese and Western-style brick-wood structure. This is the former site of the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association.

The two buildings are both constructed with small grey tiles and Xieshan-style roofs, western-style eaves, brickwork and plastering on the exterior walls, slate paving on the bottom floor, and stone foundations. With a total construction area is about 940 square meters, they cover an area of 910 square meters. The main building faces west with two floors. There of a pair of 1-meter -high stone lions in front of the stone stairs. The annex building faces south, with three floors.

Zhang Ximan, the founder of the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association, was a well-known leftist member of the Kuomintang and one of the earliest social activists in China to spread Marxism-Leninism. Around the May Fourth Movement, he participated in the launch of the Socialism Research Association, translated and published the Russian Communist Party Programme.

In October 1935, Zhang Ximan, his elder brother Zhang Zhongjun, painter Xu Beihong and others initiated the establishment of the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association in Nanjing. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association moved to Chongqing Huangjiayakou (now near the intersection of Zhongshan First Road and Hanwei Road in Yuzhong District). With the support of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China, the organization actually became the center of anti-Japanese cultural activities in the rear area and also an important position for the Southern Bureau to contact people from all walks of life to carry out united front work. In particular, after Guo Moruo, Qu Wu, Yang Hansheng and other important figures and secret party members entered the leadership of the Cultural Association, the institution played an important role in strengthening the ties of Communist Party of China with the Soviet Union and the international anti-fascist allies, and winning the support of the international community for China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China often used the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association to hold lectures, commemorative meetings, symposiums, and exhibitions to contact people from all walks of life to attract and unite the people. It has held a woodcut exhibition in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and has shown Soviet films, and the China Theatre Company has also rehearsed progressive dramas here. As an open non-governmental organization, the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association was an important channel for Sino-Soviet non-governmental cultural exchanges and an important place for legal communication between cultural and social sectors. It had served as a bridge to enhance and promote the understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union.

The Sino-Soviet Cultural Association is an important material evidence for studying the history of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the history of diplomacy, and the history of the Southern Bureau, giving it an irreplaceable important historical and cultural value. In 2000, the former site of the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association was announced by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government as a Chongqing Cultural Relics Protection Unit. It has been repaired for now and will be opened to the public soon.

Picture/Chongqing Cultural Relics Protection Volunteer Service Corps

