

重庆与世界 2020年8期









开埠标志着重庆对外开放的开端。1891年,中英签订《烟台条约续增专条》,即《重庆通商条约》,重庆就此开埠,外国商船、洋行、医院、使领馆相继进入中国的西南腹地。1895年,中日《馬关条约》开重庆为通商口岸,重庆成为当时中国内陆最西端的开埠通商口岸。十余年间,英国 、法国 、日本 、美国、德国先后在重庆设立领事馆。




据研究统计,到1940 年,共有10个国家同时在重庆设有使领馆,有大使馆7个:美国、英国、法国、苏联、德国、意大利、比利时;公使馆3个:荷兰、土耳其、墨西哥。









2014年7月,時任意大利驻重庆总领事马非同邀请意大利国家电视台第一频道著名主持人Duilio Giammaria来渝采访,以《重庆》为名制作专题纪录片,重庆的经济社会发展成就尤其是中欧班列(渝新欧)引起了意大利工商界的关注。



作者单位/四川外国语大学 图片/市政府外办提供


The consulate general of Italy in Chongqing was inaugurated on December 30, 2013. As the fourth Italian consulate general in China after the ones in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hongkong, it serves as a bridge for the exchanges between Italy and southwest China. The historical origins and contemporary reasons for selecting Chongqing as its site is a topic worthy of discussion in China-Italy relations.

The history of exchanges between China and Italy dates back to the Han Dynasty and the ancient Roman Empire. The voyages of Marco Polo, Matteo Ricci and other Italians to China have become household stories in Europe. So, what is the connection between their voyages and southwest China? From the answer to this question, we may see the the prospect of further growth of bilateral relations in this region and new opportunities for bilateral cooperation.

Thirteenth century

Had Marco Polo ever been to Chongqing?

Marco Polo, an Italian traveler and businessman, traveled to China through the Silk Road during the reign of Kublai Khan, an emperor of Yuan Dynasty, and spent more than a decade in China. After returning to Venice and upon being captured in a naval battle, he told about his travel experience in prison, and Rustichello wrote about it and named it The Travels of Marco Polo. The Book mainly recorded Marco Polo's experience in China and described in detail the economy, culture and folk customs of the Yuan Dynasty, as well as the prosperity of Xi'an, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Yangzhou, Fuzhou and some other places at that time. For the first time, it presented the image of China as a country with vast territory, abundant resources and highly-developed culture and education, making a great contribution to the mutual understanding between the East and the West.

In 1258, Mongke, the Mongolian Khan, attacked Sichuan with his troops and reached the Fishing Town of Hechuan in Chongqing, where they encountered fierce resistance from the local military and civilians. The ensuing year, Mongke died of illness and Kublai Khan, his younger brother, succeeded to the throne and further contended for the cities centered around Chongqing along the Yangtze River in Sichuan Province. In 1278, the Mongol army launched a general attack on Chongqing and seized the city…

If the dates recorded in The Travels of Marco Polo are correct, two years after Chongqing was occupied by the Mongol army, Marco Polo began his journey to the south of China. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chongqing was just an ordinary prefecture in southwest China. In the late Southern Song Dynasty, Chongqing became the garrison of Sichuan after being besieged by the Mongolian army. Therefore, in the description of Marco Polo, who was sent by Kublai Khan to the south, there were sentences describing Chengdu, while Chongqing, the prefecture around 300 km east of Chengdu, was not mentioned.

Opening-up as a commercial port and the World War II period

Chongqing becomes an important diplomatic hub for China

Port opening marked the beginning of Chongqing's opening-up. In 1891, China and the United Kingdom signed the Yantai Treaty Amendment, also known as the Commercial Treaty of Chongqing. Chongqing was hence opened up for trade, and foreign merchant ships, foreign firms, foreign hospitals, embassies and consulates successively entered Chongqing, the hinterland of southwest China. In 1895, China and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki and Chongqing was opened as a treaty port, making Chongqing the west-most port in inland China at that time. In the decade since then, Britain, France, Japan, the United States and Germany successively set up consulates in Chongqing.

Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, diplomatic envoys in China came from 22 countries, including 8 ambassadors from Soviet Union, Germany, United States, Japan, France, Britain, Italy and Belgium; 11 ministers extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary from Cuba, Portugal, Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands, Brazil, Norway, Mexico, Finland, Sweden and Czechoslovakia; 1 consular agent from Switzerland; 2 interim consular agents from Chile and Peru.

After the war broke out, as the Nanjing KMT Government moved its capital to Chongqing, the embassies and consulates of various countries in China first moved to Wuhan, and then gradually moved to Chongqing. The history of Chongqing's foreign exchanges during the War can be generally divided into the following three stages:

Stage I (1937–1940): 10 countries set up embassies and consulates in Chongqing. After the "Lugou Bridge Incident" in 1937, Japan invaded China on a large scale and pushed Nanjing into a critical situation. On November 17, Lin Sen, the chairman of the Nanjing KMT Government, led the government to withdraw from Nanjing. Three days later, he announced in Wuhan that the capital would be moved to Chongqing, making Chongqing the official capital of China during the War.

According to statistics, by 1940, 10 countries had set up embassies and consulates in Chongqing, including embassies from United States, United Kingdom, France, Soviet Union, Germany, Italy and Belgium, and legations from the Netherlands, Turkey and Mexico.

Stage II (1941–1943): there were 13 embassies and consulates in Chongqing. During the period after the outbreak of the War, the western countries, led by the United States, maintained a neutral position in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. As Japan's invasion of China intensified, the West imposed more bans on Japan by 1941. On December 7 of the same year, Japanese troops raided the United States Pacific Fleet garrisoned at Pearl Harbor, escalating the national war between China and Japan into a global war between two opposing camps. The pattern of diplomacy had undergone a fundamental change, and China joined the Allied Powers. On July 1, 1941, the Chinese government severed diplomatic relations with Germany and Italy, and the diplomats of the two countries left Chongqing immediately. Later, Chongqing severed diplomatic relations with Romania and Denmark. While severing diplomatic relations with the Axis Powers, China had strengthened its ties with the Commonwealth and established diplomatic relations with Canada, India, Egypt, Iran and Vatican.

Stage III (1943–1946): 22 countries stationed embassies and consulates in Chongqing. 1943 was the peak year of wartime cooperation between China and its allies. During this period, led by the United States, the process to abolish the unequal treaties between western countries and China was advanced and at the same time China was included in the power system of "Four Powers".

In early 1943, the United States and Britain formally gave up their extraterritorial jurisdiction in China. In this year, China was invited to several high-level international summits and enjoyed an unprecedented international status. The KMT government took advantage of this opportunity to expand or upgrade almost all foreign diplomatic missions in Chongqing to ambassadorial levels. The upgraded countries were Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Mexico, Turkey, Canada, Czechoslovakia; and the countries who opened new embassies were Peru, Iran, Argentina, Italy, Chile and Brazil.

After the reform and opening up

Exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Italy

Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, Chongqing has made great progress in economic construction. As one of China's important industrial bases, Chongqing has grown into an economic hub and an important transportation hub in southwest China and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. During this period, Chongqing and Italy carried out a series of industrial cooperation.

In 2004, Zongshen Industrial Group, an important representative of domestic private motorcycle enterprises, and Piaggio Group, a top international motorcycle enterprise, jointly established Zongshen & Piaggio Motorcycle. The motorcycle production base built by the company, with an investment of 200 million yuan, has become an important part of Piaggio's global purchasing system.

Since then, the cooperation between Chongqing and Italy has been deepening. In 2005, Fiat Group and Chongqing Hongyan Automobile Co., Ltd. established a joint venture. In July 2009, Lifan Group Corporation set up Lifan (Italy) Co., Ltd. in Italy. In May 2010, Maurizio Sacconi, minister of labor and social policy of Italy, and Adolfo Urso, deputy minister of economic development, led a delegation of 150 entrepreneurs to visit Chongqing and successfully met and communicated with hundreds of Chongqing enterprises. The two sides discussed cooperation in automotive, energy, environmental protection, consumer food, clothing and textiles, machinery manufacturing and other fields.

In December 2013, the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, the first Italian consulate in southwest China, opened. The Consulate General covers the area of Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. In January 2014, it signed a framework cooperation agreement with Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) to provide training and internship opportunities for SISU students, scientific research exchange and training opportunities for its faculty members, and jointly carry out cultural exchanges and academic activities. In the same year, at the invitation of the Rome office of the National Tourism Administration, the film crew of the Program GEO of the RAI went to Shanghai, Chongqing, Hubei and other provinces and cities of China to shoot a TV documentary with the theme of "Human and Nature" to promote the tourism image of "Journey to Beautiful China". Through these shots, Hongyadong, Huguang Guild Hall, Yangtze River Cableway, Chongqing spicy noodles, hotpot and other beautiful scenery and delicious food in Chongqing were vividly presented to the Italian audience.

In July 2014, Sergio Maffettone, the then consul general of Italy in Chongqing, invited Duilio Giammaria, a famous host of RAI Channel One, to Chongqing for an interview, and produced a documentary named Chongqing. The economic and social achievements of Chongqing, especially the China Railway Express (Yuxinou), attracted the attention of the Italian industrial and business communities.

In February 2017, Italian president Sergio Mattarella visited Chongqing with a government delegation of more than 40 officials, including the minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, the minister of infrastructure and transportation, and the Italian ambassador to China. In August of the same year, under the promotion of the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, the two governments signed an agreement to establish Sino-Italian Industrial Park in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, providing a more convenient environment for Italian enterprises to trade with southwest China.

Italy is an important country in Europe, and Chongqing, located at the junction of the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, is an important strategic stronghold for the development of the western region. Chongqing is actively branding itself as the inland opening-up leader and an international communication center for the central and western regions. At present, Italy is already transporting goods through the China Railway Express (Yuxinou). At the same time, with the help of the Consulate General, southwest China will further strengthen cooperation with Italy in environmental protection, poverty eradication and narrowing of the gap between the rich and poor, agriculture, health care and other aspects.

Authors affiliation/Sichuan International Studies University

Editor/He Yu


意大利 Disse 幽默与荒诞的漫画