“2020年老外@Chongqing·体验非遗”:听脱贫故事 观乡村盛景


重庆与世界 2020年8期

















From July 4th to 18th, "Foreigners in 2020@Chongqing·Experience Intangible Cultural Heritage" , rural experience activities, and the eighth, ninth, and tenth sessions of photography, short video and travel notes competition, were carried out in the Tianxingsi Town, , Nanquan Street and Maliuzui Town of Banan District.

Ten foreigners from the United Kingdom, South Korea, Ethiopia and other countries visited  the Banan countryside to listen to typical poverty alleviation stories of farmers, learn intangible cultural heritage skills, and experience the fun of garden picking. They took pictures everywhere they went,  uploaded them to social platforms to share their observations of the visit, and couldnt wait to introduce Chongqing to more foreign friends.

Households out of poverty welcome "foreign guests"

"In 2013, my family was included in the registered impoverished households. In the past few years, the towns and villages have brought mind-blowing changes to our family through education for poverty alleviation, industrial assistance, critical illness relief, purchasing cooperative medical insurance, and joining the specialized cooperatives policy. Now my family has been lifted out of poverty. " In the new home of Wang Jiaru in Huafang Village, Tianxiangsi Town, her mother shared the story on how they were lifted out of poverty and became well-off, glowing with smiles of happiness. The foreigners were deeply moved and applauded the poverty-alleviation achievements they had witnessed.

Wang's family is just one of many poverty alleviation cases in Tianxingsi Town. In recent years, the town has promoted the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism on the basis of its own resources, focused on building a modern agricultural ecological sightseeing garden, and introduced a series of cultural and ecological tourism projects. At the same time, through actively exploring the development model of "company + cooperative + farmer households" to maximize the benefits of agricultural industry development to impoverished  households, this town shifted the way of poverty alleviation from "blood transfusion" to "blood creation", and enhances the sustainable development capabilities of out-of-poverty households.

On the day of the visit, the foreigners also experienced the fun of vegetable picking in the Tianyong Ecological Park; they also visited the homestay called Biehua Mountain House in the Xuetangbao Community of Furong Village, and followed Liu Qiang, the intangible culture inheritor of Lius clay sculpture in Banan District, to learn intangible cultural heritage clay making. Foreigners couldn't help but exclaimed" How charming the traditional Chinese culture is!"

Visit the former sites of the War of Resistance against Japan and learn Chinese massage

In Nanquan Street, foreigners visited the Peng Residence, a site of the War of Resistance against Japan, and the Yew Village in the Qiaoping Mountain Scenic Area to learn about the history of the war in Chongqing, and experience the TCM culture.

Located on the campus of Chongqing Institute of Engineering, Peng's Residence is part of the Chongqing Anti-Japanese War sites. Built in 1822, it is currently one of the relatively well-preserved residences of the Qing Dynasty in Chongqing and now a key national cultural relics protection site. The foreigners carefully toured around each room of the Pengs Residence and admired the profound aesthetics of Chinese architecture.

Strolling through the yew forest in the yew garden, foreigners visited yew, dendrobium officinale of taxus, lucid ganoderma and other Chinese herbal medicines along the way, foreigners learned about the knowledge of Chinese medicine, and experienced traditional Chinese regimens  such as massage and acupuncture in the residence . Callum Snell from the United Kingdom lauded, "Amazing, amazing, absolutely amazing!"

Measure the "waistline" for the 800-year-old ficus virens trees

In Renheqiao Village of Maliuzui Town, foreigners saw the oldest yellow ficus virens in the first ancient and famous tree fostering event in Chongqing proper, and two 800-year-old ficus virens trees with deep roots and luxuriant leaves like huge open umbrellas. Planted at the same time, they are nicknamed as "couple tree" by the local people.

Under the ancient ficus virens trees, the foreigners were thrilled to measure  their "waistlines" as six people in a row could not fully embrace them. In great astonishment, they took pictures and shared them on the Internet. Anteneh Tariku, the acting consul general of Ethiopia in Chongqing, said that this was the largest ancient tree he had ever seen, which was amazing!

Maliu Heye ( salix latifolia in the shape of a  lotus leaf) is an intangible cultural heritage of the folk arts in Sichuan and  Chongqing. It is named as Maliu Heye as the main musical instrument Sucha has hanging red silk resembling a lotus stem. Under the guidance of masters such as the intangible cultural inheritor Lai Yunxia, foreigners performed impromptu ensemble with the intangible cultural inheritor of Maliu Heye in a lively atmosphere.

In the fun plum-picking competition held by the Intercity Agricultural Orchard, An Hongjie from South Korea won the first place. He wrote his travel notes in Chinese with deep emotions: "I wish that the plums will grow bigger and the farmers can earn more."


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