Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? 为什么猫爱睡觉?
Jeff Wallenfeldt张宁
Cat person? How many pictures of your cat sleeping have you got on your phone? A lot, right? They are so cute when they sleep...so cute. But then they are always asleep. Okay, not always, but a lot of the time. Why is that?
The truth is that cats sleep an average of 15 hours per day. Some of them stretch that toward 20 hours, especially older cats and kittens. Thats understandable. Whats wearing out the rest of them?
Cats are natural predators1. Their prey2 is quick and elusive3. Sneaking up and pouncing4—repeatedly—is undoubtedly exhausting. Cats in the wild work hard in order to meet their food needs, and expending that kind of physical effort requires a lot of recharging.
And they are not just predators, they are crepuscular5 predators, which means that the go lights come on for them at dawn and dusk during the twilight hours when their prey—rodents6 and birds—are equally active. The rest of the day, cats sleep, though that sleep is of two types.
About three fourths of their sleep is a shallow7, almost-waking rest. Cats doze in a kind of ready position. Their senses of smell and hearing are in the “on” mode. Ears occasionally twitch8. Peaceful but poised9, they are ready to react instantly: To pounce on prey or to swat and scratch the hell out of you for the temerity10 of petting them while they are sleeping. It usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes.
The other one fourth of the time, cats really sleep deeply. If it looks like they are dreaming when their paws tremble, it is because they probably are dreaming.
So what about my domestic, never-leaves-the-house cat? Why is she always sleeping? In a word: Heredity11. As a species, cats—whether they sleep on the street or on a sofa—are all hardwired12 to the same internal clock. That, and house cats also sleep when they are bored.
1. predator [ ] n. 捕食者;食肉动物 2. prey [ ] n. 猎物
3. elusive [ ] adj. 难懂的;难捉摸的 4. pounce [ ] vi. 突袭,猛扑
5. crepuscular [ ] adj. 黄昏的;拂晓的 6. rodent [ ] n. 啮齿动物
7. shallow [ ] adj. 浅的 8. twitch [ ] v. 抽动
9. poised [ ] adj. 泰然自若的 10. temerity [ ] n. 鲁莽,冒失
11. heredity [ ] n. 遗传,遗传性 12. hardwired [ ] adj. 基本固定的