摘 要: 圖信号具有一定的网络拓扑结构,通过网络上的节点收集相关信号的数据。但是在数据收集过程中由于图信号具有时变特性,容易造成数据损失或错误。文中主要研究无权无向的时变图信号网络,对时变信号数据进行差分处理可以使得信号表现出更好的平滑特性。提出采用差分总变化量的方法对时变图信号数据重构,并使用均方根误差方法对重构结果做评价,通过实验仿真发现基于差分总变化量的方法可以取得较好的重构效果,从而验证了采用差分总变化量的可靠性。
关键词: 时变图信号; 差分总变化量; 信号重构; 数据恢复; 数据差分处理; 重构结果评价
中图分类号: TN911.7?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)13?0053?04
Time varying graph signal reconstruction algorithm based on
difference total variation
(MOE Key Laboratory of Cognitive Radio and Information Processing, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China)
Abstract: Graph signals possess a certain network topology, and its collection of the relevant signal data is by network nodes. However, it is prone to result in data loss or error due to the time?varying characteristics of graph signals in the process of data collection. In this paper, the unweighted and undirected time?varying graph signals network is studied mainly. The difference processing of time?varying signal data can make the signal show its better smoothing characteristics. In this paper, the method of total difference variation is proposed to reconstruct the time?varying graph signal data, and the root?mean?square error method is used to evaluate the reconstruction results. It is found in the experimental simulation that the method based on the total difference variation can achieve good reconstruction results, which verifies the reliability of using the total difference variation.
Keywords: time?varying graph signal; difference total variation; signal reconstruction; data recovery; data difference processing; reconstruction result evaluation