徐恒舟 赵可新 李楠 朱海
摘 要: 文中提出一種设计LDPC码的掩模矩阵和叠加矩阵的新方法。该方法使用可分解设计的关联矩阵构造掩模矩阵和叠加矩阵,并结合结构化矩阵得到更稀疏的准循环校验矩阵。数值仿真结果表明,与CCSDS标准中的LDPC码相比,所构造的LDPC码的译码性能均有所提升,并且译码收敛很快。
关键词: 低密度校验码; 掩模矩阵设计; 叠加矩阵设计; 可分解设计; 数值分析; 准循环校验矩阵
中图分类号: TN911.22?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)13?0028?04
Design of masking and superposition matrices
based on resolvable designs for LDPC codes
XU Hengzhou, ZHAO Kexin, LI Nan, ZHU Hai
(School of Network Engineering, Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou 466001, China)
Abstract: A new method for constructing masking and superposition matrices for low?density parity?check (LDPC) codes is proposed. The resolvable design′s incidence matrix is adopted in the proposed construction method to construct masking matrix and superposition matrix. In combination with the structured matrices, a much sparser check matrix with quasi?cyclic (QC) structure is obtained. The numerical simulation results show that the decoding performance of the constructed LDPC codes outperforms that of the LDPC codes in the CCSDS standard, and their decoding converges fast.
Keywords: LDPC code; masking matrix design; superposition matrix design; resolvable design; numerical analysis; QC check matrix