

江苏教育 2020年11期

【摘要】語音教学是小学英语教学的重要内容之一。在译林版《英语》三下Unit 8 We are twins(Fun time & Sound time)一课的教学中,教师重构语音板块,让语音教学与自主阅读同步进行,从而让学生在故事情境中学习、内化、运用语音知识,并以拼读促阅读。





语音教学是小学英语教学的重要内容之一。《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》中的语言知识二级标准对小学生的语音学习给出了明确要求:正确读出26个英文字母;了解简单的拼读规律等。译林版《英语》是一套以三年级为起点的教材,Letter time板块编排在三上教材中,Sound time板块分布于三下至六下教材中,前后共编排了26个字母和17个字母组合在单词中的基本读音,此外还涉及一些句子的重读、连读及语调等,主要强调语音、语调的练习。

虽然译林版《英语》教材以三年级为起点,但不少地区从一年级就开始教英语,到了三年级,学生已经具备一定的单词拼读能力和初步的文本阅读能力。因此,在这些区域,小学英语语音教学不仅要基于现行教材,更要基于课程标准,对教材中的Letter time和Sound time板块进行相应的调整:在一年级下学期完成26个字母的教学;从二年级上学期起着重培养低年级学生“见词能读、听音能拼”的能力,同时对教材各单元的目标词汇提“四会”要求;自三年级下学期起重构教材Sound time板块,强化语音意识培养,同时将音形义三者相结合,细化语音规则,并有计划地拓展课外阅读,以拼读促阅读,从而提升学生的自主阅读能力。

在译林版《英语》三下Unit 8 We are twins(Fun time & Sound time)一课的教学中,教师引领学生将字母n的发音及拼读规律的学习融于以含有字母n的绘本为语料、以Who is...? He/ She is ...目标句型为支架、以小组合作为方式的语言实践活动中。教师梳理语音要点,帮助学生建构字母与其发音之间一一对应的关系,并促使学生将语音知识迁移至新词的学习中,从而自然地习得发音规则。此外,本节课的语音教学与自主阅读同步进行,学生在故事情境中学习、内化、运用语音知识,并以拼读促阅读。



Warm up

学生欣赏、跟唱歌曲Look at my family photo.


Free talk(Revision)

T: There are some people here. Do you know them? You can guess.

游戏:Quick response

Whos he(that boy)? Hes Mike./Whos he(that man)?Hes Mikes uncle./Whos she(that girl)?Shes Yang Ling./Whos she(that woman)?Shes Yang Lings aunt./Who are they(the girls)? Theyre Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins.

词不离句,句不离境是英语教学的基本原则,所以语音在特定语境的词句游戏中更易被学生理解与掌握。在快速问答环节中,学生整体回顾Story time板块的内容,同时围绕Unit 4 My family(Story time)中出现的人物,用句型Who is...?对人物关系进行问答。通过问答,学生感悟字母n在不同单词中的发音,从而建立起字母和语音之间的对应关系并提升习得新单词的能力。


T(:呈现一张婴儿的照片)Who is it? Its a

baby. We dont know who it is.

游戏:Guessing Time

T: Look,it was him several years ago. Now he is a boy. I give you some information about him-N(name): Nick,n(age): nine,n(thing): a new book. Can you say something about him?

T: This is a girl. Who is she?I give you some information about her-N(name):Nancy,n(age): ten,n(thing):a pen. Can you say something about her?

T: Please say something about Nick and Nancy.First,please read the sentences together. Then read them quickly.


学习Fun time板块

T: Who can you see in the story?(出示Kipper一家的三张照片)

Students watch the video of making a family tree by Kipper first. And then say something according to Kippers family tree.

Kippers family tree

Hello! Im Kipper. I am making my family tree.Look! This is me. I have a sister Biff and a brother Chip. The tall man is my father. The nice woman is my mother. Our mother has a brother. Hes my uncle. The woman in the hat is my aunt. She is my uncles wife.The old man is mygrandfather.Theoldwomanismy grandmother. They are my mother and my uncles parents.I love my family.

本课采用激活旧图式—建立新图式—迁移新图式的教法,由绘本What a din!引出主人公 Kipper一家的全家福,然后谈论人物间的关系,这可帮助学生复习已学过的人物关系词汇,特别是带有n的单词,同时能激活学生的已有图式,并帮助其建立字母、词汇、故事之间的联系。学生在小组合作中完成任务——制作家谱,建立新图式,并用新颖的方式来实现对新故事的朗读、理解。

Read,Make and Say

T: Kipper can make his family tree. He has six story books to read and make the family trees. Can you help him? I think all of you can do it.

My family(Level 1)

This is my mother.This is my father.This is my grandpa.This is my grandma.This is my uncle. This is my aunt.This is my sister.This is me. Im Tony.This is my family.

The baby monkeys family(Level 1)

Hello! My name is Baby Monkey.This is my family.This is my dad.This is my mum.This is my sister.This is my brother.This is my grandma. This is my pet... Shark! We are the monkey family!

Family(Level 2)

Hi,Mary!/Hello,Tom!/Mary,this is my grandma./Welcome!/This is Jack,my brother./He is big./My mom and dad./Nice to meet you./Nice to meet you,too./She is Linda,my sister./Oh! She is pretty!/And this is my little brother./Hello!/ Aaah...

Ninos family(Level 2)

Hello,my name is Bolooloo./Whats your name? My names Nino./Who is she? She is my mommy./Ahhhhh... Help./Who is he? He is my daddy./Who is he? Hahaha,he is my brother. So cute. She is my sister./Help! Help! Help! Help!/ Who is she? She is my grandma./This is my family.

I love my family(Level 3)This is my family./This is my father. He is handsome. He is a policeman. I like him. This is my grandfather. He is old. This is my grandmother. She is old,too. She likes swimming very much. This is my mother. She is pretty. They are my sister and brother. They are cute. They like to watch TV. They like cartoons. Finally,My name is Jill. I am 7 years old. I love my family.

Bens family(Level 3)

Look,what I have. Its a camera. Im going to take pictures of my family.This is my father. What is he doing? He is washing a car. This is my mother. What is she doing? She is cooking in the kitchen.This is my brother. What is he doing? He is blowing bubbles in the back yard.This is my grandfather. What is he doing? He is reading a book in the living room.This is my sister. What is she doing? She is playing the piano.These are photos of my family. Arent they great?

T: First,you should be a best reader. Choose the story you like,then read it by yourself. Next,you should be a great maker. Make the family tree in your group. Stick the photosof familymembers—Writedownthe names of the relation—Draw lines. Finally,you should be a super speaker. Talk about the other family tree. If you can ask three questions with“who”,then say something about it,you are the super speaker.


小组合作是强化语音体验、内化语音规律、提升语音素养的重要途径。学生从绘本中提取关键词,梳理人物关系。在弄清故事结构及人物关系的基础上,学生在小组一体机上完成Family tree的制作,而最终的语言输出活动则是介绍家谱,介绍后,学生在组內评议出Best Reader,Great Maker,Super Speaker。


阿基米德说过:给我一个支点,我可以撬起地球。重整再构Sound time板块,合理优化语音教学,帮助学生掌握发音规律,提升“见词能读、听音能拼”的语音素养,就是给予学生一个撬动英语自主阅读的支点。如此,学生便能开启拼读领先、听读结合、促说带写的自主阅读之旅,进而全面提升英语学科核心素养。

