

疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年7期


Talented artist “paints” with layers of denim

画画一定需要画笔和画布吗?英国艺术家Ian Berry偏偏不走寻常路。他仅靠剪刀、胶水和牛仔布就能营造出层叠效果。他还能通过制造阴影来表现光线的质感,呈现出各种现实生活中的场景。


1. medium /?mi?di?m/ n. 材料

2. extraordinary /?k?str??dnri/ adj.意想不到的;非凡的

3. remarkably /r??mɑ?k?bli/ adv. 非常

4. landscape /?l?ndske?p/ n. 风景

5. incredible /?n?kred?bl/ adj. 难以置信的

Its hard to say goodbye to your favorite pair of jeans, even when theyre way beyond wearable, but English artist Ian Berry has found a way to avoid throwing away denim, by using it to create beautiful works of art.

Netherton?born artist Ian Berry has made quite a name for himself after his unique art took the art world by storm. Its hard to believe the idea of using old denim as medium for his art came after a call from his mother Christine, asking him to clean out his room. “More than years ago, my mum was clearing out my old room and she wanted me to go through my things. I found loads of old jeans and denims and I noticed the different colors and shades. I kept hold of them but it was only about 18 months later that I began to do something with them.” Little did he know his experiment would soon make him and his denim art famous all over the world.

Ian Berry quit his full?time job in advertising to focus all his attention on art. It was a risky move, and he remembers his girlfriends parents asking if artists could make a living in this day and age. But his gamble(冒险) paid off and soon his denim artworks were the stars of sell?out shows in Sweden and the US, and his pieces were sold to private and public collections all over the world.

Iain Barratt, director of the Catto Gallery, told The Examiner, “What Ian does is extraordinary. Its not until people see it close up and touch it that they can see how hes created these wonderful scenes. And what absolute treasures they are. Ian conjures(使……變戏法般地出现) remar?kably detailed portraits and urban landscapes using nothing more than discarded jeans—the effect is extraordinary.”

Denim art is as simple as it is beautiful. Ian Berry uses old jeans, a pair of scissors and some glue to create all his incredible detailed works of art. After 12 years of working with denim, the English artist has managed to fill seven closets with old pairs of jeans, so its safe to say he has plenty of material for his future works.

Reading Check

1. Ian Berrys inspiration appeared when he was_______________.

A. buying jeans in the store

B. mending his jeans at home

C. dealing with his own belongings

D. looking for some mediums

2. What does the underlined word “discarded” in Para. 4 most probably mean?

A. Stored. B. Abandoned.

C. Valued. D. Donated.

3. What was his girlfriends parents attitude towards his changing of career?

A. Supportive. B. Disapproving.

C. Subjective. D. Indifferent.

Language Study

Sentence for writing

Its not until people see it close up and touch it that they can see how hes created these wonderful scenes.

【信息提取】本句是一个强调句,强调的是until引导的时间状语从句,how引导的是宾语从句。It be not until...that...意为“直到……才……”。




Task 1 本刊试题研究中心