

世界建筑 2020年7期


Design Team: Basurama

在20 世纪,城市模型的演进特征是我们的城市中逐渐出现了机动车。机动车的数量虽然不多,但却在不断增加。这种变化使得很多城市的最终目标变成为车辆提供更大的流动性,即使在市中心也开始将行人排在第二位。利马也不例外。城市开始无差别地随意扩张,愈发不需要公共交通体系。因此,有超过500 条列车线路被大量的日常交通所取代,行人成为次要因素,一些公共空间成为注定要退化的废弃景观。

利马城市固体废料项目的重点,是重新利用原本穿行于Surquillo 地区的废弃高架电车沿线。这是利马市区中最原始、最与众不同的场地之一。

这种废弃列车的构筑物,恐怕是你能够发现的、最令人惊讶的城市垃圾之一。不仅是因为该构筑物有着宽9m 的混凝土平台、总长几公里的形态和体量,还因为其在利马文化中的标志性和象征性特征。

这种基础设施一直存在着很大的争议。该结构于1980 年代开始建设,在艾伦·加西亚任职的第一任期内被作为利马公共交通问题的解决方案。但“城市大铁路计划”仅仅是一种希望,一直未能实现。



项目信息/Credits and Data

合作/Collaborators: Christians Luna, la Sandra Nakamura,Camila Bustamante, El Cartón, Playstationvagon, El Codo,colectivo Motivando Corazones, Municipalidad de Surquillo,Fuerza Juvenil.

基地面积/Site Area: 约6000m2/about 6000m2材料/Materials: 轮胎和绳子/tires and ropes预算/Cost: 制作/production 5000 USD

设计周期/Design Period: 2009年前期考察,设计是在项目执行过程中与合作者共同完成的/Previous visit April 2009 but design have been developed together with collaborators during execution

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2010.02.29

图片来源/Sources: CCBY-NC-SA 4.0

1 夜景/Night view

During the 20th century the urban model has been characterised by a progressive, when not massive, presence of cars in our cities. This generated extensive city which final objective is to provide the maximum mobility for vehicles, leaving the pedestrians to a second place, even in the city centre. Lima is not an exception. An urban approach based on an indiscriminate and informal growth,with a lack of public transport facilities. Public transport is therefore replaced by a massive informal transport (more than 500 lines), where pedestrians are a secondary element and public spaces became abandoned landscapes doomed to degradation.

The project Urban Solid Waste (USW) Lima focuses on the recuperation of one of the most original and unusual places of the city, the electric elevated train, in its way through the Surquillo district.

This structure is probably one of the most surprising urban wastes you could find in the city;not only because of its shape and dimensions(9 metres wide concrete platform and several kilometres long), but because of its iconographic nature and symbolic characteristics in limeñan culture.

There has always been a heated controversy around this infrastructure. The construction started in the eighties, during the first term of office of Alan García, as a solution to Lima's public transport problems. Nonetheless "el Metropolitano" has only been a promise and has never been finished.

Beside the urgent need to think carefully about the public transport in Lima, this infrastructure demands an alternative use. For Basurma it is a potential public space, an elevated public park, a place to walk beyond the surface.

Reusing the abandoned electric railroad track Basurama invited the community members including a local artist to participate in the creation of a new place, a public space for them. Almost all the amusement park was built up of recycled material such as tires and other car parts. □

2 改造后/After renovation

3.4 改造前/Before renovation




5 改造后/After renovation


LIU Boying: Metropolitan parks like the High Line in New York are expensive renewal strategies that are closely related to real estate developments, hence not a universal solution. The Ghost Train Park offers another possibility. As a valuable lesson, it dissolves the conflict between civil construction and public space, and blurred the boundaries of architectural profession. By adopting low-cost, easily applicable methods,it is a recreational project designed for the public and shared by all. The site, previously characteristic of the hustle and bustle of the city traffic and the tense atmosphere of the overpass, is now turned into an urban living room and public backyard. (Translated by WANG Xinxin)

WANG Lin: With a clever proposal from the artist, the project retained the iconic and representative features of abandoned train structures in Lima culture, and adopted recycled materials such as tires and other auto parts to build amusement facilities. It transformed the abandoned tramline into a public space, as well as an elevated park and amusement park for the community residents, which serves as an exemplar of both reconstruction of brownfield landscape and the reuse of urban solid waste. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

6 人车之间的“空间争夺”/"Space battle" between cars and people

7 游戏设施/Playing stuff

8.9 改造后/After renovation


阿德里亚娜·利马 祖师级天使