

世界建筑 2020年7期


Urban Planning: Tianjin Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Tianjin Vision City Development and Design Planning Co., Ltd.



为推动天津中心城区后工业时代的资源再利用,我们于2013 年编制了《天津环城铁路绿道公园规划》,以微更新的方式,将承载着近代中国工业记忆的中心城区的废弃工业铁路进行生态化改造,使其成为激发城市活力、促进城市更新的新引擎。

天津环城铁路绿道公园由陈塘庄铁路、京山铁路小三线、京山线铁路绿化带、南运河、海河、新开河、月牙河、复兴河、四化河、纪庄子污水河和陈台子污水河“三线八河”组成,贯穿天津市河东区、河西区、南开区、西青区、红桥区、河北区、东丽区7 个城区,规划总长度45km,平均宽度100m。

规划利用城市废弃铁路,整合周边河道、零散用地和闲置地,形成集生态涵养、工业文化教育展示、公共服务、绿色交通等功能于一体的城市绿色开放空间,是天津市2013 年“美丽天津”行动中的重要惠民实施项目。现已实施段为卫津南路到紫金山路区域,总长度约为5.6km。




1 资源整合分析图/Resource integration diagram

2 环城绿道规划鸟瞰/Aerial view of greenway planning

Planning Overview

Tianjin's industrial development is accompanied by railway construction. From Jintang Railway, the first railway built by Chinese in China, to more than one hundred industrial railways built in succession later, the railways witnessed the modern industrial growth of Tianjin. Since Chinese economic reform,with the development of urban areas, old industrial areas have been gradually shifted out, and the cargo transport function of railway has disappeared.Some abandoned railways in the central urban area have become "dusty assets", blocking the city and influencing the environment.

To promote reutilisation of resources in the postindustrial era of the central urban area of Tianjin,we worked out theTianjin Round-the-city Railway Greenway Park Planningin 2013, which ecologically transforms the abandoned industrial railway in the central urban area that bears the memory of modern Chinese industry by means of micro-renewal, making the abandoned industrial railway in the central urban area a new engine that stimulates urban vitality and promotes urban renewal.

Tianjin Round-the-city Railway Greenway Park consists of "Three Lines and Eight Rivers",respectively Chentangzhuang Railway, Jingshan Railway Xiaosan Line, Jingshan Railway Green Belt,South Canal, Haihe River, Xinkai River, Yueya River,Fuxing River, Sihua River, Jizhuangzi Sewage River and Chentaizi Sewage River. The Park runs through seven districts of Tianjin, namely Hedong District,Hexi District, Nankai District, Xiqing District,Hongqiao District, Hebei District, and Dongli District. The total planned length is 45 kilometres and the average width is 100 metres.

It is planned to use the abandoned urban railways, to integrate the surrounding river channels, scattered land and idle land, and to form an urban green open space that integrates ecological conservation, industrial culture education and display, public service, and green transportation. It is an important project that benefits the people in"Beautiful Tianjin" Action of Tianjin in 2013. The section constructed so far is the area from Weijin South Road to Zijinshan Road, with a total length of about 5.6 kilometres.

Planning Innovation

Tianjin Round-the-city Railway Greenway Park links the legacies of Tianjin's industry, and shows the 100-year history of industry. The railway track is the main line of the Park, supplemented by urban rivers and channels, parks and other open spaces, connecting the modern industrial plants in the central urban area.It is a new window for people to know the development of modern industry and to experience the industrial history and culture of Tianjin.

The Park reshapes the ecosystem of the main city and enhances the regional value of the city. Together with Tianjin Outer Ring Green Belt, Haihe River, Ziya River, North Canal and Xinkai River, the Park forms an urban green space system referred to as "Two Rings and Four Rays". It turns negative space into positive space,increases the value of surrounding areas, and brings new opportunities for the renewal of surrounding cities and the upgrading of communities.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 天津市政府/Tianjin Municipal Government主创设计师/Lead Designer: 黄晶涛/Huang Jingtao

设计团队/Design Team: 刘洋,马松,李芳,李丹,张白石,褚俊民,赵先悦,高媛,杨园,张娜,韩雪,李乐园,陈旭等/LIU Yang, MA Song, LI Fang, LI Dan, ZHANG Baishi, CHU Junmin, ZHAO Xianyue, GAO Yuan, YANG Yuan, ZHANG Na, HAN Xue, LI Leyuan, CHEN Xu, et al.

顾问/Consultants: 邹哲,谢晓英,陈良/ZOU Zhe, XIE Xiaoying, CHEN Liang

参与团队/Participating Teams: 天津市城市规划设计研究院,天津愿景城市开发与设计策划有限公司,天津市园林设计院,中国城市建设研究院有限公司,无界景观工作室等/Tianjin Academy Urban Planning and Design,Tianjin Vision City Development and Design Planning Co., Ltd., Tianjin Garden Design Institute, China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., View Unlimited Landscape Architecture Studio, etc.

规划面积/Built Area: 49hm2/49 hectares设计周期/Design Period: 2013.10-2015.03

施工周期/Construction Period: 2014.06-2019.10.

图片来源/Sources: 天津市城市规划设计研究院/Tianjin Academy Urban Planning and Design

航拍摄影/Aerial Photos: 姜喆/JIANG Zhe

3 改造前河道/River channels before renovation

4 改造前铁轨/Railway before renovation

5 效果图/Rendering


刘松茯:铁路是我国近代工业城市的历史见证。但是,今天的一些铁路逐渐失去原有的功能而成为“负资产”。天津环城铁路绿道公园规划项目将原陈塘庄铁路、京山铁路小三线、京山线等近45km 长的铁路遗产作为整体,进行沿线绿道公园建设,使得工业遗产保护与展示同沿途河道与景观相衔接,共同打造环城遗产保护景观带。为城市工业遗产的保护提供了一种新的范式,提升了城市遗产的利用价值。

刘巍:天津铁路的发展始于1881 年中国自主修建的第一条铁路——唐胥铁路,经过百年发展,随着城市的变迁,原有的货运功能逐步外迁,铁路成为被人遗忘的城市角落。天津环城铁路绿道公园规划系统梳理了城市中的废弃铁路资源,并提出结合该线性遗产整备土地、完善城市开放空间系统的构想,在城市总体战略层面引入了具有鲜明特色的城市设计要素,为创造有记忆、有温度的城市空间提供了有益的设计指引。


LIU Songfu: Railways function as the historical witness of modern industrial city developments in China. However, some of today's railways have gradually lost their original functions and become"negative equity". The planning project of the Tianjin Round-the-City Railway Greenway Park integrates nearly 45-kilometre railway heritage,including the original Chentangzhuang Railway,and the Xiaoshan and Jingshan Lines of Jingshan Railway, to carry out the construction of Greenway Park along the railway, to protect and display the industrial heritage in connection with the river and landscape along the way, creating the belt of landscape for heritage preservation. This provides a new paradigm for the protection of urban industrial heritage and enhances the utility value of urban heritage. (Translated by Dandan Wang)LIU Wei: The development of Tianjin's railway began with the very first railway, the Tangshan-Xugezhuang Railway, independently built by China in 1881. After a hundred years of evolution, with the change of the city, its original freight function has gradually become defunct, and it has become a forgotten corner of the city. The planning system of the Tianjin Round-the-City Railway Greenway Park re-arranged the abandoned railway resources in the city, and put forward the proposal of combining the linear heritage with land development, perfected the idea of the urban open space system, and introduced the characteristic urban design elements to the overall urban development strategic planning,which helps to provide useful design guidance for creating urban space with warm memories.(Translated by Dandan Wang)

6 生态特性/Ecological character

7 绿道景观/Greenway landscape

8 入口景观/Entrance landscape


清晨 我从环城公园路过
绿道 享受城市“慢生活”