倪修凡 张尤历 徐岷
[摘要] 消化道肿瘤包括食管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌、肝癌、胰腺癌等,均具有较高的发病率和死亡率。目前,化疗是临床治疗消化道肿瘤的方法之一,但长期应用化疗药物常导致肿瘤细胞对化疗药物产生耐药性,是目前肿瘤治疗的重要挑战之一。外泌体是由双层膜构成的直径为30~100 nm的小囊泡,其内部包含蛋白质、核酸、脂质等。近年来发现其通过介导细胞间通讯、调节肿瘤微环境参与到肿瘤一系列发生发展中,尤其对于肿瘤的化疗耐药性具有重要影响。本文主要总结了国内外关于外泌体参与消化道肿瘤化疗耐药的研究,旨在更直观地阐述外泌体介导消化道肿瘤化疗耐药的机制,为肿瘤耐药的研究提供新思路。
[关键词] 外泌体;消化道肿瘤;化疗耐药;肿瘤微环境
[中图分类号] R735 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)06(c)-0049-04
[Abstract] The digestive system tumor including esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, which have high morbidity and mortality. At present, chemotherapy is one of the treatments for digestive system tumors, but long-term application of chemotherapy drugs often causes drug resistance in tumor cells, which is one of the important challenge in tumor treatment. Exosomes are small vesicles with a diameter of 30-100 nm, which are composed of bilayer membrane. The exosomes contain proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. In recent years, it has been found that exosomes participate in a series of tumor development and development by mediating intercellular communication and regulating tumor microenvironment, especially having an important impact on tumor chemotherapy resistance. This paper mainly summarized the domestic and foreign studies on the involvement of exosomes in the chemotherapy resistance of digestive system tumors, aiming to intuitively expound the mechanism of exosomes mediating the chemotherapy resistance of digestive system tumors, and provide new ideas for the study of tumor resistance.
[Key words] Exosome; Gastrointestinal tumors; Chemotherapeutic resistance; Tumor microenvironment
外泌体是直径在30~100 nm的小囊泡,起源于细胞内吞途径中的多泡体,通过胞膜内陷形成囊泡释放至细胞基质中[2]。其内包含核酸、脂质及蛋白质等多种成分,这些成分在外泌体磷脂双分子层包裹下有更强的稳定性,同时因其膜上的特异性蛋白,从而赋予传递信息物质的特异性[3]。外泌体参与了肿瘤发展的各个过程,尤其在肿瘤耐药性提升过程中,外泌体包裹的核酸、蛋白等物质起到了关键作用。故明确外泌体的作用方式及其介导的关键核酸、蛋白对探索肿瘤化疗耐药新方法具有重要的指导意义。
1 外泌体与消化道肿瘤
2 外泌体参与消化道肿瘤化疗耐药
4 展望
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(收稿日期:2020-02-14 本文編辑:刘明玉)