The name Armadillo is Spanish and means “little armoured one”. It refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs, and tail of most of these odd looking1)creature[΄kriːtʃə(r)]n. 动物;生物creatures. Armadillos are the only living2)mammal[΄mæml]n.[脊椎]哺乳动物mammalsthat wear such shells.
There are around 20 species of Armadillo found in North and South America in various3)habitat[΄hæbItæt]n. 栖息地;产地habitatsfrom4)tropical[΄trɒpIkl]adj. 热带的tropicalrainforests to dry savannas and grasslands.Armadillos are small placental mammals that measure between 13-150
centimetres and weigh between 85 grams -54 kilograms depending on species.Armadillos have a wide range of colors. They can be pink, red, black, gray or yellow.
Most species dig5)burrow[΄bʌrəʊ]v. 挖地洞;挖穿;钻入burrowsand sleep prolifically, up to 16 hours per day,foraging in the early morning and evening for beetles, ants,6)termite[΄tзːmaIt]n.[昆]白蚁termites, and other insects. They have very poor eyesight, and7)utilize[΄juːtəlaIz]v. 利用utilizetheir keen sense of smell to hunt. Strong legs and huge front claws are used for digging, and long, sticky tongues for8)extract[΄ekstrækt]v. 提取;提炼extractingants and termites from their tunnels. In addition to bugs,armadillos eat small vertebrates, plants, and some fruit.