When Photos Meet Graffiti in Wuhan
By Man Da
Since the lockdown of Wuhan, many people have shown their concern to this city in the epidemic, including a group of artists. 27KM, a Wuhan-based collective of street artists, launched an online graffiti event called “Bridgehead Sakura Festival.” They invited 9 photographers to take pictures of the city, and collected some street scenes of Wuhan in the past. Then, they invited 15 artists from China, Korea, and Japan to recreate these photos, integrating cartoon images with sakura into them. The epidemic will be over, but the art will remind us of this special period of time and of the days we spent.
疫情之下,武汉街头艺术组织贰拾柒公里发起“桥头樱花节”网上涂鸦活动。他们邀请9 名摄影师拍下当下的武汉,并征集其他摄影师镜头中武汉往日的街景照,邀请来自中国、韩国和日本的15 名艺术家对照片进行二次创作,将一个个含樱花元素的卡通形象融入武汉街头。疫情终将成为过去,但艺术作品会长存,提醒这一段记忆,以及这段时光的心情。
黄鹤楼Yellow Crane TowerGraffiti 涂鸦:MEGIC [卢弘圳]Photo 摄影:OKEN [狼来了]作为地标的黄鹤楼已经挺立了无数个日夜,未来还很长,这个坎儿,我们一起撑过去。As a landmark of Wuhan, the Yellow Crane Tower has been here for countless days and nights. We still have plenty of time to overcome all the obstacles and face our future together.
二七长江大桥Er’qi Yangtze River BridgeGraffiti 涂鸦:WHYYY [黄伟华]Photo 摄影:HYMCHU 两点一线、一座桥,披星而起,戴月而归,日常的生活与回忆在两岸灯火里相交。The bridge connects the traffic between Hankou and Wuchang day and night. The everyday life and memories of Wuhanese intersect in the lights beaming on the banks of the river.
MEGIC 名叫卢弘圳,来自深圳。在他眼里,武汉是一个夏天超级热、樱花很美的城市。他最想来武汉过早,尤其爱吃炸面窝。疫情结束后,他想来武汉吃热干面,逛逛江汉路,在街头涂鸦。“希望在不久就能与这个美丽的城市相遇,与朋友们一起聚一起谈天说地。”卢弘圳说。
MEGIC comes from Shenzhen. In his memory, Wuhan had the hottest summer and the most beautiful cherry blossoms. He likes the breakfast in Wuhan, especially Chinese doughnuts and hot dry noodles. He wants to hang out on Jianghan Road and do his graffiti work there. He said: “I hope I can visit my friends and this amazing city soon.”
WHYYY 名叫黄伟华,来自深圳。在他的印象中,武汉是一个冬天很冷、夏天很热的地方。疫情结束后,他想来武汉看朋友。
WHYYY, from Shenzhen, remembers Wuhan as a city with freezing winters and scorching summers. When the outbreak is over, he wants to visit his friends in Wuhan.
琴台音乐厅Wuhan Qintai Concert HallGraffiti 涂鸦:TIN.G [赵婷婷]Photo 摄影:SUPEREN疫情封不住月湖畔流动的音符,封不住武汉顽强的生命力。The epidemic can neither stop the music floating in the air by the Yuehu Lake nor the indomitable vitality of Wuhan.
天河机场Wuhan Tianhe International AirportGraffiti 涂鸦:RAY [黄睿]Photo 摄影:HYMCHU天河机场,武汉重要的交通枢纽中心之一,至今已停航了48 天。在被暂停的城市,生活依旧在播放。Flight operations at Tianhe International Airport, one of the most important transportation hubs in Wuhan, have been suspended for 48 days. Life still goes on in the city on pause.
TIN.G 名叫赵婷婷,来自上海。在她眼里,武汉很像上海,有石库门房子有梧桐树,让她觉得很亲切。武汉的小吃当中,她爱豆皮,但她更爱能在武汉吃到的孝感米酒。赵婷婷有很多朋友在武汉,疫情发生后她特别牵挂武汉的朋友,希望他们都平安。疫情结束后,她会来武汉探望她们。
TIN.G is from Shanghai. In her eyes, Wuhan and Shanghai have many things in common. Houses with stone gates and sycamore trees are very familiar to her. She loves Three Delicacies Tofu Skin and Xiaogan rice wine. She has many friends in Wuhan and has thought about them a lot when the pandemic happened. She hopes to come to Wuhan to visit her friends.
RAY 名叫黄睿,他是武汉人,此刻正在武汉。宅在家里,他格外想念红钢城老幺烧烤斜对面的那家鸭头,还有李李砂锅串串、大成路的梭边鱼、洞庭街红火餐厅的烧蜗牛和蒜香排骨、蔡锷路的螺神……
RAY is Wuhanese and he is in Wuhan right now. Staying at home, he misses the attractive cuisines of the city. He said: “No matter what, I always love my hometown.”
平安大厦Pingan MansionGraffiti 涂鸦:KIDDY [马辰立]Photo 摄影:OKEN [狼来了]记忆中的它,曾是武汉最高写字楼,已经多少个工作日无人在里面上班。Pingan Mansion used to be the highest building in Wuhan. It has never been vacant for such a long time.
KIDDY 名叫马辰立,来自杭州。在他印象中,武汉人很热情,这里的天空有一种黄黄的暖色调。他最爱武汉的“辣得跳”。疫情结束后,他想来武汉的朋友家蹭饭,因为武汉很多菜都有一股花椒味,特别香。他想对武汉的朋友说:“等大家都回到真实世界了咱们再一起涂鸦。”
KIDDY is from Hangzhou. He recalled Wuhan as Wuhanese were always enthusiastic and the sky there had a warm yellow tint. He loves “Spicy Jump,” a local cuisine with bullfrog. He’d like to visit his friend’s places for dinner after the epidemic, longing for the smell of Sichuan peppers as they cook.
西北湖金融街Financial Street of Northwest LakeGraffiti 涂鸦:PHRON [傅强榕]Photo 摄影:Tian Yuchun [田雨春]你看过它清冽的清晨,也见过被火烧云渲染的黄昏。曾经车水马龙的建设大道,如今寂静无声。The former hustle and bustle of the Jianshe Avenue has been replaced by silence.
PHRON 名叫傅强榕,来自广州。武汉是他在国内最喜欢的城市之一。“因为城市有亲和力,依江傍湖而立,是一座古老之城,历史悠久,文化积淀深厚。”傅强榕喜爱武汉的豆皮、武昌鱼,来武汉过早必吃热干面。疫情结束后,他一定会再来武汉,见一些老友,约上一起画画。他最想对武汉说:“风雪过后,樱花盛开,武汉加油!”
PHRON, from Guangzhou, says Wuhan is one of his favorite cities in China. “The city has a deep affinity. It’s an ancient city with a long history and profound cultural accumulation.” PHRON loves the food in Wuhan, like doupi, Wuchang Fish and hot dry noodles. After the outbreak, he will definitely come back to Wuhan to meet some old friends and paint together.
循礼门轻轨一号线Light rail line one in XunlimenGraffiti 涂鸦:AMOSONE [亚默斯]Photo 摄影:PD2G黄浦路和宗关之间来回穿梭,轻轨通行是我们的日常,循礼门转乘站第一次没有拥挤的人群。Shuttling back and forth between Huangpu Road and Zongguan, the light rail traffic has been part of our daily life. For the first time, there was no crowd at the Xunlimen transfer station.
长江The Yangtze RiverGraffiti 涂鸦:JAYFLOWPhoto 摄影:Wan She Tang [玩摄堂]武汉是建在江背上的城市,江水里藏着数不清的温柔。这个冬天发生了很多事情,我们会一直记得。Wuhan is a city built by the sides of the Yangtze River and nurtured by her gentleness. A lot of things happened this winter that we will always remember.
AMOSONE is from Taiwan. He remembered Wuhan as a city connected by many bridges. He especially missed the breakfast there. After the outbreak, he wants to visit it again. “After all, my stereo is there, and of course I want to continue my graffiti,” AMOSONE laughed.
武汉云尚国际Wuhan Yunshang International CenterGraffiti 涂鸦:KOME [横山祐一]Photo 摄影:SANTA经历数百年不断洗牌的汉正街又一次涅槃,全新的服饰大楼,武汉的姑娘伢们远远还没有逛够。After hundreds of years of evolution, Hanzheng Street is reborn again with brand-new shopping malls. Wuhan girls still long to go back and hang out there.
风光村The Fengguang VillageGraffiti 涂鸦:GAN [江恒]Photo 摄影:WENIDON [温伟栋]在樱花树下野餐,骑单车漫无目的于城中穿行,烈日灼灼下跃入东湖,那是我们黄金的日子。Picnicking under the sakura trees, cycling through the city, and leaping into the East Lake under the scorching sun were our golden days.
KOME 名叫横山祐一,来自日本。在他眼里,武汉是一个可以感受到深刻历史和不断进化的大都市。他最爱武汉的小龙虾。疫情结束后,他还想来武汉画画,更想向日本朋友们传达武汉的美好。“希望武汉的朋友们能够振作起来、健健康康地度过这次疫情,我会为大家祈福。”横山祐一说。
KOME is from Japan. In his view, Wuhan is a metropolis with a profound history and continuous evolution. He loves the crayfish there most. After the outbreak, he wants to go there to paint and convey the beauty of Wuhan to his Japanese friends. “I hope our friends in Wuhan can cheer up and stay healthy,” said KOME. “I will pray for you.”
GAN 是此次活动的负责人江恒,来自武汉。据他介绍,涂鸦艺术家们发挥创意,希望用一幅幅涂鸦作品给武汉带来活力与生机。他们涂鸦出对武汉春天的共同期盼,呼吁大众重新关注武汉的人文风景。
GAN from Wuhan is the director of this event. According to him, graffiti artists are trying their best to bring vitality to Wuhan with their works. They scrawled their common wish for spring in Wuhan, calling for the public to pay attention to the city’s cultural landscape.