1. 名量词。在量词方面,由于汉语界限性弱,而英语的界限性强,导致汉语和英语各自产生了一些特殊的词类,英语没有汉语对应的量词,并且数量、测量单位也与汉语几乎不大相同。
译文a:Yang was drinking wine. Although the old man refused at first, pleading his illness, still in time he drank four or five cups.
译文b:The stableman was drinking wine, and though Grandfather insisted that he had only recently recovered from fever, he was compelled to drink three or four cups of distilled spirits.
译文c:He finds him drinking and, though he pleads sickness, Yang forces him to down a few cups.
2. 文化负荷词。在处理文化信息的翻译问题时,译者往往会根据翻译目的来选择合适的翻译策略,从而准确地传达原文意思,以促进中西方文化交流。
译文a:When the fourth mourning cycle had passed, which was on the twenty-eighth day, Chief Shun Shun sent a man for the cavalryman, to tell him to go into the city. He consulted with Yang whether he should ask Tsui Tsui to come to his house, to live there as his daughter-in-law, the future wife of Second Master.
譯文b:According to ceremonial usage, the families of the dead must guard over the coffin for seven weeks. In the fourth week Shun-shun sent for the stableman to discuss whether Green Jade could be brought to the house and prepare for her marriage with Nu-sung.
译文c:Four weeks after the funeral, the wharf-master summons the groom back to town and proposes again that Emerald should move to his house. [The groom says she should be consulted. ]
由于中西方文化的差异,汉语的文化负荷词在译为英语时,通常没有对应的文化词汇,所以就需要译者选择合适的翻译方法来传达出文化负荷词的深层含义。本例中“四七”是中国的文化词汇,是指人死后的第四个星期,中国人讲究“头七”这些习俗,而西方人却不同。所以在翻译时,要考虑到这种文化的差异,译文a和译文c的翻译都只对“四七”的字面意思作出解释,并未说明其深层文化内涵,而译文b则添加了一句“According to ceremonial usage, the families of the dead must guard over the coffin for seven weeks”,将中国人的这种文化习俗具体地解释了出来,使西方读者能够读懂原文具体含义,如此有利于西方人了解中国的文化和民俗。
3. 时态助词。汉语话语中的时态表现不如英语精细,会采用助词来标记时态。
译文a:Grandfather didnt say a word. He was suffering a secret pain.
译文b:Grandfather remained perfectly silent, tortured by his secret.
译文c:He says nothing, but his secret preys on his mind.
汉语中的时态标记词多用助词来划分,而不像英语那样根据谓语动词的形式标记时态。本例中,祖父“为了一个秘密痛苦着”的“着”,在汉语中表示祖父正处于痛苦这个状态中,译为英语应该体现出这种持续的状态;译文a翻译的“was suffering”用过去进行时来表现正在遭受这种痛苦,与原文意思一致;译文b译为“tortured”,译文c译为“preys on”,两译文都没有体现出持续痛苦的状态。所以在翻译时,译者要注意原文中的时态助词或标记词,从而提高译文的准确性。