Julie’s Wolf Pack (Excerpt VIII) 《朱莉的狼群》(节选八)
The border check went on for weeks. The more Kapu scent marked his territory, the stronger he felt and the more peaceful the pack became. Slowly Kapu was healing the devastating loss of the great Avalik alpha male wolf Amoraq. Social harmony was being restored as Kapu developed leadership skills. When he was truly in charge, Raw Bones would not be able to challenge him.
That glorious moment was not yet in sight. Raw Boness disposition worsened. Unable to dethrone Kapu, he began to nip at Sweet Fur Amy. Her keen sense of smell had raised her to a rank above him. She had become a second beta, equal to Zing. As father of the pups-to-be Raw Bones deeply resented this. If he could not be alpha, he must certainly be beta. At every opportunity he bared his teeth and wrinkled his forehead to threaten her into battle. But Sweet Fur Amy would not fight back, and this rendered Raw Bones annoyingly helpless.
Sweet Fur Amys talent developed. She learned to recognize sick animals not only by scent but by subtle limps, the tilt of a head, and the droop of eyes. She no longer wasted the packs time on the healthy. When she picked out a feeble animal, she signaled the news to Kapu and he let her take the lead, much to Raw Boness displeasure.
In daylight and shadow, whenever the opportunity arose, the resentful Raw Bones gave Sweet Fur Amy a painful smack with his rear end. She controlled her desire to fight. He was bigger and older. She could not possibly win.
But she did not like it. When the pack was resting, she strengthened her neck muscles by thrashing heavy caribou hides from side to side. She strengthened her leg muscles chasing the fleet-footed Zing. She ate often. Her black fur reflected blue lights, and her body grew hard and muscular. Raw Bones with all his nastiness was forcing her to become a more powerful wolf than he.
The sun stayed up longer and longer. From twelve hours above and twelve hours below the horizon at the March equinox, it was up all but a few hours in late April. During this time Sweet Fur Amys ability to find weak and sick animals dramatically increased the Avaliks hunting success. It rose from one try in ten to one in five. With abundant food they put on muscle and weight.
In the second week of May the sun stayed up night and day. Without trickle or sound most of the tundra snow vanished in vapor. The birds returned to their grassy nesting grounds by the tens of thousands. The Avaliks ran in constant sunlight. They split caribou herds into smaller groups by running through them. They checked each individual, noted the pregnant females and those with calves. They noted the healthy and pinpointed the sick and old for harvesting at some later date.
【第一段】第三句原文使用了介词短语后置修饰的方式,译文也使用了补充说明的方式,说明阿马罗克的身份。第四句中的social harmony(社会和谐)不能直译,译文转化为“狼群中的和谐秩序”。
【第二段】第三句中的dethrone(掀下王座)不宜直译,简单化为“掀翻”。而nip at(小口咬)的译文也被转译为“挤压”。
【第三段】第二句译文添加了范畴词“方式”,以总括后面的列举成分。第三句根据全句的意思,译文添加了“在她的指引下”。而she signaled the news to Kapu(她把这个消息向卡普示意)如直译显得过于啰唆,译文简化为“告诉”。
【第四段】原文painful smack(令人疼痛的撞击),译文也没有直译,转化为“狠狠地撞击”,等于变换了描述对象,因为中文里很难把主体和客体合理地融入到一个句子中。而“疼痛”的概念被转移到了下一句中:“艾米强忍住疼痛。”
【第五段】第二句和第三句是排比句式,但译文都调整了语序,使之更符合中文习惯。而原文短句she ate often(她经常吃饭)的译文不宜也用短句,这样将无法理解。译文增译为“她进食次数也比以前多”。第五句的译文添加了“慢慢地,香毛艾米变得更加健壮”,等于补出原因,使得上下文更连贯,读者才会明白香毛艾米为什么“黑色毛发闪着蓝光”。
【第六段】第二句的最后部分是it was up all but a few hours in late April(四月末除了几个小时之外太阳都在空中),译文反译为“太阳大部分时间都在空中”,更加简洁一点。译文还把原文的倒数第二句并入上一句,使之更连贯。最后一句的译文补出了逻辑词“因此”,让中文更顺畅。
【第七段】译文最后一句“They noted the healthy and pinpointed the sick and old for harvesting at some later date.”中的harvesting(收获)不能直译,译文避开了这一隐喻,明晰化为“他们还区分出强健的驯鹿,并且特别留意那些老弱病残,以备来日捕猎后者”。
【小结】这一选段的练习重点是词语以及短语的适度调整和部分语序的调整。文学翻译当中,由于中外语言的不同,很多原文的词语和短语都不能简单直译,需要适度变通才能保证译文质量。原文中隐含的逻辑,在译文中可适当补出,让译文更连贯流畅。 □