2019年11月CATTI二级笔译 实务真题(汉译英)
Passage 1
[1] 新中国成立70年来,中国的人权事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。
[2] 1949年新中国成立前,中国的人均GDP仅达27美元,人均预期寿命35岁,人均受教育年限不到一年,约90%的中国人民是文盲;战乱仍频,人民生活在苦难之中。
[3] 现在,中国已成为世界第二大经济体,人民安居乐业,人均预期寿命由35岁增长到77岁。中国已基本建立起保障公民权利的法律和政策体系。
[4] 中国把“尊重和保障人权”写进了宪法,社会和谐发展的水平得到了显著提升。中国支持保障公民生存权和发展权,反对忽视经济、社会、文化权利的趋势,主张促进这两种权利的平衡保障,以发展促人权、消除贫困,中国的人权原则已得到国际的广泛支持。
[5] 中国认真履行国际人权义务,加入了包括6项核心人权公约在内的26项国际人权公约。中国广泛开展国际人权交流合作,同20多个国家开展人权对话和磋商,同联合国人权机制保持建设性交流。
[1] Chinas human rights effort has made tremendous progress since the PRCs founding 70 years ago.
[2] Prior to 1949, the average income of Chinese citizenry was only 27 U.S. dollars and the average life expectancy as low as age 35. The duration of formal schooling per capita was less than one year. Approximately 90% of the population was illiterate. Wars were frequent, causing our people to suffer.
[3] Today, China has become the worlds second largest economy. Its citizens enjoy a good and prosperous life. The average expected lifespan has increased from age 35 to 77. The Chinese government has basically set legal frameworks and policies for ensuring citizens rights.
[4] China has enshrined “the respect for and protection of human rights” in its Constitution, thus raising harmonious societal development to a new level. It reinforces and safeguards Chinese peoples rights to subsistence and development while countering the trend whereby citizens social and cultural rights have been ignored. It urges that a balance should be achieved between these two kinds of rights so as to better promote human rights through sustainable social-economic development and the elimination of poverty. The human rights principle upheld by China has won broad international support.
[5] China is earnestly fulfilling its international human rights obligations. So far, it has acceded to 26 international human rights conventions, including six treaties concerning core human rights. It carries out extensive international exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights, holding dialogue and consultation with more than 20 countries on that issue and maintaining constructive exchanges with United Nations human rights bodies.
[1] 第一,“新中国成立”译成the PRCs founding,较之用the new China或New China翻译“新中国”,更为西方读者群所接受。第二,“事业”并不总是和cause相对应。例如“人权事业”更常见的译法是the development of human rights或progress in human rights。可参照中国官方的人权事业白皮书英译版,作为考前准备时的平行文本。但参照不等于机械照搬。例如本段的英译,有下文has made tremendous progress的制约,不宜译成“Chinas development of human rights has made… progress”,更不能译成“Chinas progress in… has made… progress”,因为英文一般不接受“某发展(向前)行为导致了进步(也是向前)”这类无谓的语义重复(或近似)。同理,英文一般也不接受economic development(向前,向好)mounted a new stage(向好)这类表述。有时“事业”甚至可以不译,例如把“现代化建设事业”简单地译成modernization。
[2] 第一,“1949年新中国成立前”英译时可简化成prior to 1949,因为上文刚刚提到“成立后取得了……成就”,而下文则历数了成立前的种种不堪。译文读者应能据此推断,1949年是成立前后的分界点。第二,“人均”被分别变通地译成“average… of… citizenry”、average和per capita。同样,“中国人民”和“人民”变通为the Chinese population和our people(后面第三段里的“人民”也因地制宜地译成its citizens)。这类变通手段在英文写作中比比皆是。该怎样写英文,就该怎样做汉译英。
[3] “经济体”译成economy足矣,不需要增词。同理,“首任行政长官”译成the first chief executive即可;若译为the first term of chief executive,则成了中式英文。
[4] 第一,“支持保障……生存权和发展权”或有歧义,既可表示“支持对……的保障”,也可表示“支持并保障”。reinforces and safeguards偏向第二种意思。第二,英译未用既可表行为、亦可表态度的support来译“支持”,而是用了只表行为的reinforce。与此对应,英译也用表行为的counter,而非表态度的oppose,来译“反对”。
[5] 首先,“公约”分别变通地译为conventions和treaties。词典上所作的词义区分只适用于极端或典型的情形,实际使用时未必总是谨守。同理,“雇员”未必总是译成employee,也可以译成worker;“人员”未必总是personnel,也可以是agent。此外,on that issue这一写法是为了避免过多地重复human rights。
Passage 2
[1] 中国幅员辽阔,在漫长的历史发展进程中,逐步形成了各地丰富多彩、极具特色的传统民居建筑形式。
[2] 2005年,建筑专业的毛葛开始进行传统民居的研究工作,在见识过各种各样的传统民居后,她感受到传统民居具有鲜明的地域特色,每座都是工匠们忘我劳动的结果。从中,她也看到了中国人对自己生活的深深热爱。
[3] 80年代城镇化进程加快以来,中国的传统民居建筑正在大量消失,伴随而来的还有对传统建筑技艺、传统建筑工具以及相关建筑知识的冷落。
[4] 作为看漫画长大的80后一代,热爱传统民居建筑的毛葛想到了通过漫画形式向人们介绍传统民居,希望让更多人看到传统民居建筑的美并加入到保护传统民居的行列,引起更多人尤其是年輕人对这一学科的兴趣。
[5] 她以简单有趣的漫画形式、通俗易懂的文字创作了面向年轻大众的漫画。
[1] China is a country with a vast territory. In the great historical continuum, it has developed a large variety of traditional vernacular housing with distinctly regional features.
[2] In 2005, Mao Ge, who specialized in architecture, started research into traditional vernacular houses. When admiring many such houses, she was struck with their respective regional features. Each of them is the outcome of builders selfless devotion. Through that experience, she also witnessed Chinese peoples deep attachment to their own way of life.
[3] Since the 1980s, with the quickening of urbanization, many traditional vernacular houses have disappeared. Meanwhile, there is a collective neglect of traditional architectural techniques, instruments and knowledge.
[4] Born in the 1980s and having long been used to reading cartoon books while growing up, Mao Ge, who loves traditional vernacular architecture ever so much, hit upon the idea of introducing it to a wider readership through cartoons. That, she hopes, will encourage people to find beauty in folk housing and to start protecting them, thus arousing attention from still more people, especially the young.
[5] Through simple, interesting cartoons matched by equally intelligible wording, she has created her type of cartoons for the young.
[1] 第一,in the great historical continuum是地道的英文短语。in the long river of history则有中式英文之嫌。第二,在distinctly regional features这一结构中,distinctly必须带-ly词尾。再举两例:a distinctly Chinese face和he is typically American。
[2] 第一,“感受到……特色”不宜译成“felt the… features”那样的翻译腔。第二,很难确知“她感受到”是只管到“传统民居具有鲜明的地域特色”为止,还是把逗号后的“每座都是工匠们忘我劳动的结果”也管了起来。这类模糊情形在汉语里很普遍,但英译时须作明晰的处理。
[3] 第一,“城镇化进程”中的“进程”未必要译出来,因为译了会出现两个of连用的情形:the quickening of the process of urbanization,导致行文的不流畅。第二,英译“冷落”一词时增补了形容词collective,以示这一现象的严峻程度。用法实例如下:“集体麻木”可译成collective paralysis;“集体无意识”的英文对应语是the collective unconscious。第三,在“传统建筑技艺、传统建筑工具以及相关建筑知识”这一表述中,用“相关”来指代“传统建筑”,这固然已是一种简化,但英译仍可进一步合并同类项,这好比英译“智慧冲动和心智能力”时,可让一个形容词共用两个名词:an intellectual impulse or ability。
[4] 第一,“作为看漫画长大的80后一代”稍有语病。毛葛只是一代人当中的一分子,不能译成“as a generation of people born during…”。第二,本段中的“人们”和两次提及的“更多人”分别译成a wider readership、people和still more people,从而使行文更趋灵活。第三,英译对“加入到保护传统民居的行列”作了轻处理。第四,“引起……对这一学科的兴趣”的英译没提“对这一学科”,因为这个意思不言自明。
[5] 请留意本段中matched by、equally和her type of等不动声色的“小过门儿”(润滑英语行文的词语)。 □
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