Why Is “Mayday” the International Distress1 Call? 为什么“Mayday”是国际求救信号?


中学生英语·中考指导版 2020年12期


If your pilot calls “Mayday” on the communications system, youre in big trouble.


“Mayday” is an international distress call used by airplane pilots, boat captains and so on. The signal arose2 just after World War I, as air traffic between Britain and mainland Europe increased. All nearby nations needed an internationally understood signal that would alert people to urgent3 aircraft problems.


Why not just use the standard “SOS” call that navy4 captains used when they were in trouble? Well, ships communicated through telegraph5 using Morse code6, and this technology made “SOS” (three dots, three dashes, three dots) unmistakable. Differently, aircraft pilots used radio calls, and “SOS” could be misheard as other letters, like “F”.


Frederick Stanley Mockford, a senior radio officer in London, was put in charge of finding an appropriate7 code word. He reasoned that because so much of the air traffic flew between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, it might make sense to use a French word.


He came up with “Mayday”, the pronunciation of which is similar to the Freanch words which mean “come help me”. The U.S. formally8 made “Mayday” as a distress signal in 1927.


Due to radio interference9 and loud noise, pilots are told to repeat the word three times. Although these can be panic-filled situations, the pilots are encouraged to offer information in the right order so that people know exactly what theyre dealing with.


Given its importance, most people respect this signal and use it only when necessary.


“Mayday” signals that theres an urgent and life-threatening situation in progress. However, people can also fall back on “pan-pan”, which means you have an urgent situation thats not immediately putting lives at risk—for instance, your boat ran out of fuel10 and you need help.




1. distress   n. 危难,不幸 2. arise   v. 出现

3. urgent   adj. 紧急的;急迫的 4. navy   n. 海军

5. telegraph   n. 电报 6. Morse code 摩爾斯电码

7. appropriate   adj. 适当的;恰当的 8. formally   adv. 正式地

9. interference   n. 干扰,冲突 10. fuel   n. 燃料


巧记SOS 求救信号
打着“飞的”去上班 城市空中交通路网还有多远
空中交通防撞系统(TCAS Ⅱ)的排故与维护
Mayday, not May Day