

农业工程学报 2020年5期

高原源,翟长远,杨 硕,赵学观,王 秀,3,赵春江



高原源1,2,翟长远2,杨 硕1,2,赵学观2,王 秀2,3,赵春江1,3※

(1. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083;2. 北京农业智能装备技术研究中心,北京 100097;3. 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心,北京 100097)

对播种下压力实时测量是精准控制的基础,为了提高现有测量方法的通用性、准确性和稳定性,该研究在对播种下压力和播种深度关系模型分析基础上,采用轴销传感器播种下压力测量方法,进行了传感器力学分析和设计选型方法研究,并针对不同播深设定下单一测量模型误差大的问题,建立了融合播种深度因素的播种下压力测量修正模型,模型决定系数(2)为0.991 6,均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)为28.88 N,验证试验表明,不同播深设定下,模型预测误差绝对值最大为44.13 N,最大相对预测误差为3.28%,提高了播种下压力测量模型通用性和准确性。播种下压力田间动态变化分析试验结果表明,在4~8 km/h车速下,播种下压力振荡主频幅值随车速增加而减小,且免耕处理下主频幅值和功率谱密度(power spectral density,PSD)峰值均大于旋耕处理。不同车速和耕作方式下,播种下压力振荡主频变化较小,主要集中在0~1 Hz,为后续信号稳定输出的滤波处理提供依据。该研究结果可为播种下压力的精准控制奠定基础。


0 引 言




1 试验装置与方法

试验装置选用河北中友机电设备有限公司生产的2BFQ-6气力精密播种机,其用于玉米或大豆的精密播种,作业幅宽为3.0~4.2 m。

1.1 力学分析



Note:is mass of the row unit (except the mass of gauge wheel and limit shank), kg;FandFrespectively represents the horizontal resistance and vertical force of ground to gauge wheel, N;Lis length of limit shank, m;1is the force of limit block to limit shank, N;1is the length of1action point to hinge point, m;mandmare mass of gauge wheel and limit shank respectively, kg;is angle between limit shank and unit frame, (°);is the acceleration of gravity, m·s-2;Ris radius of gauge wheel, m;is the deformation of ground and gauge wheel, m;is the sowing depth, mm.

图1 限深轮受力分析

Fig.1 Force analysis of gauge wheel





1.2 测量方法




Note:1represents the force of limit shank to limit block,1=1, N;2represents the force of depth-adjustment rocker to limit block, N;3represents the force of axle pin to limit block, N;4represents the force of unit frame to axle pin sensor, N;3xand3yrespectively represent the horizontal and vertical component of3, N.

图2 轴销传感器受力分析

Fig.2 Force analysis of axle pin sensor


1.3 传感器设计与选型

1.3.1 轴销传感器









对2BFQ-6气力播种机单体,手动测绘得:=0.095 m,=0.075 m,=0.02 m,=35°,L=0.25 m,15°≤≤35°。代入式(14)并求解得:0.06 m≤1≤0.114 m,0.004 m≤2≤0.008 m。由于2数值过小,不合实际,则11。根据式(7)、(14)可得轴销传感器垂直方向受力

由式(15)可知,轴销传感器所受力3y与限深臂角度以及实际下压力F有关,且F一定情况下,3y与正相关。玉米播种作业时,其压实力参照文献[27]选取为200 kg左右,为此设定限深轮垂直作用力F=2 000 N,将相关数值带入式(15)可得3y最大为5 478 N。考虑到一定的安全系数,选择轴销传感器量程为6 000 N,输出电压为0~5 V,并委托蚌埠众城传感器有限公司代为加工。

1.3.2 角度传感器


1.传感器保护套 2.角度传感器 3.联轴器 4.联轴器套 5.连接螺栓 6.摆臂销轴 7.限深臂

根据限深臂摆动角度范围,选择霍尔角度传感器(WOA-H-90-V1型,深圳市米朗科技有限公司)作为测量器件,其量程为90°,可输出0~5 V模拟电压。对传感器进行角度和深度标定得


2 结果与分析

2.1 测量模型建立试验


如图5所示,试验前首先利用水平尺调整四连杆位置水平,以减小四连杆角度对电子秤测量值的影响,对升降架上的支撑板中间开槽以保证单体下压力稳定作用在限深轮上。同时,在升降架下放置无线便携式电子秤(TCS-300型,永康市华鹰衡器有限公司)以精确测量实际下压力值,电子秤量程为0~3 000 N。然后,对电子秤进行去皮操作,以扣除升降架重量,获得限深轮处实际压力值。

1.播深调节机构 2.角度传感器 3.升降架 4.电子秤 5.水平尺 6.轴销传感器

由于限位固定片作用,限深臂角度调节范围为15°~35°,且主要通过旋转播深调节机构来实现,具体角度无法精确控制,为此,本试验主要通过播深调节档位来进行限深臂角度划分,从小到大选取6个档位,分别为32.8°、29.9°、27.2°、23.3°、20.7°和18.1°,根据式(17)得对应播种深度为18、29、39、54、64和73 mm。在每个档位下,通过在四连杆上施加从小到大7级的作用力,记录电子秤显示值(f)和传感器反馈值(f),重复3次取平均值(表1)。

由表1看出,不同播种深度设定下,在施加相同作用力下,因为单体结构和限深轮胎面变形等因素影响,造成实际下压力测量值略有波动,最大差值为12 N。此外,相同播种深度设定下,轴销传感器压力检测值与实际下压力值线性正相关,而相同施加力下,不同播深设定得到的传感器检测值差值较大,且播深档位越小(限深臂角度越大),传感器检测压力值越大,如在第7级压力下,1档播深设定下轴销传感器检测值远大于6档设定,差值可达1 198.8 N,结果与前述分析相符,即在不考虑播种深度因素情况下,依靠轴销传感器检测值并通过单一模型测量得到的下压力值误差较大,无法准确反映实际播种下压力。

表1 下压力测量建模试验数据



式中f为实际播种下压力,N;f为轴销传感器压力检测值,N;为限深臂角度测量值,=p/180,rad。其中,模型和方差为30860,决定系数(2)为0.991 6,校正决定系数(2)为0.9907,均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)为28.88 N。

播种作业前,调节到设定播种深度后,通过限深臂角度测量装置读取此时限深臂角度,并赋值给下压力测量模型,此时播种下压力只与轴销传感器检测值有关,排除限深臂角度影响同时,也提高了模型测量精度。进一步,为验证所建模型对实际下压力的测量精度,利用单体测试试验台进行了室内验证试验。考虑到单体实际作业情况,调节播深调节机构,随机选取3个限深臂角度进行测试,测量其角度分别为19.3°、24.6°和31.5°,分别对应播种深度69、49和22 mm。在3种播深设定下,改变单体下压力,记录实际下压力值(电子秤值)和模型预测值。以实际下压力值为横坐标,模型预测值为纵坐标,绘制出图6所示预测值散点图,其中=表示实际下压力值。

从图6看出,模型预测值处于实际下压力值附近,整体预测性较好。统计模型预测值与实际值绝对误差可知,当=19.3°时,预测误差绝对值最大为44.13 N,平均值为19.57 N,最大预测误差为2.85%;当=24.6°时,预测误差绝对值最大为25.69 N,平均值为14.66 N,最大预测误差为3.28%;当=31.5°时,预测误差绝对值最大为20.01 N,平均值为14.73 N,最大预测误差为1.59%,模型预测精度满足测量需求。

2.2 播种下压力田间动态变化试验

播种机工作时,地形和土壤变化造成限深轮的上下振动,带来限深块对轴销传感器的碰撞和冲击,影响播种下压力测量稳定性。为解析播种下压力动态变化的频率构成,实现对下压力信号的处理,本研究于2019年4月在河北省赵县姚家庄村进行了单体播种下压力变化特性试验(图7)。采用二因素裂区试验设计方法,对试验田进行不同处理(主区,免耕和旋耕),并在不同作业速度(副区,4、6、8、10 km/h)下采集传感器检测压力值。

为保证传感器主频波段解析准确性,试验设定采样频率为200 Hz,利用电子控制单元(TTC32型,TTControl GmbH)采集传感器信号,USBCAN分析仪(USBCAN-E-U型,广州致远电子有限公司)传输信号,上位机ZLGCANTest软件存储采样值。其中,每种处理采样时间为40 s,获取数据8 000个,并对其进行离散傅立叶变换(discrete Fourier transform,DFT),处理公式[28]如下


从图8看出,免耕地下,随着车速增加,播种下压力单位时间内变化更剧烈,且变化高频成分增加,如6~10 km/h车速下出现10 Hz以上频率成分,且幅值随车速增大而增大。同样情况也发生在旋耕地下,这说明高速下限深臂对限深块的碰撞冲击更强,增大了轴销传感器下压力检测值,即车速对播种下压力测量值和振荡频率具有较大影响,低速作业可以保证更稳定的播种下压力。此外,免耕地下,4 km/h车速下播种下压力变化主频幅值最高,为219.1 N,而6~8 km/h下主频幅值变化不大。旋耕地下,最高主频幅值也出现在4 km/h车速下,为161.4 N,且4~6 km/h车速下主频幅值随车速增加而降低。

对比2种耕作方式发现,播种下压力变化主频主要集中在0~20 Hz区间内,且免耕地下主频幅值大于旋耕地下主频幅值,如免耕地下主频幅值最大为219.1 N(4 km/h),而旋耕地下主频最大幅值为161.4 N,从时域图中也可看出,免耕地播种下压力变化幅度大于旋耕地下压力变化幅度,这也说明免耕地下限深块对传感器的碰撞与冲击比旋耕地下更为剧烈,对传感器检测准确性影响更大。对后续播种下压力信号处理来说,建议针对不同耕作方式进行适宜的滤波方式,以保证较好的信号采集效果。

此外,对比图9旋耕地中不同车速下压力变化幅值发现,变化主频区间(0~20 Hz)之外,4和10 km/h车速下,高频幅值变化基本为0,而6和8 km/h车速下各出现了较大幅值振荡(图9f和9g),其最大变化幅值分别为5.863和9.093 N,对应频率分别为57.35和56.73 Hz,由于拖拉机垂向振动固有频率集中在3~4 Hz之间[29-30],即拖拉机振动激励频率远小于异常频率。为进一步分析其成分特性,计算2种速度下功率谱密度(power spectral density, PSD),得到图10所示PSD曲线,并提取频率50~70 Hz区间绘制局部放大图。其中,计算公式[31]如下


Note: Mark points in the figure are the coordinate points of the maximum amplitude in the main frequency range.

图8 免耕地播种下压力动态变化

Fig.8 Dynamic change of seeding downforce in no-tillage field

注:图中标记点为主频区间最大幅值坐标点,其中图f和g包含50~60 Hz区间异常频率坐标点。

从图10中看出,2种速度下,57 Hz振荡频率的PSD相对整体而言较小,特别在6 km/h速度下,最大PSD值不到700 N2/Hz,几可忽略不计。同理,计算所有处理下的播种下压力功率谱密度,并提取0~10 Hz以内的功率谱密度峰值,绘制如图11所示下压力变化PSD峰值散点图,其中主图为线性峰值散点图,局部图为对数峰值图。

图10 免耕地6和8 km·h-1车速下压力变化功率谱密度(PSD)


可以发现,主频区间内各个PSD峰值差值较大,为更清楚观察低能量噪声中周期信号,对PSD峰值进行处理,绘制半对数坐标峰值图,如图11局部图所示,其横坐标为线性坐标,纵坐标为对数坐标。从图11看出,免耕地下各频率对应能量峰值普遍大于旋耕地,而不同速度和耕作方式下,播种下压力变化主频区别不大,主要集中在0~1 Hz范围内,可以作为后续信号低通滤波处理的依据。

3 结 论


2)针对基于传感器检测值的单一测量模型精度不高,通用性不强问题,搭建了室内试验台,以轴销检测下压力和播种深度为试验因素进行下压力测量试验与建模,结果表明,融合播种深度的测量修正模型决定系数为0.991 6,均方根误差为28.88 N;验证试验显示,不同播种深度下,模型预测误差绝对值最大为44.13 N,最大相对预测误差为3.28%,满足下压力测量精度需求。

3)对播种下压力田间动态变化进行频谱和PSD分析,结果表明,车速增大造成下压力时域变化更剧烈,带来高频成分的增加。在4~8 km/h车速下,播种下压力振荡主频幅值随车速增加呈一定减小趋势,且在免耕地中下压力变化主频幅值和PSD峰值均大于旋耕地。播种下压力振荡主频受车速和耕作方式影响较小,主要集中在0~1 Hz。本研究结果可为下压力测量滤波等信号处理提供依据。

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Measurement method and mathematical model for the seeding downforce of planter row unit

Gao Yuanyuan1,2, Zhai Changyuan2, Yang Shuo1,2, Zhao Xueguan2, Wang Xiu2,3, Zhao Chunjiang1,3※


Appropriate and consistent seeding downforce can reduce the vibration of row units and improve the stability of sowing depth. Studies have shown that the existing real-time measurement methods are not suitable for precise control of downforce due to the poor universality of methods, inadequate stability and low accuracy of output. To solve these problems and promote the development and application of downforce control technology, a universal measurement method was adopted by replacing the pin shaft of the limit block with the axle pin sensor. The mechanical analysis and design selection methods of the axle pin sensor were studied, which could provide a reference for the design of pin sensor with similar structure in the future. Based on the analysis of the motion of a gauge wheel, a relationship model between the seeding downforce and the sowing depth was established, which pointed out that the angle of limit shank was an important factor affecting the accuracy of downforce measurement. Then a sowing depth measurement device based on the angle of limit shank was designed and the corresponding depth measuring model was established to reduce the measurement error of single variable model with different sowing depth settings. Equipped with the sowing depth measurement device and the axle pin sensor, an indoor test platform was built and a modeling experiment with six kinds of sowing depth and seven levels of downforce was conducted. By using the polynomial approximation fitting method with Matlab, the sensor data was analyzed and a bivariate correction downforce measurement model was established with determination coefficient (2) of 0.991 6 and root mean square error (RMSE) of 28.88 N. To accurately evaluate the predictive performance of the model, a validation test with another three sowing depth settings and six downforce values was designed and carried out. The results showed that the maximum absolute value of prediction error was 44.13 N and the maximum relative prediction error was 3.28% with different sowing depth settings, which indicated that the downforce measurement model had good universality and accuracy. Furthermore, to analyze the frequency composition of dynamic change of seeding downforce caused by collision and impact during seeding operation, a field experiment of two-factor split plot was carried out with tillage mode and speed as experimental factors, and the data was collected by an electronic control unit (ECU) with the sample frequency of 200 Hz. Spectrum analysis of the data by discrete Fourier transform (DFT) showed that the time-domain variation of downforce was sharper at higher planting speed and a larger margin of downforce occurred in no-tillage field, which led to the increase of high-frequency components. Besides that, the main frequency amplitude of downforce vibration decreased with the increase of planting speed, whose maximum value was at 4 km/h, corresponding to 219.1 N and 161.4 N for the no-tillage field and the rotary tillage field respectively. The results of power spectral density (PSD) analysis of downforce signal showed that the main frequency amplitude and peak value of PSD in the no-tillage field were larger than that in the rotary tillage field. Moreover, the vibration frequency was less affected by tillage mode and planting speed, mainly concentrated in 0-1 Hz, which could provide a reference for low-pass filtering of signals in downforce control. The study can lay a foundation for precise control of seeding downforce.

mechanization; sensor; seeder; seeding downforce; sowing depth; mathematical model; axle pin sensor







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高原源,翟长远,杨 硕,赵学观,王 秀,赵春江. 播种单体对地下压力测量方法和数学模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(5):1-9. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.05.001

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhai Changyuan, Yang Shuo, Zhao Xueguan, Wang Xiu, Zhao Chunjiang. Measurement method and mathematical model for the seeding downforce of planter row unit[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(5): 1-9. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.05.001

