Abstract: The construction of a civilized city in China is a government project and a social project, and it is also a people's livelihood project created by the government's cooperation with the public. A civilized city is a comprehensive concept including politics, economy, culture, society, and ecology, which promotes the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the city's spiritual and material civilization. Bengbu City has invested a lot of energy in creating a civilized city and has achieved outstanding results. Among them, public participation cannot be ignored. This article takes public participation as the starting point, and takes the current urbanization as the background. Through questionnaire survey methods, it attempts to sort out the research, based on the government, society, and the public, to analyze the main problems in the public participation in creating a civilized city and find corresponding solutions, and find ways to improve the specific path of public participation in order to increase the level of public participation in the creation of civilized cities, realize the interests of the public, and jointly create civilized cities.
0 引言
公众参与是一种民主模式,公众参与理论的先行者安斯坦(Amstein)认为“公众参与是一种权力的运用,是一种权力的再分配,是目前在政治,经济等活动中,无法掌握权力的民众,其意见在未来能有计划的被纳入考虑”。公众参与将为创建文明城市的人本化,民本化提供重要保障。 创建文明城市,要有细而又细的精神,用绣花般的功夫解决创城中的问题,确保每一项工作都落实到人,牢固树立创城为民,创城惠民的意识。
1 蚌埠市创建文明城市中的公众参与情况
1.1 蚌埠市创建文明城市的情况
1.2 蚌埠市创建文明城市中公众参与的情况
1.2.1 公众对创建文明城市的认知状况
对于创建文明城市的认知情况,我们主要设置了完全不了解、不太了解、一般了解、很了解、完全了解几个选项,具体情况见表1 。从表1可以看出:一是,在对创建文明城市的具体内容了解程度方面,有7.9%的公众完全没有听过创建文明城市。26.3%的公众对创建文明城市了解一点,仅有0.5%的公众对创建文明城市完全了解。其中,社区工作者和公务员的了解程度明显高于其他公众。说明政府的宣传过于表面化,抽象化。大部分公众对于创建文明城市的具体内容了解甚少。二是,在对创建文明城市信息公开程度方面,14.9%的公众认为完全没有公开,2.7%的公众认为完全公开。说明政府与公众存在着信息不对称现象,公众对创城的信息了解甚少。三是,在对创建文明城市的认同程度方面,0.6%的公众认为根本没有必要,25.1的公众很认同,27.1%的公众完全认同。大部分公众都认同创建文明城市,也说明了蚌埠市创建文明城市的必要性。四是,在对创建文明城市的满意度方面,有37.3%的公众表示很满意,26.6%的公众完全满意,表明蚌埠市创建文明城市已经取得了阶段性的成果,改善了公众的生活,但其中不满意的大多数是个体经营户。